How to – Image Service Maintenance #
Cover images can be added to works not normally displayed by use of a commercial image supplier, e.g. Local history texts.
Please contact to request access accounts.
Adding New Cover Image #
Unique ID #
There are 4 possible input options in a drop down to define the work you wish to add a cover image
- Bibliographic ID (Include the First Letter) R0000590380 or B0000590380
- ISBN(13 Digit ISBN)
- ISSN (8 Digit ISSN)
- Publication Number(In the 024 tag)
From the Dropdown select the Unique Id most appropriate to the work e.g. the work may not have an ISSN but there is a BibID (Bibliographic ID) Example: R000111111
Enter the ID in the Input box and click ‘Fetch Existing image’
Note – This must be done to continue to upload
Upload an image – add a new one #
Now that the Unique ID is in memory, you can upload a new image.
The existing image section on the right-hand side of the screen should show No Image available, if no image is available or the current cover image if you are updating the cover image
- Click Select Photo and find the image on your PC or drag and drop the image to this location.
The image will appear on the right Side of the screen above the heading new image. - Click on the green Push the new image button to upload the image.
- The image will then be push and appear under the existing image heading, with a popup stating the image successfully uploaded.
- Then check Montage to confirm the cover image was successfully updated.