User Links – User Reservations
Aurora Desktop can provide instant access to the details of a user’s current reservations from selection of the Reserves link from the User Links display.
Reservations #
The Reservations are listed in a clear, user-controlled Windows Listview style:
The details are presented by default by priority and then in chronological order of Date Placed. The display also is very tolerant about the field display. For instance, the titles are initially shown in a reduced format: to see the entire title information, click on the division between the headings for Title and Loaned from – this will automatically extend the field display to show the whole field. If you expand the width of a column, you can reduce it again by dragging the divider where you want it.
The display is also controlled by a Hits/Page control – with default of 20 results per page. This may be adjusted up to 999, and is persistent (will be remembered) for each workstation where it is set.
Printing Reservation details #
To print details of reservations, select the view to be printed, and click the Information tab on the Control Panel. The data may then be exported to Excel using the Excel button, for manipulation and for printing.
By clicking on a title you are able to perform additional actions on the reservation – change its priority, revise the collection location, or cancel the reservation. See the Reservation Management page.
Reserve Status indicators #
A number of status indicators are provided to allow ease of identification of current reservations and particularly reservations which are ready to be collected:
The reservation is a Current and active Title reserve
The reservation is a Current and active Item reserve
The reservation is ready for collection
The reservation is Cancelled
The reservation is Dormant
The reservation has expired
This reserve is in transit.
This reserve is links as a blanket reserve – The first item scanned into Returns fulfills the request and removes the other linked reservations for that borrower.
Reservations ready to collect now #
- In addition to the indication that a reservation is ready for collection in the list of reserves, if such a case exists, then this information is highlighted in red in the user links panel on the user links screen, the loans screen, and the user details screen, so that it can be readily seen outside of this context
- all reserves ready for collection can then easily be identified witha green tick in the user links – Reservations display grid
Control Panel #
Print a list of all the reserves for a user
View the selected work in the search screen
Go to item details for the selected work
Place banket reserve – The ability to create ‘blanket’ linked reservations by selecting multiple reserves and then selecting the blanket reserves. The first item scanned into Returns fulfills the request and removes the other linked ‘Blanket’ reservations for that borrower. This enables an operator to place reserves on a large print, adult fiction and YA fiction of the same work for example, and the user will only receive one of these copies. More than one set of blanket reservations can be added to a single user.
Upgrade reserve to ‘Library to your door’
Save changes made to reserve
Delete reserve