How to – Import/upload Files via an Excel file #
Often libraries have large collection of images they want to load into the catalogue and make visible on Montage.
The Import | Create works from Excel Data Tab is a function that allows libraries to bulk upload multiple images works using an excel file that holds the relevant information in a specific layout.
This allows libraries to compile the relevant information regarding Images in one excel file which references the image to be uploaded and then upload the information which creates a work for each row of information in one action.

Before loading the files #
The Images #
- If the Images are already stored on AMC They can be referenced using their URL in the excel in the excel in collum M
- If they are stored locally and want to be uploaded to AMC with the excel upload.
- Save the images to a folder structure that mirrors AMC layout e.g. C:/ENTITY/IMAGES/JPEG
NOTE – On The Desktop of Aurora Desktop there is a functionCreate Multi-media which will replicate the Folder structure of your Libraries AMC.
- List the file name of each image in the excel in Collum A – Image No (024) and the Folder name the image is stored in e.g. JPEG
Note some Libraries have subfolders within the JPEG folder
- Save the images to a folder structure that mirrors AMC layout e.g. C:/ENTITY/IMAGES/JPEG
Creating the excel. #
The information regarding each work must be compiled in a excel with very specific Collums for information. Each collum within excel has been assigned specific marc tags that will be applied upon upload.
Contact AIT for a copy of the excel template if required.
Example Excel

Details of the Excel
Excel Column | Header row of Excel and Description of content | Example Content |
A | Image No.(024) (File name of the image being uploaded) NOTE do not include file type e.g. .jpeg | Library-Building-01 |
B | Photographer (100) | Smith, Jane |
C | Title(245) | Library Building – Front Entrance – 2021 |
D | Date(264) | 2021 |
E | Collation(200) | Front View |
F | Notes(500) | Library Building |
G | Notes2(500) | |
H | Restrictions on access (506) | No Restriction |
I | Subject(650) | Public Buildings |
J | Subject – Place (651) | Sydney – NSW |
K | Series(830) | Public Building – Library series |
L | Source (541) | |
M | URL JPEG (856) (only use if the image is already saved on AMC) | |
N | URL (Jthumb) (856) (only use if the image is already saved on AMC) | |
O | Local Folder (the name of the folder the image are stored on PC to be uploaded) | JPEG |
P | Shadowed (1=Yes) | 1 |
Q | Review (1=yes) |
Settings on the screen #
Drop-down Boxes #
Source data File Name – Use … 3 dots button to navigate to where the excel is saved on the PC
Multimedia Files Directory – Use … 3 dots button to navigate to Multimedia file directory where the images are save and they should be uploaded to in the cloud e.g. ENTITY/IMAGES/JPEG
Database Subset – Choose the database subset the images will be applied to
Matching routine – choose the matching routine applied when creating works
Checkboxes #
View only – used to view how the marc will look if uploaded.
Ignore header Row – Ignores the header row in the excel and does not attempt to create a work using the information within this row.
Dynamically Assign image numbers –
Only Look at one work (to test) –
Upload Multimedia Files to cloud -Selecting this checkbox uploads the image referenced by the Image no. (024) and the local file column O within the excel
Information Results #
Rows read: List the number of rows read from the excel.
Added: Displays the number of works added in the upload.
Failed – list the number of works that failed to upload.
Viewing the files from an excel #
- Select the Source data file name
- Select the Multimedia file directory (This file directory must mirror the file directory on AMC)
NOTE – On The Desktop of Aurora Desktop there is a functionCreate Multi-media which will replicate the Folder structure of your Libraries AMC.
- Select the database subset
- Select the matching routine
- Ensure View only is ticked
- Ensure Ignore Header row is ticked is the excel has a header row
- Click the green go button
The rows read will list the number of rows read and an example of the marc files to be created will be displayed in the bottom panel.
(if there is an error detected at this stage an error will appear at the bottom of each work)
Example error:
Multimedia file Directory: : _____________
Does not contain \Entity\IMAGES\JPEG

Uploading Works Using an excel #
- Select the Source data file name
- Select the Multimedia file directory (This file directory must mirror the file directory on AMC)
NOTE – On The Desktop of Aurora Desktop there is a functionCreate Multi-media which will replicate the Folder structure of your Libraries AMC.
- Select the database subset
- Select the matching routine
- Ensure View only is unticked
- Ensure Ignore Header row is ticked is the excel has a header row
- Ensure Upload Multimedia files to cloud is ticked if uploading file if files are already in AMC untick
- Click the green go button
A Pop appears asking to confirm you want to ‘create works from excel date’ – click yes

As the works load the added / failed information boxes update and a new message is displayed at the bottom of the screen
‘Created works from Excel Data”
It lists each new work with its Bibliographic reference and if the save was successful.