Authority Cataloguing
Aurora supports an underlying MARC data structure, but you do not need to catalogue in MARC if the structures are not familiar. Note that your operator id must be enabled to perform cataloguing functions – if the Authority Cataloguing icon on the toolbar is greyed, then you are not enabled (please contact your Systems Manager if changes are to be made)
Record locking #
When you enter a record number to edit a catalogue record, the record will be locked immediately – you do not need to have made a change, you just need to be first one in. When you clear the entry number field the record is unlocked. If somehow you managed to lock it, then the office had a power failure and the workstation powered off, and subsequently you went back into the record, it will not give you a message to say it’s locked – as it knows that it’s locked for your workstation !
If you attempt to open a record which has been locked by another user, then you will be given a message, and can see the identity of the other operator:
If you opt to unlock the record from another workstation, then obviously it’s a fairly obvious decision. On doing this the record will be unlocked – then relocked to your workstation port.
For this to apply, the Enterprise parameter ‘CatalogueLock’ must be set. Bibliographic and Authority records work the same way
Screen elements #
This initial page introduces the screen elements you will encounter in Authority Cataloguing. When you click the Authority Cataloguing icon, a screen like this will be shown and is divided into several panels:
MARC format #
Two radio option are available to swap between, Bibliographic and Authority record maintenance.
Please note that the choice here is not dynamic – you cannot select one or other format, but here Authority maintenance is the default.
Mode #
The Mode panel allows selection of the Cataloguing Mode with radio buttons:
- Add
- Change
- Delete
and also provides a set of control buttons:
Button | Active state | Notes | |
Save | ![]() |
Save is enabled as soon as any edit is performed on the record. – when inactive the Button will be greyed out | |
Delete | ![]() |
The Delete button is enabled by selection of Delete mode. – when inactive the Button will be greyed out | |
Clipboard | ![]() |
The Clipboard is enlivened when a record is copied into it – either from the record copy function, or selection from a Z39.50 search – allowing that record to be pasted in for exiting. – when inactive the Button will be greyed out | |
![]() |
A record may be printed at any point. | ||
Export to Excel | ![]() |
The current record can be exported as required to Excel. All exports are written to the central work file as Detail_<date>_<workstationname>.xls. Following the successful export, a question will be asked if the output file should be opened in Excel. |
Further to the right, there is a separate set of buttons:
Allowing quick links to:
Tabs #
Cataloguing is supported by a number of separate tabs, each providing different views and capabilities:
- Detail
- Work to be done
- Recent headings
- MARC view
- Remote catalogues
- Predefined text
- Options
- Log
- History
- Copyright licence
- Child holdings
Record display and editing #
The main portion of the screen is taken up by the display of the record being created or edited, and the optional editing details for the current field:
There are multiple tabs for the authority record and associated functions – the focus here is on the Detail tab.
Recent headings Tab #
– Most recent preferred non-authority headings Button the left-hand side of the authority cataloguing screen clicking this will open the recent readings Tab
Detail tab #
This tab has a number of fundamental controls to help you through the cataloguing process:
Control number selector #

This combo drop-down menu allows you to choose the control number type for retrieval of a record from the database for maintenance. Options include ISBN and the Aurora authority record id but can include other control numbers such as Library of Congress number, or locally defined identifiers.
A set of three buttons is provided to act on the control number input:
Button | Image | Notes |
On Screen Return | ![]() |
Button to emulate the carriage return key |
Clear | ![]() |
Clears the current record. |
Paste | ![]() |
Pastes the ISBN stored on the clipboard, and will not normally be used in Authority Cataloguing |
Record status Drop Down #
- Normal
- Authority deletion
If the record being edited has a status other than normal, e.g. Authority Deletion, then this is shown in this box – equally, the cataloguer may apply the status here. Note that if a status is to be applied in this way, there must be some additional data change to allow the save to take place.
Checkboxes #
Three checkboxes are provided:
- Filing indicator
- Assist
- Mac
Filing indicator Checkbox #
By convention, MARC uses indicator values to denote the number of characters in a string, such as a title, to the skipped before the filing title is identified. The logic to identify the strings which are to be handled this way is held in Aurora in a table, where the majority of European languages are covered. When the Filing Indicator checkbox is on, then the logic is applied automatically, and the correct filing value is applied to the appropriate indicator. If the checkbox is turned off, then no filing logic is applied, and the indicator value will be set at zero, meaning that the string will be filed directly on its contents.
In the above example, Filing Indicator is on, and the title field starts with ‘THE ‘ and the value of 4 is given to the indicator.
If, as above, the leading article is change to ‘A ‘ with the Filing Indicator on, then the indicator value is automatically reset to 2
But, if as in this last case, the Filing Indicator is turned off, then the indicator value will remain at zero, regardless.
The Filing Indicator may be turned off when the leading character is logically assumed to be applicable, but in reality, is not, e.g.
- Le Carre and the spy novel [where ‘Le’ is not a leading article, but part of the subject’s name)
- Die another day [where ‘Die’ in this case is not the German leading article]
- A is for Apple
In the specific field details in the lower panel, the indicator will always show ‘N’ when automatically calculated – there is no need (and no possibility) to overwrite this.
Assist Checkbox #
This checkbox simply turns on (or off) the lower panel giving details of each field as it is catalogued. It may be switched off to review the full record.
MARC Checkbox #
The MARC checkbox allows the MARC field and subfield encoding to be hidden, and the record shown in a simple labelled format:
Labelled: [Note that in the labelled view, any heading is shown in blue, and an indication is given of the number of works that are attached to that particular heading.