User Profile #
The Profile icon leads to a screen displaying details of a user’s reading profile. This information is available (subject to library determination) to users in the Montage personal pages and allows users to make their reading pattern into an active function for identification of further titles of interest. The details are displayed here in Desktop additionally, to allow library staff to consult with users on profile setting and modification.
Prerequisites #
Note that profiles can be set for all users using a batch process and can be regularly batch updated. These processes are controlled by Aurora Task and Watcher and are described for the initial run, and for regular updates. Please contact AIT if considering implementation.
User identification panel #
If a user is already identified, e.g. from a Quick Find operation, then linking to User Self Profile will preserve focus on that same User. The User Self Profile screen opens similar to the following, and is explained in detail below.
Retrieval of user details can be also be done by a control number. The combo selector offers choice of User barcode, which can be read in by device or keyed in, and User ID (the internal Aurora user key):
Note that if the library uses a standard prefix element in the user barcode, this can be set to allow this element to be automatically ‘padded’.
The following control buttons are provided:
- This ‘onscreen return’ allows the simulation of a return key by mouse action.
- The wastepaper bin icon is used to clear the user barcode or id text box. Occasionally, this box may not be selectable by mouse, but clicking this icon will allow clearance, in readiness for entry of a new user id.
Profile list #
To the right of the user detail, a list box shows the list of profiles that have been created for the user. Where these are created by batch process, they have the naming convention of the date and time when the profile was created, but newly added profiles can be given more recognisable names:
Command bar #
- Allows creation of a new profile
- Saves new and updated profiles
- Allows a profile to be deleted
- Invokes a search
Tab details #
General preferences #
The General Preferences tab allows setting and display of the basic considerations for a user profile – for the purposes of identifying future recommendations. It presents a number of basic choices to be combined with headings to form a stored profile.
The General preferences provide facilities to determine:
- Preferred language
- Reading level (target audience)
- Geographic setting
- Recent publication date
- Recent library acquisition
- Preferred item format
Preferred language #
A combo is presented allowing selection of the user’s preferred language:
The choice of languages presented can be tailored using parameters.
Reading level #
The second combo presents the target audience, for selection of a specific reading level
Geographic setting #
If preferred, a specific geographic setting (i.e. where the title is mainly set) can be selected:
Recent publication date #
This control may be useful for ensuring that only recently published material is included in profile recommendations. If left blank, any date of publication may be listed.
Recent library acquisition – Added to catalogue within this many days #
A further control allows the profile to limit recommendations to material only recently acquired by the library – determined according to the number of days since that action. The maximum number of days that can be set is 999.
Preferred Item format #
The final control allows selection according to item format. Each item format as defined by the library is marked with a checkbox, allowing specific item formats to be included or excluded as appropriate Note multiple checkboxes can be ticked.
Profile name #
Each profile has a name for ease of recognition. This is displayed in the centre of this set of controls
Note that when adding a new profile, you will be asked to provide a name for it; existing profiles are listed and may be selected as required.
Next step… #
When General preferences have been added, click the arrow at bottom right to move to the next tab
Favourite headings tab #
This displays details of headings in works previously borrowed, with an option to examine further headings, and select any off these to create a new profile based around those headings. The bare form looks like this:
Headings in works borrowed previously #
This panel lists the 20 most popular headings occurring in the user’s previous borrowing history. The display is ordered according to the number of times the heading features in the history, so naturally the most popular headings – authors, titles, series and subjects are intermixed – will gravitate to the top of the list.
Controls #
There are three controls to the right of this headings list:
- This button will retrieve the 20 most popular headings to populate the headings display. Note that when entering the Profile display, the headings will not be shown until this is clicked.
- This option is enlivened when one specific heading is selected and adds that heading to the Selected Headings list for compilation of recommended titles.
- And this button will select all of the most popular headings into the Selected Heading List. This can be done at any stage, and does not depend on selection of the headings from the most popular list.
Browse other headings #
In constructing a new profile, the user can add new headings, e.g. for authors or subjects that have not been borrowed previously. To do this, there is an additional panel below the most popular headings display, allowing the operator to Browse other Headings:
The Heading – author, title, series or subject – is entered, and a brief browse display of the matching headings will be displayed. The display is limited to 20 headings, so it is necessary to be as precise as possible. The heading will display in correct filing order, showing the number of titles for the heading and the heading category – to allow distinction between otherwise identical elements:
- This option is enlivened when one specific heading is selected and adds that heading to the Selected Headings list for compilation of recommended titles.
Selected headings #
Whether from previous loans, or from individually selected headings, the headings that have been selected are then moved to and displayed on the Selected Headings:
Controls #
Below the Selected Headings display, there are a number of controls:
- Allows a selected heading to be deleted
The deletion option is only enlivened if a heading is selected. If this deletion control is clicked, you will be asked if you wish to remove the highlighted heading. Note that changes will need to be saved.
- Uses the selected headings to build a list of title recommendations to the right of this panel
Next step… #
- Returns to the General preferences tab
- When Headings have been selected, click the arrow at bottom right to move to the next tab
Notification methods #
This tab holds a number of options for overall management of the profile in action:
User notification #
Two options are provided for notifying the user if a new work is added to the catalogue which matches the current profile:
Web OPAC – will provide a specific listing in the user’s private area, when they have logged in to the OPAC
Options #
Three further options are applicable to profile management:
Automatically place reserve once new work is added to the catalogue. This powerful option can be very useful if the profile is tightly focussed, e.g. for works by a small number of authors; but note if broad subject terms are selected, such as ‘Feature film’, ‘Chinese fiction’, or ‘Talking book’, then these headings will have very many additions which may not in fact be suitable for the profile.
Suspend this profile – this allows the profile to be paused, e.g. if the user is away on holiday.
Manual mode – a Backroom option allows.
Recommended Titles #
The list of recommended titles for the selected profile is shown in a separate panel to the right
Sort options #
The list may be sorted in a number of different ways, using the combo provided:
- By date added, year published, and title
- By year published, and title
- By title