Renewal #
Aurora supports renewals through both item and user approaches:
- Renew by Item. The item approach allows for the input of an item number through the Renewal panel as described below. This is suitable for occasions where the material is readily available for wanding the barcodes.
- Renew by User details. Using the user approach, when the user has been identified, the operator may select one, some or all items currently on loan to the user for renewal – this is particularly good if the user calls by phone and has many renewals to deal with.
Renew by Item #
Selection of the Renew button on the Circulation ribbon bar, or taking the option ‘I want to Renew it to someone’ Link from the Workflow Tasks Item node, or simply hitting function key F4 all allow you to display the Item panel for Renewals:
This panel allows for the entry of barcode or other item identifier to provide for renewal. As in loan and return transactions, the initial state of the input box is to have a white background. If no problem, then the transaction will complete, the input box background will turn green, and the brief bibliographic details will be shown. If however, there is a problem with the number as input, e.g. if keyed, there might be a transcription error leading to a ‘Not on file’ message, then the background will show red.
Checkbox controls #
Five separate checkboxes are available for control of renewals – and must be set before actioning the renewal:
Set due date – This checkbox allows the operator to set a due date different from the Loan Parameter calculated renewal date – that is, an override due date. When the checkbox has been selected, a flash banner is displayed at the bottom of the panel, and the calendar becomes active for selection of the due date:
Note that the due date may be before the calculated due date as well as extended into the future. For instance, a renewal of just a couple of days may be applied to allow a user to return a book in high demand and avoid fines. The due date remains set until the checkbox is deselected.
Need to confirm date – With this checkbox ticked, the user is questioned whether the proposed renewal date, set by parameter, is ok:
If the answer is yes, the renewal proceeds as normal; if the user is not satisfied, then the transaction fails, and the item is not renewed. The operator can then select the checkbox ‘Set due date’, and repeat the transaction, with a new selected date.
Warn if overdue
If this checkbox is selected, and the item to be renewed is overdue, a question will be raised, asking if the item is to be renewed.
NOTE – This checkbox will only function is the RenewCheckIfOverdue in system parameters – enterprise is active.
The library can optionally adapt the message to indicate library policy:
Warn if overdue charge
An additional checkbox can take the overdue warning further, and require a warning if there is a charge as a result of the item being overdue:
Bypass if exceeds Max Renewals
Renewal parameters determine the maximum permitted renewals per user and material type combinations. If an item has reached the permitted maximum, it will not be able to be renewed further, unless this bypass checkbox is ticked. If ticked, no warning messages related to the maximum will be presented.