Aurora Desktop Release Notes – 2015 #
Details are displayed in reverse chronological order (latest first)
Type of Release code per feature: (E=Enhancement, B=Bug fix, M=Major release)
Ref….. | Version | Change | Source of Change | Functions affected by Release | Display Effect | Parameter changes |
166 E | 5.12.9 | A new ‘council’ filter has been placed in the workstations tab to limit the workstations displayed. This combo box is hidden for non-consortium library services. | NSHOR | System Parameters | None | None |
165 E | 5.12.9 | Loans on eBook items, created on the fly, are now exempt from the overdue notices run. | AIT | Notices | None | None |
164 E | 5.12.2 | A new function that allows the setting of the ‘float item’ flag via a batch process. It allows the operator to apply or remove the selection. | AIT | Item Transfer | New tab ‘Set flags’ | None |
163 B | 5.12.2 | The collection recovery submission report was not able to be exported to excel. This has been rectified. | AIT | Notices | None | None |
162 E | 5.12.2 | A new printable user summary has been added to the User Detail screen. It appears as a scroll and is located under the save button. This lists out in a text file a comprehensive summary of the users details. | AIT | User Details | New button (scroll) | None |
161 B | 5.12.2 | Inserting a recently used heading was not functioning correctly in the digital cataloguing module, this has been rectified. | NLML | Digital Cataloguing | None | None |
160 E | 5.12.2 | A loan docket with basic information can now be produced when the system is offline. This requires a new enterprise parameter ‘LoanDaysDefault’ that defines the default number of days for an offline loan. The loan period may still be adjusted ad hoc by the operator. | AIT | Loans | None | LoanDaysDefault, LoanDaysDefault_<Entity> (for consortium) |
159 E | 5.12.2 | Graph – classifications now includes the ability to search by call number. If no data is placed in the text box and the report is run it will display results for items with no call numbers. A checkbox selection ‘Classification totals’ creates a new row in the data grid with totals for items, titles, Cost and average age (days). | AIT | Statistics | None | None |
158 E | 5.12.2 | A general charge, added through User Links, may now be associated with an item on the ‘Add Charge’ tab. | AIT | User Links | None | None |
157 E | 5.12.2 | The ability to filter the report by genre has been added to Stock Rotation | NRML | Stock Rotation | New combo box | None |
156 E | 5.12.2 | Two new reports have been added to Key Reports. ‘Items – Overdue now’ and ‘Items – Overdue now – with estimated charge’. The second report requires the task ‘Overdues Today’ to be run and saved on the local computer. The task will save a zipped xml file to your default Aurora folder and this needs to be unzipped to the same folder. Before the report can calculate the estimated charges. | AIT | Reports | As described | None |
155 E | 5.12.2 | The Z39.50 Site Manager screen has been adjusted to cater for smaller screens. | AIT | Z39.50 Site Manager | As described | None |
154 E | 5.12.2 | The suggestion screen has been adjusted to cater for smaller screens and the action buttons have been moved closer to the suggestion radio buttons. The message saved after a suggestion deletion is now a temporary delete on view message. | QGML | Suggestion | As described | None |
153 E | 5.11.14 | Multiple item formats may now be selected in Advanced Search by selecting ‘Allow multiple item formats’ check box | NRML | Search | New check box | None |
152 E | 5.11.14 | A new column ‘Age’ has been added to the Graph – Classifications grid providing the average age in days of items purchased each year | AIT | Statistics | As described | None |
151 E | 5.11.14 | The previous loans history has been reversed so that the most recent transactions appear first. | NMOS | User Links | None | None |
150 E | 5.11.14 | The item barcode is now displayed when a pop up occurs during the returns process | NRML | Returns | None | None |
149 E | 5.11.14 | An extra filter to refine by format has been added to the statistics – Graph loans | NRML | Statistics | New combo box | None |
148 E | 5.11.14 | A new option has been added to the trends tab. Selecting both ‘Specific transaction’ AND ‘By day of the week’ allows the operator to view the percentage breakdown of the days of the week for the specified transaction. For example: 19.2% of returns are done on a Monday whereas only 8.1% are done on a Sunday. | AIT | Statistics | New graph | None |
147 B | 5.11.14 | The Z39.50 Manager screen did not close properly, this has been rectified. | AIT | Z39.50 Manager | None | None |
146 E | 5.11.14 | A new check box ‘Classification totals’ has been added to the Graph – Classifications screen. This provides a new column on the graph totaling all years together. | AIT | Statistics | None | None |
145 M | 5.11.14 | A new screen that lists out all reservations by reserve status and allows the operator to get an overall picture of the reserve process. Reserves are default ordered by the number of days the user has been waiting but can be sorted by any of the columns. Additional actions may be taken with the use of a contextual menu including export the list to excel. | AIT | Reserves List | New module | None |
144 E | 5.11.14 | A new option to allow a SIC code to be used as the heading in the creation of a bibliography has been made available. If works in the bibliography created have no SIC code associated they are grouped under the caption (No Heading) | RNZFB | Reports/Bibliographies | New Radio button | None |
143 E | 5.11.14 | Discovery has been improved in the suggestions module allowing a title match to be found where a GMD is included in the existing record. | RNZFB | Suggestions | None | None |
142 E | 5.11.14 | Three new options have been added to the List of Works contextual menu, ‘Go to User Details’, ‘Go to Homebound’ and ‘Add select titles to the user’s request list’. On selection of ‘Add select titles to the user’s request list’, the works will be added to the user’s request list. The normal profile check is performed and if the work doesn’t match the user’s profile the operator can omit moving the work to the list. | RNZFB | List of Works | As described | None |
141 E | 5.11.14 | A trailing full stop in a heading browse search is now ignored | NSHOR | Headings | None | None |
140 E | 5.11.14 | It is now possible to search for orders via ISBN, author and date range on the ‘Monographic items to receive’ tab | AIT | Receive Orders | New text boxes | None |
139 E | 5.11.14 | The text box in User Details now changes to pale green to signify a successful transaction. | AIT | User Details | As described | None |
138 E | 5.11.14 | 55 confirmation dialogue boxes that stated ‘Save was successful’ or ‘Success have been removed. A new success message is shown in the bottom right corner which does not require operator input. | AIT | System | None | None |
137 B | 5.11.14 | The recent feature that allows a non-default printer to be selected for notices did not function when the notices were scheduled. This has been corrected by saving this selection in the ini file. | NMOS | Notices | None | None |
136 M | 5.11.14 | Auto creation of orders via holdings attached to stored records. To auto create orders your supplier will need to add data to the following fields into the 852 tag.
: $7 - This must contain a valid open purchase order code that has already had a minimum of one order manually placed on that purchase order (This will link it to a fund) : $p - Item barcode (optional) : $r - Replacement cost (optional) : $= - Valid format code (a default code will be added if this is missing) : $a - Your <Ein> location : $b - Sub-location Example: 852 _ _ $=BOK $aNSHOR $bMANLY $7JBWIN-ANF $r62.00 $pD19419899 Multiple items may be ordered on the one title by adding multiple 852 tags, these items will appear on the same order. When the records have been stored and then loaded, the items will appear as on-order. The item/s will then need to be accessioned via Receive Orders and the item/s then move to the status in-progress waiting to be returned. The item/s will need to be transferred to holdings via Order List as normal. This functionality requires AWS 5.10.27 or later |
NMAN | Loader | None | None |
135 E | 5.11.14 | It is now possible to search in the 001 field for the system control number stored there via Details of a Work. | QPIL | Details of a Work | New search field System Control # (001) | None |
134 E | 5.11.14 | The User Links screen has been adjusted to make the action buttons viewable on low resolution screens. | QMC | User Links | New dynamic layout | None |
133 E | 5.11.14 | Two new Key reports have been added to help understand user eBook borrowing patterns. ‘eBook Downloads – Most by Title’ and ‘eBook Downloads – By User’ | AIT | Reports | New reports | None |
132 E | 5.11.14 | The ability to add a bespoke IntraLL charge amount per usertype has been added as a consortium enterprise parameter. | NSHOR | System Parameters | None | IntraLLCharge_<Entity>_<Usertypecode> |
131 E | 5.11.14 | A new radio button allows the operator to filter Statistics Stock by loan status (All, On-loan, Not on-loan) providing a further breakdown of these statistics. | NRML | Statistics | As described | None |
130 E | 5.11.14 | An additional option has been added to Statistics/Suppliers to track the amount spent on sundry costs per supplier. | AIT | Statistics | New radio button and graph | None |
129 E | 5.11.14 | A new option has been added to Export that allows the library to include a 984 tag in exported records. The 984 contains the Ein or NUC symbol in the $a and the word HELD in the $c as per Libraries Australia requirements for upload and deletion records. | QMC | Export | As described | None |
128 B | 5.11.14 | The Z39.50 Manager screen did not always close when requested. This has been corrected. | AIT | Z39.50 Manager | None | None |
127 E | 5.11.14 | The author and ISBN fields are now shown in the list view of Receive Orders | AIT | Receive Orders | As described | None |
126 E | 5.11.14 | If the description of a database subset exactly matches the description of the format selected (case insensitive), the database subset will now auto change to that same description. To make this easier to see, the database subset combo-box has been moved to the eLibrary settings tab | NLML | Digital Catalogue | None | None |
125 B | 5.11.14 | The User Links display of user calls did not handle the display of a HTML page correctly as it assumed there was a web page simply because it had http://. This has been corrected. | AIT | User Links | None | None |
124 E | 5.11.14 | The User Lists contextual menu now links through to the Profile screen. | AIT | User Lists | None | None |
123 B | 5.11.14 | The User (Self) Profile screen was incorrectly displaying the Suspend notice flag because of the auto reserve value, this has been corrected. | AIT | Profile | None | None |
122 E | 5.11.14 | It is now possible to perform global changes to bibliographic records in non-authorised fields via Desktop. An optional, selectable millisecond delay has also been added to combat some firewalls choking on fast repetitive calls. | AIT | Batch Runs | New combo box | MsDelayAllBatchTrans |
121 E | 5.11.14 | A new enterprise parameter has been added to force the user address suburb to appear in upper case. By default this is set to off. | NRML | User Details | None | UserAddressSuburbUCase |
120 E | 5.11.14 | A new radio button ‘eBooks’ has been added to the eLibrary settings for the addition self-published eBooks in .PDF and .EPUB formats. The default folder is /EBOOKS. Once the newly catalogued record is saved it is immediately searchable as an eBook as it has the correct coding added to the marc record via Digital Catalogue. | NLML | Digital Catalogue | As described | None |
120 E | 5.8.14 | The ESC key will now clear the user barcode information in the Loans screen. | AIT | Loans | None | None |
119 E | 5.8.14 | The SQL query screen now returns error messages if the syntax is incorrect. | AIT | Reports | None | None |
118 E | 5.8.14 | The ability to select multiple tags for deletion has been added. This allows the operator to use the Ctrl or Shift keys in conjunction with the a left mouse click to select more than one row at a time. | AIT | Cataloguing | None | None |
117 E | 5.8.14 | The list of suggestions now shows the operator name so that the request can be identified as a request from the OPAC or staff. This is particularly important for consortium libraries where multiple OPACs may be present. | AIT | Suggestion | New column ‘Operator’ | None |
116 E | 5.8.14 | The Statistics – Stock report now has the ability to display the replacement costs of items within the collection. This provides the ability to see the net value of the collection broken down by item formats or statistical categories. A second checkbox also allows for the default replacement costs to be added if no replacement cost is found. | NSPL | Statistics | None | None |
115 E | 5.8.14 | The option to add a charge period of weeks into the charges formula has been added to Loan Parameters – Charges. | AIT | Loan Parameters | None | None |
114 E | 5.8.14 | The operator’s task access level is now displayed at the bottom of the screen next to their operator ID. | AIT | Desktop | None | None |
113 E | 5.8.14 | It was not previously possible to search by the BibUSRI (R000047465) as only the bibliographic ID (000047465) was accepted in Search. This feature has now been added. | NRML | Search | None | None |
112 E | 5.8.14 | A new checkbox has been added to suppress item messages in the returns screen during single or batch operations. It has been added so that HLS operators can return items without having to respond to every item message prompt. | AIT | Returns | None | None |
111 E | 5.8.14 | ‘Partial return’ status (65536) is now included in the overdue notice run. | NSHOR | Notices | None | None |
110 E | 5.8.14 | The ability to hide parts of a user’s record on the Loans screen has been added to this version the enterprise settings ShowLoanUserAddress, ShowLoanUserPhone and ShowLoanUserDOB can be added upon request if these fields need to be suppressed. | NRML | Loans | None | ShowLoanUserAddress, ShowLoanUserPhone, ShowLoanUserDOB |
109 E | 5.8.14 | The ability to add or remove a status or multiple statuses in bulk has been added to the a new tab ‘Item statuses’ in the Item Transfer module. The current statuses may be kept or overridden by the use of the checkbox ‘Append to any existing status’. The operator task level must be 7 or above and the status ‘Cancelled Trapped Reserve’ may not be added and ‘Not yet Received’ may not be removed. | NRML | Item transfer | None | None |
108 E | 5.8.14 | A new checkbox ‘Item batch updates’ has been added to System Parameters – Operators – Security. Selection of this checkbox will prevent the operator from making batch changes via the Item Transfer and Stock Rotation modules. I permission is not given the batch upload buttons will not be activated. This requires AWS 5.7.27 or later. | NRML | Stock Rotation, Item Transfer | None | None |
107 E | 5.8.14 | A change in user type can now affect the registration dates of a user in review on save. | NSHOR | User Details | None | None |
106 E | 5.8.14 | For consortium libraries, the name of the council is now appended to the supplier when storing and loading records. This is to remove confusion where two libraries have the same supplier name. | AIT | Loader | None | None |
105 B | 5.8.14 | It was found that a serial subscription would display several times when the order was linked to more than one financial year. This has been rectified. | ABC | Serial control | None | None |
104 E | 5.8.14 | Desktop has been amended to auto jump from Returns to Loans if the start character(s) of a user barcode number are detected when the barcode is entered (i.e. after a barcode wand or typing + ENTER key). More than one character is able to be matched so as to be as flexible as possible and multiple start ranges are allowed for. Two new enterprise parameters UserBarcodeStartChar and ItemBarcodeStartChar allow these ranges to be defined and characters are separated by a carat symbol ^. | NRML | Returns | None | UserBarcodeStartChar, ItemBarcodeStartChar |
103 E | 5.8.14 | It is now possible for user messages to be displayed in the OPAC. This requires an OPAC 5.8.1 and AIT recommends that the current messages be moderated before turning this feature on. Two radio buttons have been added to User Links – messages, Standard and Hide from public access. These allow the operator to choose if a message is displayed on the OPAC or not. A standard, delete upon viewing message will be removed when the borrower views it on the OPAC. | NRML | User Links | None | None |
102 E | 5.8.14 | Two tasks have been added to Submit Task – reports. Collection recovery – update report and Collection recovery – synchronisation report. These reports send .csv files to a collection recovery service and report on the changes that have occurred (payment of outstanding fines) since the Collection recovery – submission report was run. The email address for the recovery service can be defined in the enterprise setting EmailDebtRecoveryTo. | NSHOR – Willoughby | Submit task | None | None |
101 E | 5.8.14 | A new option to view the loan information of an ebook has been added to the contextual menu associated with a work in search. The information provided is any copyright information, count of loans and any reason a loan is not allowed. | NLML | Search | None | None |
100 E | 5.8.14 | A new radio button ‘Active orders only’ has been added to ‘Supplier purchase orders’ in Suppliers. This setting limits the display to purchase orders with individual orders that have not been completed, cancelled or transferred to holdings | NSHOR | Suppliers | New radio button | None |
99 E | 5.8.14 | A modification has been made to remove unwanted characters from the description when a file is exported to excel. These characters, colon for example, were causing the file not to save. | AIT | Desktop | None | None |
98 E | 5.8.14 | Place a reserve has been updated to display the cost and queue position before the reservation is placed. This means that the reservation can be seen in total and then placed without all the operator prompts of past. There is a checkbox ‘bypass normal prompts’ to suppress these. | AIT | Reservation pop-up | New display | None |
97 E | 5.8.14 | A new key report has been added ‘Reserves – with in progress items’ | NLML | Reports | None | None |
96 E | 5.8.14 | There has been a minor modification to allow the new Enterprise setting ReserveBypassCheckOnLoan to recognise that it’s an ON/OFF setting. | QMC | System Parameters | None | ReserveBypass CheckOnLoan |
95 E | 5.8.14 | It is now possible to edit and save the item call number from Item Details. A new four part ‘Call number sections’ box has been added. This requires AWS v5.7.7 or later. | AIT | Item details | New section for call number modification | None |
94 E | 5.8.14 | A new hyperlink has been added to allow an operator to jump from Item details to Cataloguing, if the operator has privileges. | AIT | Item Details | New link | None |
93 E | 5.8.14 | In ‘Items on Loan’ more functions have been added to the right click contextual menu, such as ‘Go to search and view all items in this work’ | AIT | User Links | None | None |
92 E | 5.8.14 | Place a reserve now shows the Review and Collection Recovery status icons for users with these abnormal statuses. | AIT | Reservation pop-up | None | None |
91 E | 5.8.14 | A new checkbox option to override the renewal of items for a review user has been added. AWS v5.6.23 or later is required else this checkbox will be disabled. | AIT | User Links | New checkbox | None |
90 E | 5.8.14 | A review status user now has a blue question mark icon, in line with the one used in quick find. It was a blue circle. | NSHOR | User Lists | Substituted icon | None |
89 B | 5.8.14 | On the deletion of the last suggestion in the suggestions table the suggestion is marked as deleted and hidden from view everywhere, except User Links which was an oversight. This has been corrected. | AIT | User Links | None | None |
88 E | 5.8.14 | If assist is turned off and an operator chooses to browse headings on a term, the assist checkbox is now automatically ticked so that the headings found are displayed | AIT | Cataloguing | None | None |
87 E | 5.6.10 | Claims returned and Claims not borrowed items are no longer displayed on the loan screen as items on-loan or included in the count for the amount of items currently on loan. | QGML | Loans | None | None |
86 E | 5.6.10 | It is now possible to prevent Account notices being sent via tele-message service | NSHOR | Notices | None | None |
85 E | 5.6.10 | Some suggestions that were being displayed in User Links were not able to be removed, because the suggestion they were linked to had been deleted. These suggestions are now not displayed, and can be removed from the tables via the task ‘Purge – suggestions where the linked work has been deleted’. The counts in suggestion have been updated to take these deleted requests into account. | AIT | Suggestions | None | None |
84 E | 5.6.10 | A new link is now provided in the contextual menu of User lists to take the operator directly to a user’s suggestions. | AIT | User lists | New menu item | None |
83 E | 5.6.10 | The previous loan history dialogue box has now been limited to block too many entries from being displayed. A new line has been added to indicate that more information can be gathered through the Audit history function. | AIT | User links | None | None |
82 B | 5.6.10 | The user profile settings have been returned to the default parameters of ‘Don’t care’ when a new user is selected. | AIT | User details | None | None |
81 B | 5.6.10 | A chosen work-form will once again remain as the focus when the add button is selected until the cataloguing module is closed. | AIT | Cataloguer | None | None |
80 B | 5.6.10 | A bug was introduced that caused an error when navigating from search to cataloguer. This error has been removed. | AIT | Search | None | None |
79 E | 5.6.4 | The maximum amount able to be placed in a single fund field has been raised from $1m to $10m | AIT | Funds | None | None |
78 B | 5.6.4 | The Collection age report has been amended, the dates shown in the x-axis were incorrect. They were all displaying as 1-1-1900. | AIT | Statistics | None | None |
77 E | 5.6.4 | A new tab has been added to System parameters called User codes currently this screen is passive but will allow for system updates to the user parameters in the future. | AIT | System Parameters | New tab User codes | None |
76 E | 5.6.4 | RDA tags have now been added to the cataloguing module. These tags link through to the RDA Toolkit (subscription required) and provide help on RDA cataloguing rules. These tags may be turned on and off via a new enterprise parameter ‘RDA_ShowLinksInCat’. This functionality will not be immediately available as the enterprise parameter needs to be inserted and turned subsequently turned on. Please note that not all MARC tags have a corresponding RDA equivalent. | AIT | Cataloguer | As described | RDA_ShowLinksInCat |
75 E | 5.6.4 | The ability to suspend notices until a predetermined date has been added to the User details page | AIT | Circulation | New control | None |
74 E | 5.5.26 | Insert a specific tag now blocks an operator from inserting an 852 holdings tag until the record has been initially saved. | AIT | Cataloguer | None | None |
73 E | 5.5.26 | AIT has inserted consistent icons for abnormal users in User Lists and Quick Find | NSHOR | User Lists | None | None |
72 E | 5.5.26 | A new tool called timing has been added to search in the lists tab. This is to allow periodic testing of the search speed. | AIT | Search | New tab | None |
71 E | 5.5.26 | A bibliographic work with a cancelled order, may now be deleted via item transfer, when this cancelled item is the only remaining item. This requires AWS 5.5.26 | NSHOR | Item transfer | None | None |
70 E | 5.5.26 | New counts have been added to the Supplier purchase order tab to display the status of orders within the purchase order at a glance. | NSHOR | Suppliers | New columns as described | None |
69 E | 5.5.26 | The Key report Users with charges now allows a minimum value of 1 cent (previously $5.00) and provides the ability to find lists of users that owe less than the chosen amount. Please be aware that these reports may provide large lists and slow down your server. A date function has been added to reduce the size of these lists. | AIT | Reports | New controls as described | None |
68 M | 5.5.26 | A new check box has been added to SQL Query that opens the Report wizard. The Report wizard allows an operator to create SQL queries based around works, items or users. A report may then be refined further by selecting the fields you wish to display and other tables that you may wish to join to. A query constructed with the wizard may then be edited manually to create more complex queries and saved using the new reports maintenance functions. | AIT | Reports | New reporting mechanism | None |
68 B | 5.5.13 | It was discovered that within a consortium environment, a deletion of a trapped reservation from library A, when the same user had another reserve on the same work from library B, would cause the reservation charge from Library A to be payable at Library B. This has been rectified | AIT | Reservations | None | None |
67 E | 5.5.13 | Price notes are no longer highlighted in yellow in the ‘Receive Orders’ screen so as not to distract from the order notes. | AIT | Receive Orders | None | None |
66 E | 5.5.13 | The Service Desk icon on Aurora Desktop now points to the new Service Desk Login. | AIT | Desktop | None | None |
65 E | 5.5.13 | A new tab ‘Workforms’ has been added to the System Parameters screen. This new tab allows an operator to update, copy and hide the workforms used in cataloguing. This simple interface uses contextual menus that add or remove tags, indicators or subfield data to the workform and saves ready for use immediately. | AIT | System Parameters | None | None |
64 B | 5.5.13 | A Work that had a cancelled order on it, where this was the last item associated with this work, would not delete the work when transferred. This has been rectified. | AIT | Item transfer | None | None |
63 M | 5.5.13 | User merge is now located in the Circulation tab and allows an operator to merge all parts of one user record to that of another. The users can be found using the inbuilt search boxes or alternatively searched for in user lists. | AIT | User Merge | New screen as described | None |
62 E | 5.5.13 | The ability to distinguish between a consortium intra-library reservation and a normal reservation has been created. This requires the relevant parameter(s) added by ASM v5.4.17, v179 and AWS 5.5.6 or later. | AIT | Circulation | None | IntraLLCharge, IntraLLCharge_Entity (for consortia) |
61 B | 5.5.13 | A minor amendment was made to ‘Collection recovery’ to adjust the minimum amount from > to >= so that it was inline with the caption. | AIT | Notices | None | None |
60 B | 5.5.13 | The item transfer window now displays sub-locations when the library concerned has only one logical location. | AIT | Item transfer | None | None |
59 E | 5.5.13 | The reserves with no available items report now includes items with the status ‘in-progress’. | AIT | reports | None | None |
58 E | 5.5.13 | A context menu has been added to the untrapped reserves report allowing the operator to link through to item details. | AIT | Reports | As described | None |
57 E | 5.4.1 | Enhancements to Digital Cataloguing
AIT | Digital Catalogue | None | None |
56 B | 5.4.1 | The calculation of funds has been adjusted to not add discounts into the AcqAudit table on receipt of an ordered item. This prevents duplication of the discount being applied | AIT | Funds | None | None |
55 E | 5.4.1 | A user who has an item on loan is now blocked from placing a reserve on the same work. | NSHOR | Circulation | None | None |
54 E | 5.4.1 | The ability to upload bespoke reports to the server via a new tab Reports maintenance has been added to the Reports Screen. AIT reports may be copied and edited then uploaded with a new file name. Any report starting with COUNT, QUERY or ROUTINE will be considered an AIT report and cannot be saved with the same file name. This requires AWS 5.3.30 or later. | AIT | Reports | New tab as described | None |
53 E | 5.4.1 | The ability to upload/download specific files directly to/and from the server has been added to Aurora Desktop. This functionality has been added to allow the user to edit notice templates, docket templates and pull down log files from the work folder. This functionality requires AWS v5.3.24 or later. Any file that is uploaded to the server must have the same name as the file it is to replace. | AIT | Local Settings | New tab server | None |
52 E | 5.4.1 | The label template aulabels.ini file can now be pulled down from our cloud servers from a separate folder for each customer. This allows for different default files for each customer to be stored on one server. | AIT | Labels | None | None |
51 E | 5.4.1 | Column sorting has been added to the list views in the fund details screen. | AIT | Funds | None | None |
50 E | 5.4.1 | A red button has been added to stop the production of the picking list, the export button is now disabled unless data has populated the picking list and a progress bar has been added when refreshing the list. | AIT | Allocated loans | Stop button has been activated | None |
49 E | 5.4.1 | Child Holdings maintenance is now part of the child holdings tab in Cataloguing. This allows a user to add new child holdings via work forms and edit existing child holdings. Please refer to Child holdings in the Aurora Help Wiki for more information. (this requires AWS v5.3.10 or later and child holdings work forms) | AIT | Child holdings | None | None |
48 E | 5.4.1 | The grace periods on the Charges tab are now displayed as ‘Grace Days’ and are no longer part of the Charges formula. | AIT | Loan Parameters | None | None |
47 E | 5.4.1 | Call number sorting for libraries for the blind has been added to the allocation screen and has been released to SALB only. | AIT | Allocated loans | None | None |
46 E | 5.4.1 | New graphs have been added to the ‘Fund detail’ tab, these allow the user to see the state of a particular fund or parent fund at a glance. | AIT | Funds | New Graphs | None |
45 E | 5.4.1 | ‘Collection age’ now has a new radio button ‘Items’. This provides the ability to view the number of items added to the collection per year limited by item format. It will also display the items by the date they were added (rather than the publication year) and may also be set to calendar or financial year. | AIT | Statistics | None | None |
44 E | 5.3.4 | A new report ‘Users – with charges’ has been added to key reports. This lists users who owe over $x and may be limited by user type. | AIT | Reports | New Key report | None |
43 E | 5.3.4 | An option to count only individual users has been added to the ‘Circulation per hour’ function. If this option is ticked only distinct users will be counted. | AIT | Reports | New check box | None |
42 E | 5.3.4 | The publication date has been added to the key report display ‘Items – Call number list’ | AIT | Reports | None | None |
41 E | 5.3.4 | A new refinement has been added to the ‘Items by Status’ report. When ‘With status even if not on loan’ radio button is selected, the option to limit by a number of days becomes available. | AIT | Reports | None | None |
40 E | 5.3.4 | The Key report ‘Items – call number list’ has been amended and now contains filters for publication date and date created (added). | NSHOR | Reports | None | None |
39 E | 5.3.4 | The Key report ‘Items – call number list’ has been amended to always display the loan count. | NSHOR | Reports | None | None |
38 E | 5.3.4 | A new Key Report ‘items purged after becoming long overdue’ allows the operator to see all items purged in a specified period (default 90 days). | NSHOR | Reports | New Key report | None |
37 E | 5.3.4 | The cursor in the reports section now clearly displays the busy cursor while an action is being processed. | AIT | Reports | None | None |
36 E | 5.3.4 | A new Key Report ‘Users – Loans this location in this period’ allows the operator to view the number of loans made by each individual user on a specific day. The workstation where the loan was performed is also recorded. | AIT | Reports | New Key report | None |
35 E | 5.3.4 | An override check box has been added to Loans that allows a debarred user to borrow. The check box will not appear unless the new Enterprise parameter AllowLoan_DebarredUser is set as True, and the selected user is debarred. This functionality requires AWS 5.2.27 or later. | NIDA | Loans – where user is debarred | New check box | New parameter as detailed |
34 E | 5.3.4 | A ‘Did you mean?’ search has been added to Aurora Desktop Search. If no works are found with your search term Desktop will now attempt to find similar words and prompt with a suggestion. This default may optionally be disabled via a checkbox. | AIT | Search | New function | None |
33 E | 5.3.4 | A list generated via Item Transfer now has the most recent transaction at the top. | NSPL | Item Transfer | as described | None |
32 E | 5.3.4 | A printer other than the default printer may now be selected, on the setup tab of Notices. This allows a receipt printer (default) to be used for loans or returns and another printer to be selected for running notices. This parameter is held, so will remain on startup for scheduled reports. | AIT | Notices | New combo box | None |
31 B | 5.3.4 | A bug was introduced where the ‘part’ column was hidden in the item display of search, this has been rectified. | AIT | Search | None | None |
30 E | 5.3.4 | A new contextual menu is available in System Parameters/Workstations allowing the operator to search for workstations by name or description. More informative definitions have been added to some of the columns as well, replacing the codes. | AIT | System Parameters | New menu | None |
29 E | 5.3.4 | The software now looks for the descriptive name in the $5 when searching for genres in a list of works. For a consortium model the $5 qualifier of the 655 tag designates the council the genre belongs to. The change is to accomodate councils with a different parameter to their descriptive council name i.e. LANECOVE and ‘Lane Cove’. | NSHOR | Lists of Works | None | None |
28 E | 5.3.4 | Advance reminders are now displayed with more detail including title, author and user barcode in the Notices tab of User Details. | AIT | User Details | None | None |
27 E | 5.3.4 | A link to the log file now appears after a batch run has been performed. | AIT | Batch Runs | New Link | None |
26 M | 5.2.4 | A new tick box ‘Box of items’ has replaced ‘By module’ on the Circulation Ribbon Bar. This new feature currently has three functions and holds the potential for much more. An operator is able to move an item from one work to another using the search screen to select the works and items. An operator is able to create a ‘box’ of items, such as a community language bulk ILL. An operator is able to bulk loan a ‘box of items’ to a user. For more information see Box of Items | AIT | Box of Items | New Function | None |
25 B | 5.2.4 | A modification was made to how the user relationship tree was generated. This corrected a display issue seen when accessed via Quick Find. | AIT | Loan | None | None |
24 E | 5.2.4 | A new field ‘Floating’ has been added to the Item details display in Search results (last column but one on the right of the Listview) to display if an item is marked as being in a floating collection. | AIT | Search | As described | None |
23 E | 5.2.4 | Quick ILL has been adjusted so that a user barcode may be entered rather than just a User Name. The Title of the request is also displayed before save. | AIT | Inter-Library Loans | None | None |
22 E | 5.2.4 | A link to LADD (Libraries Australia Document Delivery) has been added to the ILL module for the operators convenience. | AIT | Inter-Library Loans | New Link | None |
21 E | 5.2.4 | The Copy number is now included as a field in the list of items in the Search screen. | AIT | Search | As described | None |
20 E | 5.2.4 | A new selection has been added to the Options on the Returns screen to allow suppression of the premature returns message. | AIT | Return | New tick box | None |
19 E | 5.2.4 | A new WORK status ‘Shadow work’ is available that will hide a work in the OPAC and have no other effect. This can be set in the Cataloguing record status drop-down menu. This option requires Aurora System Manager 4.9.5 or later to have been applied | NSHOR | Cataloguing | New option on Status drop down | New status parameter |
18 E | 5.2.4 | In Place an Order, works with the status ‘inter-library loans’ will no longer appear in the ‘Works recently added’ list. | AIT | Acquisitions | None | None |
17 E | 5.2.4 | The ‘Circulation by Hour’ button on the Administration ribbon bar now becomes disabled when in Offline mode. | AIT | Offline | As described | None |
16 E | 5.2.4 | The tool-tip for the help button has been updated. | AIT | Help | As described | None |
15 E | 5.2.4 | The remove local tags tick box located in Cataloguing/Options will now hold the selection between sessions. | AIT | Cataloguing | None | None |
14 B | 5.2.4 | The status of a trapped expired reserve was displaying as on shelf in the search screen this has been rectified. (Requires AWS 5.1.27 or later). | AIT | Search | As described | None |
13 B | 5.2.4 | A correction was made to the cataloguing/Options screen as the Matching routine was not displaying the correct values set in System Parameters. | AIT | Cataloguing | As described | None |
12 E | 5.2.4 | In the Cataloguing tab ‘Works to be done’ four new columns have been added to identify the operators who created and last edited the works in question. The dates that these were actioned are also recorded. | AIT | Cataloguing | As described | None |
11 E | 5.2.4 | The origin of a heading and the original tag used to create the heading are now displayed in the headings tab of the Headings screen and in Browse headings in Cataloguing. These allow the operator to see if the heading was created via an Authority (C) or the Bibliographic record (D). | AIT | Headings/Cataloguing | As described | None |
10 E | 5.2.4 | Three new tick boxes: Cascade, Tile Horizontally and Tile Vertically have been added to the circulation ribbon bar. These allow several screens to be displayed simultaneously in the three styles mentioned. | AIT | Circulation | As described | None |
9 E | 5.2.4 | New icons (Clocks) will appear on the desktop if ‘Follow-ups’ are required. A blue clock will appear if any follow-ups are overdue for your council and a red clock (Your Follow-ups) will appear if there are operator specific follow-ups overdue. These icons link to two new key reports that document the action required. Follow-ups can be created in User Links/Calls and Homebound. | AIT | Reports | As described | None |
8 E | 5.2.4 | The ability to add a delivery route URL has been added to System Parameters/System/Delivery Routes. This will allow for the future integration of operator generated route maps into the Homebound module. | AIT | System Parameters | None | New field ‘Web page’ |
7 E | 5.2.4 | A new tab ‘Summary’ has been added to the Homebound module. On the right side of the screen information from the selected user’s ‘User Details’ appear. This allows the operator to see at a glance carer or volunteer information, Address details, General notes, equipment loan details and more. The left side of the screen allows the operator to see a list of transactions relating to this user in date order. Right clicking on a date will search the users circulation history for the selected transaction. | AIT | Homebound | As described | None |
6 E | 5.2.4 | A new tick box ‘No Previous Loans’ has been added to User Details/Security that will prevent the future recording of a user’s previous loans. This does not affect the recording of the user’s circulation history. An option to search for these users has been added to User Lists, in the form of a new radio button on the ‘With’ tab. | AIT | User Details / User lists | New tick box, and new radio button | None |
5 E | 5.2.4 | Contextual Help pages have been defined for each tab in the Loan Parameters screen. | AIT | Help | None | None |
4 E | 5.2.4 | The ability to add a ‘Collection URL’ to a SIC code has been added to System Parameters/SIC Codes. This will cater for future development where collections may be defined by the SIC code used. The URL will allow linking to an HTML information age or other web site. | AIT | System Parameters | New field ‘Collection URL’ | None |
3 E | 5.2.4 | A red flag will appear on the desktop that will notify operators if an SMS has not been successfully sent through Aurora SMS Service in the last 24 hours. This flag links through to a new Key Report ‘Users – Failed SMS messages’ that provides a list of the non-recipients. | NSPL | Reports | As described | None |
2 E | 5.2.4 | A new function ‘Create Recovery Collection File’ has been added to the Notices screen . This process allows the operator to create an excel spreadsheet of customers that fall into the parameters set for debt recovery. If the tick box ‘view only’ is unticked each customer will be billed automatically for the Account_Charge_Admin amount found in the Enterprise table. Filtering options can be found on the Setup tab. | AIT | Notices | New radio button | New Enterprise values: DebtRecoveryGracePeriod, DebtRecoveryMinAmount, DebtRecoveryStartDate |
1 E | 5.2.4 | The ability to generate Invoices for long overdue items has been added to the Notices screen. This process will also add any other outstanding fees to the invoice notice and can act as a warning to the customer of potential further action, i.e. debt recovery. A new template has been created to generate these notices and will need to be edited for your library before commencement. | AIT | Notices | New radio button | New Enterprise values: Trans084; Trans085 |