User Previous Loans #
Aurora allows a record to be held of all borrowing by an individual. The control is according to the borrower’s user type – not personally selectable. Details of borrowing are recorded according to the Work and not specifically to an item.
Note – If a work is borrowed multiple times User Links – Previous loans will only display this work once in the table referencing the first time the work was loaned.
Staff are able to tick a work in the previous loans list and select the history button – to view each time the work has been loaned to this user. (this can be particularly useful for Magazines whose items are held on the one work)
For Libraries for the Blind, the Aurora Allocations process needs to ensure that all items proposed for user satisfaction are checked against the user’s previous borrowing, to ensure that material is not repeated, and thus, that the user’s time is not wasted in presenting them with unnecessary books. To assist in this, all previous loans are automatically checked by Aurora when allocations are processed.
The links to Previous Loans will be picked up as part of the User Status Check, and a hyperlink to the detail will be enlivened.
Clicking the hyperlink will display the Previous Loans – the list is displayed in paged mode, and in alphabetical order of title:
Note that this display can be controlled in respect of hits per page, using the Hits/Page box above the display.
Printing previous loan details #
To print details of previous loans, select the view page to be printed, and click the Information tab on the Control Panel. The data may then be exported to Excel using the Excel button, for manipulation and for printing. Tip: for maximum effect, ensure that the number of hits/page is set to the maximum of 99 before output.
Control Panel #
The control panel to the right offers a number of options to display and manage the previous loans details.
Checkboxes #
Two checkbox controls are available:
- Previous loans of related users: where the user has relations, this option can show all loans (e.g. for a family) in one view
- Most recent loans first: by default, the loans are displayed in alphabetical order of title; this option allows display in reverse chronological order of date loaned.
Searching previous loans #
A string may be entered to use in a search of the user’s list of loans. The string is entered in ‘Must contain’:
- and the Search button (or keyboard carriage return/Enter key) clicked.
This will search all of the loans – not just those displayed – for an occurrence of the string: this may be a whole word or part of a word,
Command buttons #
In addition, when works are selected, this enables a row of command buttons along the bottom of this panel:
- Opens the History page with the user barcode and work bib ref of the work selected inputted in the screen. The operator then can see transaction history for this user and bib ref.
- View in Search – This option allows the selected item(s) to be viewed as results set in Search.
- Reserve the work – This is restricted to one selection and allows the work to be added to the utility reserve form – by default the user selected is the one that has borrowed this work previously, but this detail may be overridden.
- Delete the record
This option allows the loan records for the selected works to be deleted.