How to – Cataloguing basic process #
This page deals with the basic processes of cataloguing sometimes called bibliographic records management:
- Editing records
- Loading records from another source
- Deleting records
- Creating new records
Editing records #
Locating the record #
Records can be located either by a control number (e.g. ISBN) or through search.
By Control number #
A small pull-down combo menu is provided to allow entry of a retrieval key, which may be keyed in or scanned.
Available options are:
- Bibliographic id
- Item barcode
- and any other valid control number
Note that if using an ISBN, if the ISBN is not on file, a simple warning will be given.
By Search #
You do not however need to know the record’s ISBN or other ID, as you can use Search to locate material. You can use all of the Search options, as detailed, e.g. title, author, series or control number. When you have located the correct title, a right click brings up the pop-up menu with an option for ‘Catalogue maintenance’ which will then display that record for editing:
Loading records from another source #
Aurora also allows you to gather records already catalogued elsewhere, to streamline your cataloguing throughput.
From a Z39.50 search #
You can search other libraries.
a) through the Z39.50 extension to the standard search screen. As part of Aurora configuration, each library is able to define one or more ‘favourite’ Z39.50 targets which can be used in this search. By default, the initial and only target set is the State Library of Western Australia, as this provides excellent results, however, the target details may be adjusted as required.
When this option is selected, many of the search options do not apply, and so are removed. The target that is set in Favourites and is used here is shown in red; please note that this search does not allow you to change the Z39.50 target.
Note that if the pop-up menu is invoked, it will have two live options only:
- Catalogue maintenance – if this option is selected, the record is written directly to the Cataloguing form, so that cataloguing opens with this record available, and there is no need to go via the clipboard.
- MARC view – this will display the selected record in an overlay, in diagnostic tagged format. This may be selected and copied but file.
to the Work folder
b) using the Remote catalogues tab of Cataloguing
From a Supplier’s file #
For details, please see Shelf-ready records
Record handling #
The details of the screen are described on the Cataloguing introduction page.
When a record is selected, it is displayed in two panels. The upper panel shows the bibliographic details – here in MARC format:
and the lower panel shows the specific details of a field when it is highlighted in the upper panel:
Note that the lower panel can be removed completely by unticking the ‘Assist’ checkbox. The bar between the two panels can also be picked up by mouse and the relative proportions resized as appropriate.
A pop-up menu can be invoked by a right click on a tag. However, please note that the tag row must be selected first. When selected, the row will be highlighted.
The pop-up menu has the following options:
- Edit data
- Insert tag
- Remove tag
- Change tag
- Change holding
- Browse headings
- View works with this heading
- Place a reserve
- Copy record
- Paste record
- Convert
- Export
- Help
Note that all options will not be enabled at the same time, and their enabling – and in some cases appearance – will depend on context.
Edit data #
Normally editing can be achieved by highlighting the row in the upper panel, which dissects the field into its component subfields which are then displayed in the lower panel. There are some occasions, however, where this is not appropriate, e.g.
- when the field has many subfields, e.g. in a structured contents note (MARC tag 505). The lower panel cannot display and therefore support editing in more than 10 subfields.
- where subfield coding needs to be reversed, or changed in such a way that the order of subfields needs to be amended.
- Where a string of multiple subfields is to be copied from another record
In these cases, the ‘Edit Data’ option can be used. When this is selected, the lower panel is removed, and the target row is highlighted in green:
and the whole of the data content can be edited directly. There are some useful points with respect to the cases above:
- if a new subfield is to be entered, the subfield mark can be inserted using function key F12
- standard Windows editing combinations (ctrl-c, ctrl-v, ctrl-x ctrl-z, ctrl-y) may all be used.
- fields from another work may be copied by using Details of a work and copying from the MARC display and then pasting into the edited tag row.
- However, if copying from a web screen, e.g. here from Library of Congress, a copy action will not carry the subfield control codes across, and the subfield marks will not be present (and the row cannot then be dissected, and the lower panel will not show any d
- In such a case, the row may be edited again and the false subfield marks replaced using function key F12
Insert tag #
The Insert tag menu option in Cataloguing presents a submenu of options for selection the required tag for insertion, according to its ‘type’:
Holding | Physical description | Edition | Collation |
ISBN | Name (including Author) | Note | Publisher |
Series | Subject | Title | URL |
RDA | Other | All | Specific |
Normal insertion #
In a ‘normal’ tag insertion, once the tag type is selected, the lower editing panel is populated with the basic details for the tag – note that if there are multiple tags, the lowest value available tag is selected by default, and you can use the drop-down arrow at the end of the tag description to open the tag view up and see additional options for other tags.
The lower panel has
- the tag combo as described.
- combo selections for each of the two indicator values.
- ten subfield input textboxes.
The panel may vary between a) a Change record, where the existing data subfields are dissected and displayed one per available subfield textbox:
and b) an Add record, where the record is being created from scratch. In this case, all of the subfield textboxes may be blank, or, as in this case, populated with a default string set in the Workform parameters:
Note that:
where no data has been entered, and no subfield selection made, then the subfield default will the lowest available – in the cases above this is $6 – the linkage subfield for alternative character set data. All available subfields may be selected using the drop-down arrow at the end of the subfield description.
Subfield repeat options are controlled by parameter; typically, a $a subfield may not be repeated, and if a $a instance is already inserted, then this will not be offered for selection on the subfield drop-down menu.
if you have more than 10 subfields to enter, as may well be the case in a structured 505 Contents tag, then please enter the first 10 in the normal way and then use the Edit option to complete the entry.
Heading insertion #
Holding insertion #
Handling indicators #
Each indicator value is equipped with a drop-down menu – the down arrow at the end of the description opens this.
Many tags do not have any variation in indicator values, but where there are multiple settings, the drop-down can be used to select the required value:
Non-filing values #
Tag types #
Holding #
Inserting a Holding follows Holding tag insert procedures.
Tags available and MARC web reference:
Tag | URL |
852 | |
Physical description #
The Physical Description link allows you to add or modify the coded Physical Description tag 007. Link here to the official MARC details for this tag.
The Physical Description [007] tag can be very useful, as it allows very specific definition of the characteristics of an item. These characteristics are indexed with special keywords and can be used in Refine Search to drill-down to a required set of titles. This is of particular value in special collections, where there may be a large number of matching titles in a wide array of physical manifestations, e.g. in a local history collection.
Aurora also uses this tag to associate items with specific formats using the codes – see Item format codes below.
Code definition and selection #
When an existing 007 tag is selected, then the code details are presented, with their verbal description:
All of the MARC parameters are included in the Aurora setup, and it is not necessary to remember the code settings, as these are clearly displayed. As each is selectable by point and click, it is not possible to select an invalid code.
Changing the format type #
It is possible for a title to have multiple instances of a 007 tag, e.g. where the title is a sound recording and is manifested in one case by a standard CD, and in another by a hybrid SACD. If, however, you are dealing with a record acquired externally, and you find that the 007 is incorrect, you can change the coding, e.g. from a projected medium description to a computer file description for a DVD. If you take this action, you will receive a warning message:
Note that if you proceed, then all existing coding will be cleared. In such a case, it is better to retain the existing 007 while a new instance is created, then remove the initial and now redundant tag.
Item format codes #
On the right of this section, details of the library’s item formats are shown. These give the positional coding defined for each item format – but as an indication only. This detail cannot be selected but is provided as a ready reference. Please note that if the coding in the 007 as saved does not conform to a defined item format’s equivalent coding, then there will be a mismatch, and the format will not be accessible on later editing the record.
The coincidence of code values means that any ’empty’ code position in the Item Format parameter can be used in the cataloguing record to hold any appropriate value, e.g. the item format coding for a DVD may simply be ‘vd’, but the catalogue record can contain more extensive coding, e.g. ‘vd cvauzu ‘ and still match; but if set say for ‘vg…’ then there will be a mismatch on the second code position.
Edition #
Inserting an Edition statement follows ‘normal’ tag insert procedures.
Tags available and MARC web reference:
Tag | URL |
250 | |
Collation #
Inserting a Collation statement follows ‘normal’ tag insert procedures.
Tags available and MARC web reference:
Tag | URL |
300 | |
Inserting an ISBN follows ‘normal’ tag insert procedures. Note that an ISBN follows a specific structure and is validated on saving the record.
Tags available and MARC web reference:
Tag | URL |
020 | |
Name (including Author) #
Inserting a Name follows heading tag insert procedures.
Multiple tags may be offered for a name:
Please note that Aurora applies some validation as a record is displayed or built – 1XX heading fields may not be repeated, and so when one of these is entered, then no further 1XX is allowed. 7XX fields may of course be repeated as required.
Tags available and MARC web reference:
See also: X00 – Personal Names-General Information
Note #
Inserting a Note follows ‘normal’ tag insert procedures.
Multiple tags may be offered for a note:
Tags available and MARC web reference:
Publisher #
Publisher has a small submenu with two further options:
Imprint #
Inserting an Imprint follows ‘normal’ tag insert procedures.
Tags available and MARC web reference:
Tag | URL |
260 | |
Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture and Copyright Notice #
Inserting an appropriate field here follows ‘normal’ tag insert procedures.
Tags available and MARC web reference:
Tag | URL |
264 | |
Series #
Inserting a Series entry follows heading tag insert procedures.
Multiple tags may be offered for a series:
Tags available and MARC web reference:
440. While this tag has been made obsolete, libraries may have chosen to retain it for the time being. A Batch runs option is provided to enable libraries to convert to the usage of 490/830 tags in preference.
Subject #
Inserting a Subject follows heading tag insert procedures.
Multiple tags may be offered for a subject:
Tags available and MARC web reference:
Title #
Inserting a Title follows heading tag insert procedures.
Multiple tags may be offered for a title:
Please note that Aurora applies some validation as a record is displayed or built – a 245 title field may not be repeated, and so when one of these is entered, then no further 245 instance is allowed. Other added title fields, such as 246, 740 may of course be repeated as required.
Tags available and MARC web reference:
Tags available and MARC web reference:
Tag | URL |
856 | |
RDA presents a further submenu:
Inserting these RDA fields follows ‘normal’ tag insert procedures.
Content type #
Tags available and MARC web reference:
Tag | URL |
336 | |
Media type #
Tags available and MARC web reference:
Tag | URL |
337 | |
Carrier type #
Tags available and MARC web reference:
Tag | URL |
338 | |
Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture and Copyright Notice #
Tags available and MARC web reference:
Tag | URL |
264 | |
Other #
Tags available and MARC web reference:
Tag | URL |
All #
Tags available and MARC web reference:
Tag | URL |
Specific #
Tags available and MARC web reference:
Tag | URL |
Remove tag #
An individual tag may be removed completely using this menu option. When the option is selected, the cursor must be highlighting the tag to be removed. For this reason, Aurora will provide a confirmation message, detailing the tag, and its content, to be removed:
If you agree to the removal, the tag is not immediately removed, but is now shown on a yellow highlight background, and the text is struck-through:
The tag will not be removed completely until the record is saved – at that point it may not be recovered.
Change tag #
Any tag, other than a holdings field, a fixed field, such as 007 or 008, or a mandatory field, such as 245, can be reset with a new tag number. Following the menu option, Aurora will present a request to enter the new tag:
The input box will always show the value of the originally selected tag.
Note that if a mandatory tag, e.g. 245 is selected, then Aurora will not allow it to be changed, and will give this message:
Please remember that field validation for the newly defined tag may not match the original tag, and therefore validation errors may be encountered on save.
Change holding #
This option is only enabled when a Holdings tag, e.g. 852, is selected. When selected, Aurora will pop-up an overlay form detailing all aspects possible for the specific Holding. Note that only the specific individual holding focused on can be dealt with in one action.
Bibliographic description #
A brief bibliographic description is always displayed to allow the operator to check that they are dealing with the correct material.
Holdings data elements #
Notes in italic in the table below are from Library of Congress MARC21 details
Label | Aurora/MARC | Notes |
Item barcode | Aurora 852$p | The barcode can be wanded or read in directly here, if your workstation is equipped with a suitable reading device, or the barcode number can be transcribed. Note the little icon to the right, which allows an immediate check to see if the entered barcode already exists in the database |
Item format | Aurora 852$= | A local Aurora subfield which links to the Item Format parameters defined for each library |
Physical location | Aurora 852$b | Specific department, library, etc., within the holding organization in which the item is located or from which it is available.Name is given in full or in a locally standardized abbreviated or coded form.
Subfield $b may be repeated to indicate the organizational hierarchy of the sublocation. Separate 852 fields are used for each sublocation when multiple copies of an item having the same call number are housed in various sublocations or when parts of a copy are split among several locations. In Aurora, this is the holding physical location, and set according to the Physical location parameters defined for each library. In a Consortium system, only locations belonging to the council where the workstation is registered are shown. |
Materials specified | 852$3 | Part of the bibliographic item to which the field applies. Usually applicable to multipart items. |
Call number prefix | 852$k | Term that precedes a call number. Subfield $k is input before subfield $h (Classification part) or $i (Item part). |
Classification part | 852$h | Classification portion of the call number used as the shelving scheme for an item. A Cutter, date, or term that is added to the classification to distinguish one item from any other item assigned the same classification is contained in subfield $i (Item part). A call number prefix is contained in subfield $k (Call number prefix). |
Call number suffix | 852$m | Term that follows a call number. Subfield $m is input after subfield $h (Classification part) or $i (Item part). |
Item part | 852$i | Cutter, date, or term that is added to the classification contained in subfield $h (Classification part) to distinguish one item from any other item assigned the same classification. A call number suffix is contained in subfield $m (Call number suffix). |
Shelving location | 852$c | Shelving location of the item within the collection of the holding organization. It may be used to indicate the physical location within a sublocation; for example, reference alcove, oversize shelving. The description of the shelving location is given in full or in a standardized abbreviated or coded form. |
Address | 852$e | Street address, city, state, zip code, and country information for the current physical location of the item. May be repeated to separate the parts of an address. |
Coded location qualifier | 852$f | Three-character code that identifies the specific issues of the item that are located apart from the main holdings of the same item. Code is composed of Qualifier type, Number of units, and Unit type codes. If the location qualifier cannot be expressed in coded form, it may be described in subfield $g (Non-coded location qualifier):
Non-coded location qualifier | 852$g | Textual description that is used when the codes in subfield $f (Coded location qualifier) are inadequate for describing the unit that is located apart from the main holdings of the same item. Subfield $g immediately follows the subfield $a, $b, or $c being qualified. |
Shelving control number | 852$j | Shelving control number that is used as the shelving scheme for an item. |
Shelving form of title | 852$l | Shelving title of an unclassified item that is shelved by title. |
Aurora item id | Aurora 852$9 | Holds the automatically applied internal item id. Note that this is constant throughout the life of the item: the barcode may be replaced, but this id will remain consistent. |
Call number | Aurora | Libraries may construct call numbers for items from the single $h Classification field, or dissect the structure into component elements, e.g. $k Prefix $h Classification $m Suffix. Aurora will concatenate these into this Call number field, which cannot be edited directly. |
Loan category | Aurora | This element is not held in the catalogue record, but only in Item details |
Replacement cost | Aurora 852$r | This local subfield allows for the transfer of holdings data including a replacement cost, e.g. in supplier shelf-ready records. The detail is then held in Item details, where the data can be updated. |
Statistical category 1 | Aurora | Aurora allows up to three statistical category codes to be recorded for each item. These can be stratified in levels, or simply ‘different’. When in a Consortium, parameters may be set to differentiate the codes available according to each participant council. If this is the case, then only those codes defined for the Council will be shown. Note that a cataloguer in one council may not edit the codes for an item belonging to another council. These codes are recorded in transaction history, and so may be used for management information. |
Statistical category 2 | Aurora | As for Statistical category 1 |
Statistical category 3 | Aurora | As for Statistical category 1 |
Item message | ||
Public note | 852$z | Note relating to the location of the item identified in the field. The note is written in a form that is adequate for public display. A note not for public display is contained in subfield $x (Nonpublic note). |
Non-public note | 852$x | Note relating to the location of the item identified in the field. The note is not written in a form that is adequate for public display. A note for public display is contained in subfield $z (Public note). |
Copyright article-fee code | 852$s | Description of the copyright article-fee code is given in field 018 (Copyright Article-Fee Code). |
Country code | 852$n | Two- or three-character MARC code for the principal location contained in subfield $a (Location). Code from: MARC Code List for Countries. |
Source of classification | 852$2 | MARC code that identifies the source from which the classification or shelving was assigned. It is used only when the first indicator position contains value 7 (Source specified in subfield $2). Code from: Classification Scheme Source Codes. |
Piece physical condition | 852$q | Description of any unusual characteristic of the physical condition of the piece when the holdings information does not contain an 863-865 (Enumeration and Chronology) or 876-878 (Item Information) field that contains a subfield $q (Piece physical condition). Subfield $q is not used for physical condition information resulting from a formal review for making preservation decisions. Preservation decisions are contained in field 583 (Action Note). |
Checkboxes #
Two checkboxes are placed at the foot of the screen:
- Show hidden fields. See Full/partial field display above
- Skeleton item. If an item has been created at the desk, it will be given a skeleton item flag, and will be put aside on return from loan. In addition, if an item is created for a record where there is no subject heading, an 007 tag, or a call number, and the Enterprise parameter SkeletonItemCheck is set True. The flag, if set, may be lifted here.
Browse headings #
The Browse option is only enabled where the pop-up menu is invoked on a heading field, and is context sensitive, allowing up to three sub-options:
Each of the options will use the selected heading term for display of matching headings in the Headings panel below.
- Headings – this group. This will use the heading, and display ONLY headings in the matching group, e.g. only names or only subjects.
- Heading – names and subjects. This option allows the display of headings from name and subject groups combined. This option is not offered for other types of heading, e.g. Title. Please note that this option is also offered as a direct menu option immediately below.
- Heading – all groups. This will browse all available headings in an Anywhere selection.
Browse heading – name and subjects #
This option allows the display of matching headings in the Headings panel below, from name and subject groups combined, when a name or subject heading tag is selected. This option is not offered for other types of heading, e.g. Title.
Place a reserve #
This option will invoke the Reservation form allowing the work, or one specific item, to be reserved.
Copy record #
This function allows a record to be copied, e.g. to record a new edition, a similar separately catalogued part of a multipart work, or simply a new instance of a record in a series – all where a substantial part of the record is going to be identical to the source record.
When a record is to be copied, no updates must be waiting, i.e. the record must have been saved. The process is:
- Invoke the pop-up menu and select the menu option ‘Copy record’ (this option is not tied to any specific tag), and when clicked.
- Then reinvoke the pop-up menu – and you will see that the Paste record option is now enabled. Select this.
- The mode will now change, and the new copied record is displayed in Add mode.
- Note that the Holdings attached to the source record are now removed in the copied record.
- Now complete the cataloguing edit operations in the same way as for a new title.
Paste record #
This option is only available when a record has been copied. Please see Copy record
Convert #
Export #
Help #
Deleting records #
Creating records #
If you need to catalogue a record for the first time, as opposed to modifying a record that is already in your system, or that you are acquiring from a record supplier, Aurora assists you by providing detailed, but flexible, templates.
But first you must decide where you are going to start: