Quick Find #
Quick Find provides quick ways to locate either user or title information, to be used in other processes – e.g. as part of a loan – or simply to retrieve the details. This function is enabled by clicking the Quick Find Checkbox – and can be hidden again by clearing the same checkbox.
The Quick Find screen is split between user and title retrieval, allowing access to both immediately.
Find User #
The Find User function is designed to help locate user details quickly. It helps to have another form – User Details, User Links, or a Transaction form – open before the Find User operation is started; the selected user record is then displayed in that associated form. Note that the primary information/function is in the associated form, and so as soon as a user is selected, the Quick Find panel automatically hides.
The Find User panel is displayed on the left of the screen:
Options #
A number of different options for user details retrieval are provided by a drop-down combo menu:
The required key is entered in the text box by keying or scanning as appropriate:
- User barcode – a truncation option (see Desktop options) is available allowing consistent barcode prefix data to be dropped from manual keying input.
- User id. The leading zeroes of an id are optional – so either 0000045715 or 45715 is ok
- Name browse
- Name search ) Both name and address search options are full keyword search
- Address Search ) functions allowing boolean combination and truncation.
- Mobile phone – truncation is not supported, and the number should be entered with no spaces or hyphens
Status checkbox #
Please note that by default, any user with status Archive or Delete or Deceased will be hidden from search results. A checkbox is provided to allow these users also to be visible.
Two control buttons are provided:
- This ‘onscreen return’ allows the simulation of a return key by mouse action.
- The waste paper bin icon is used to clear the user input key box. Occasionally, this box may not be selectable by mouse, but clicking this icon will allow clearance, in readiness for entry of a new user id.
Name browse #
Browsing for a name allows entry of full or partial keys:
- smi will select all names from SMIAA to SMIZZZ
- smith will just select names matching SMITH
- smith, j will select all names matching SMITH with forename beginning J
- smith, jan will select names matching SMITH with forename Jan, Jane or Janet (etc)
- smith, jane will select names matching SMITH with forename Jane or Janet (etc)
NOTE that if there is no Jane Smith and smith, jane is entered, then no results are shown – similarly if key XZKJ is entered, no resulting surnames will match and be shown
Name Search #
If Name Search is selected, two additional checkboxes are available below the entry key:
Surname only With this selection, only names matching the input key in the surname element will be shown – for instance, entering ‘john’ and ticking this will get surnames: John, Johnson, Johnstone, etc., but not users with forename John or Johnny.
Exact This checkbox applies an exact match to the entered key – so if ‘john’ is entered, and surname checked too, then only users with surname John will be returned.
Address Search #
If Address Search is selected, then a single additional checkbox is available below the entry key:
Home Address If Home Address is ticked (and it is by default), then just the defined home address field is searched: not additional addresses, such as the Business address.
Results #
On initiating the browse or search, a tally of the hits is shown and the results are displayed in a small grid in groups (pages) of five names:
If the results are extensive and lead to multiple pages of names, then the pages are numbered and hyperlinked, allowing the operator to select the next, or to jump ahead.
Note that results are maintained – but returning to Quick Find following a selection will not display the details. Simply clicking on the page used (whether 1 or 10) will restore the contents of that page and allow another user – say another of the same name, or at the same address – to be selected.
A user may be selected for further operations by clicking the specific row. Once clicked, the behaviour will depend on the forms currently open:
- If no other form is open, then the Find User panel will stay visible pending further action.
- If User Details or User Links or Loan or Reservation are selected following a user selection, then the user key is passed to that function, and Find User closes down.
In addition, if the result of the Find User is just one single name, then that name will automatically be selected, and Find User will close.
Note that the better the initial key entered, the better the precision in the results – if sufficient details are not known, it may be better to use Search than the Browse option.
Expand #
There is also an expand checkbox – selecting this will allow the display the full complement of columns:
- Surname
- Given
- Home address
- Register Start
- Register End
- User barcode
- Debar Start
- Debar End
- User ID
More information is shown when the user is selected for full display in User details.
Find Work #
The Find Work panel is displayed on the right of the Quick Find screen:
This has a checkbox:
Works have items – when selected, this will filter out any records which do not have associated physical items, e.g. catalogued websites, images, and ebooks.
Options #
A number of different options for retrieval of work details are provided by a drop-down combo menu:
- Search anywhere
- Name
- Title
- Subject
- Series
- Bibliographic id
The required key is entered in the text box by keying or scanning as appropriate:
Item barcode – a truncation option is available allowing consistent barcode prefix data to be dropped from manual keying input.
Bibliographic id. The leading zeroes of an id are optional – so either 0000045715 or 45715 is ok
Control number access – e.g. Call number or ISBN may be entered under ‘Search anywhere’
Any keyword from the bibliographic record – either in an ‘open’ Anywhere search, or focussed according to the type of keyword, stratified into Name, Title, Subject or Series search.
Results #
On initiating the browse or search, a tally of the hits is shown, and the results are displayed in a small grid in groups (pages) of five works:
If the results are extensive and lead to multiple pages of works, then the pages are numbered and hyperlinked, allowing the operator to select the next, or to jump ahead.
Note that results are displayed in two separate panels – the left-hand panel shows the title details, with the following columns:
- No. [i.e. the sequential display indicator]
- Title
- Author
- Date
- Edition
- Classification no.
- Publisher
- Audience
- Collation
Selecting the expand checkbox will allow display of the full complement of columns – the rightmost are visible by scrolling across.
Title results can be sorted as described below.
The right-hand panel displays any items associated with the currently selected title. This panel shows:
- Barcode
- Call no.
- Format
- Part
- Location
- Availability
- Status
- Message
- Aurora item ID
Details may be viewed by scrolling across to reveal the rightmost columns.
Item Links #
Aurora allows a direct link from item details to the following functions:
With Quick Find showing, click title and item and then click the required function icon; the item will be selected into the appropriate box. You can also have both Quick find and the function screen open simultaneously. Do note however that the function’s item box must be clear and must be set (per pull-down combo) for barcode entry.
Sort options #
All title results may be sorted by the operator as required using a pull-down combo menu which is placed under the key input box – the sort can therefore be preselected, or selected after the results have been delivered, to allow a redisplay.
The sort choices are:
- Name
- Title [Default]
- Publication date
- Publisher
- Series
A checkbox allows the sort to be Ascending [A-Z and the default] or Descending [Z-A]
Expand #
There is also an expand checkbox – selecting this will extend the display across the screen and allow the display the full complement of columns:
- Title
- Author
- Date
- Edition
- Publisher
- Audience
- Collation
- Notes
- Series
- Availability
and for the items:
- Library
- Collection
- Call no.
- Availability
- Format
- Status
- Part
- Barcode
- Message