Aurora Desktop Release – 2022 #
Details are displayed in reverse chronological order (latest first)
Type of Release code per feature: (E=Enhancement, B=Bug fix, M=Major release)
Ref | Version | Change | Source of Change | Functions affected by Release | Display Effect | Parameter changes |
77 E | 12.9.14 | When loading stored records the matching routine used is now saved for future reference if schema 197 is installed. | AIT | Loader | None | None |
76 E | 12.9.14 | If the default matching routine is displayed but one is not saved in the actual record, the label is now highlighted as a warning it needs to be saved. | AIT | Suppliers | None | None |
75 E | 12.9.14 | A new checkbox option has been added to show/hide hidden sublocations. | NSHOR | Place an Order | None | None |
74 E | 12.9.14 | A new checkbox option has been added to show/hide hidden sublocations. | NSHOR | Cataloguing | None | None |
73 E | 12.9.14 | A new checkbox option has been added to show/hide hidden sublocations. | NSHOR | Serial Control | None | None |
72 E | 12.9.14 | The DDS_Localno search has been added to Cataloguing as a search access point. | QMU | Cataloguing | None | None |
71 E | 12.9.14 | The ability to update the call number of holdings in bulk has been added to the Global Updates screen. | AIT | Batch Runs | None | None |
70 E | 12.9.14 | The Marc Parameters ‘SIC codes’ tab has been enhanced to have a new ‘gears’ button. This will allow a rebuild of all changed SIC code descriptions in the works that have the associated codes. | AIT | Marc Parameters | None | None |
69 B | 12.9.14 | Cataloguer now checks that the Copy number is numeric and greater than zero before putting the value into 852 $t | AIT | Cataloguing | None | None |
68 E | 12.9.14 | When transferring items to a new location this can now be checked to see if any copy has been at the target library in the last 12 months | AIT | Item Transfer | New check box | None |
67 E | 12.9.14 | The Item Transfer screen now handles SICI codes to transfer multiple items from a single SICI code input. | AIT | Item Transfer | None | None |
66 E | 12.9.14 | New options to set operator passwords have been added: 1. Operator passwords are able to expire 2. Operator logins can now optionally be disabled if the password expires. This will show on a red banner. If the password expires within 7 days, there will be an orange warning banner that expiry is near. 3. Operator password can now be optionally validated i.e. minimum length, min count of upper & lower case letters, numbers and special chars 4. Desktop front screen ‘change password’ button shown or hidden based on OperatorsAbleToChangePwd enterprise setting. 5. Desktop front screen ‘change password’ button has different icon 6. Operator password change form has been upgraded and it can now also be invoked from the Administrator toolbar. 7. Operator table held locally is refreshed each login (to now check the operator expiry dates) 8. Operator screen – now shows password expiry dates and icons when expired or nearing expiry. 9. Show any operator password expiry date on the bottom panel right after the operator’s name | AIT | System | None | OperatorsAbleTo ChangePwd |
65 E | 12.9.14 | Item format Collection groups may be set in the System screen in the categories I1, I2, I3. | AIT | System | None | None |
64 E | 12.9.14 | Desktop now looks for the new Enterprise setting DefaultFileExtensionExcel. If this parameter is missing or not set then .xls is used. If present then the .xlsx extension is used when saving. There is also an auWksAurora.ini override option at a workstation level. | AIT | System | None | DefaultFile ExtensionExcel |
63 E | 12.9.14 | The item notes field is now indexed for searching allow large amounts of text to be saved in an item and then searched for in an anywhere search. This is great for transcriptions of pdfs. | AIT | Item Details | None | None |
62 E | 12.9.14 | When saving refinement results the data will no longer be written to a file then read info from that file to get an XML string, this will be much quicker. | AIT | System | None | None |
61 E | 12.9.14 | The new version handles schema v197 new Material type MT_Hide field. This new field allows material types to be hiden from staff view. | AIT | System Parameters | None | None |
60 E | 12.9.14 | The Item Format screen now handles the maintenance of Item format/Material type and 3 collections (groups) if schema v197. The move of the material type to the item format table will speed up the display of items when searching and the new collections groupings provide an alternate reporting mechanism that is easy to maintain. | AIT | System Parameters | None | None |
59 E | 12.9.14 | Separate SMTP server settings may now be saved in the enterprise table for consortia. The program first looks in SMTPServer_<Entity> and EmailSSL_<Entity> settings if a consortium is detected. | NSHOR | System Parameters | None | None |
58 E | 12.9.14 | The application version is now acquired to pass and save in workstation table for display and logging | AIT | System | None | None |
57 E | 12.9.14 | The export tab has been retired and a new import tab added | AIT | Management | New icon for Import | None |
56 | 12.9.14 | The ability to unlock a workstation has been added to the workstations table. This is supplied for libraries that are using Aurora Concierge and may need to free up a licence that was not logged off. | AIT | System Parameters | New ‘key’ button | None |
55 E | 12.9.14 | If the existing ‘ItemEntryDefaultSICI’ enterprise setting is set to ‘1’ then the SICI entry point is selected in loans and returns by default and the Bypass Item messages setting is also set to ON. | AIT | System | None | None |
54 E | 12.9.14 | A new filter box has been added to allow part of the title to be specified when searching. | AIT | Bookings | None | None |
53 B | 12.9.14 | When filtering by Collect today and Return today options the hidden period date field value is now not included in the query. | AIT | Bookings | None | None |
52 E | 12.9.14 | The booking return date is now allowed in the following calendar year. | AIT | Bookings | None | None |
51 E | 12.9.14 | An update was made to the BookingInDateRangeAllowed Method to accept the Booking UserID. This is needed when checking if a booking is allowed in a given period and returns the new ‘BookingDetails’ field. | QMU | Bookings | None | None |
50 E | 12.9.14 | The Booking Content checklist creation and downloading of a new web template has been added to both the Search+ and Bookings screens. | QMU | Bookings | New item in contextual menu | None |
49 E | 12.9.14 | The bookings routine has been extended to return the ‘User types Deposit flag’. This is used to denote that a user type is allowed to have a subscription for bookings | AIT | Bookings | None | None |
48 E | 12.9.14 | The booking subscription description and subscription ID are now shown in the subscriptions per work listview in the Place Bookings tab | QMU | Bookings | None | None |
47 E | 12.9.14 | Allowance has been made to Booking collect/return date periods to be set by an Enterprise setting | AIT | Bookings | None | None |
46 E | 12.9.14 | Redundant parts of the connection routine have been dropped to speed up the process | AIT | Start-up | None | None |
45 E | 12.9.14 | Two new fields have been added to the list view, Subscription and Subscription ID. | QMU | Bookings | None | None |
44 B | 12.9.14 | Some of the captions in the screen like User ‘barcode’ where not showing in full and the section has been expanded to display them. Some check boxes have also had their captions adjusted. | AIT | Bookings | None | None |
43 E | 12.9.14 | In Bookings content in the list view is now hidden until the load is complete. This speeds up the process. A counter is displayed to provide feedback on the progress to the operator. | AIT | Bookings | None | None |
42 E | 12.9.14 | A new tab ‘Items per work’ for QMU has been developed to create labels for a work, this will not display for other customers | QMU | Labels | None | None |
41 | 12.9.14 | Certain fields may be limited by character length when creating labels this is currently limited to Mvmt & Format | QMU | Labels | None | None |
40 E | 12.9.14 | The Reporting Services URL has changed and is now pointing to the Aurora SSRS 2019 portal | AIT | Reporting | None | None |
39 B | 12.9.14 | The top Chart Item format report display now includes Audio books. | AIT | Statistics | None | None |
38 | 12.9.14 | Some calculations now show a progress bar and the operator has the ability to interrupt the process with the Escape key | AIT | Statistics | None | None |
37 E | 12.9.14 | The untrapped reserves report now uses the new Material Type setting located in the Item Format table. This provides a small speed increase. Requires schema version 197 | AIT | Reserves | None | None |
36 E | 12.9.14 | The ability to search a user note field is now available. The new access point ‘Notes search’ is provided in the search combo box. | NRML | User Lists | None | None |
35 E | 12.9.14 | The ability to save a large amount of data to a Note field in the new Notes tab has been added. This is free text information and can be searched from user lists | QMC | User Details | None | None |
34 E | 12.9.14 | New captions have been added to Settings & Profiles (previously Settings) and Notes (A new tab). The profiles tab has been removed and this information is now found in the settings & profiles tab. | AIT | User Details | Caption changes | None |
33 E | 12.9.14 | A new process has been developed to allow an operator to create Marc records in the catalogue via an upload through a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The new tab ‘Create works from Excel data’ can be found in the Import module and requires specific tags to be matched to the columns of a spreadsheet. Currently the screen only creates image records but has scope to create other types of works as well. | NHKS | Import | New tab and controls in Import | None |
32 E | 12.9.14 | This new enterprise parameter allows a library to bypass the automatic check to make sure a holdings item format is compatible with the coding of the work. This has been designed for specific circumstance and is not recommended for general use. | QMU | Cataloguing | None | BypassMatch_007_ ItemFormatFilter |
31 E | 12.9.14 | If an invalid web template is detected in the auWksAurora.ini file this is now corrected for cloud customers. | AIT | System | None | None |
30 E | 12.9.14 | A new control allows the operator to check if the user has loaned the item previously | AIT | Reserve | None | None |
29 E | 12.9.14 | The control limits have been raised from 250 to 366 | AIT | Loan Parameters | None | None |
28 M | 12.3.16 | A new module, Bookings has been designed to allow for the booking of works for a specific period in the future. This functionality has been developed in conjunction with QMU for the booking and loan of Museum kits, specimens, artefacts and other works. The Bookings screen icon is disabled for those customers not using the functionality and having the new enterprise setting turned off. This functionality includes new user links for bookings, the ability to define subscriptions, new templates and reports. | QMU | Bookings | New Module | BookingsUsed |
27 E | 12.3.16 | The ability to suppress a loan parameter has been developed to allow loan parameters to be disabled. Often parameters can not be removed because items are on loan that utilise the parameter. This functionality prevents Loan, Renewal and Reserve, but is still valid for the calculation of fines. Once all loans have been removed from the parameter it is then able to be deleted. | QPIL | Loan Parameters | None | None |
26 E | 12.3.16 | Two new URL fields can be saved in the Supplier Detail tab of the Suppliers screen. eMusic URL and eVideo URL, this requires schema v195 to save. | AIT | Suppliers | None | None |
25 E | 12.3.16 | Guarantor details can now be used for notices rather than the details of the user who has triggered the notice. If the new enterprise parameter is active the Guarantor address will be available as an option in User Details. A name, address or phone number entered into these fields will be used for the generation of notices. Requires schema v195 or above. | AIT | User Details | None | UserTagGuarantor |
24 E | 12.3.16 | The ability to resend notices ad hoc has been added to User Links. A new blue icon allows for the reproduction of HTML email notices and SMS. | NSHOR | User Links | New button, blue with white arrow | None |
23 E | 12.3.16 | The limit on the extra description length of a charge has been removed allowing for large notes to be added. | AIT | User Charges | None | None |
22 E | 12.3.16 | The Renewal and Reserve icons are now smaller. | AIT | Circulation Ribbon bar | Smaller Icons | None |
21 E | 12.3.16 | Search Plus is now the dominant search icon if the institution is QMU. | AIT | Circulation Ribbon bar | None | None |
20 B | 12.3.16 | A fix allows for NULL value to be handled in the date an item is added field. These NULL values are present in some older catalogues. | AIT | System | None | None |
19 E | 12.3.16 | A new enterprise parameter has been added to force the loan and return screens default to Item SICI instead of item barcode. | QMU | Loans and Returns | None | ItemEntryDefaultSICI |
18 E | 12.3.16 | The search Plus captions are now inline with the Montage work format parameter captions | AIT | Search Plus | None | None |
17 E | 12.3.16 | Statistics Annual has had a small change to cover a consortium wide selection. The checkbox to include other councils is auto ticked. | AIT | Statistics | None | None |
16 E | 12.3.16 | The Search Items screen no longer auto selects ‘lost’ and ‘missing’ statuses on initialisation. | AIT | Search | None | None |
15 B | 12.3.16 | A change has been made to allow inactive and expired works to be listed in the Reading/Sequel list. This minor s introduced in the last version | AIT | List of Works | None | None |
14 E | 12.3.16 | There are now two new checkboxes on the List of Works screen ‘Show if Inactive’ and ‘Show if Expired’. These have been added to create greater flexibility and a cleaner more readable screen. | AIT | List of Works | New checkboxes | None |
13 E | 12.3.16 | NULL dates are now handled in both Low activity and Stocktake reports where the item added field is used. | AIT | Stock Rotation | None | None |
12 E | 12.3.16 | A new enterprise setting sets the minimum operator task level for an operator to be able to place a non-serial item level reservation. | NRML | Search and Reserve | None | OperatorTask LevelMin_ ItemReserve NonSerial |
11 E | 12.3.16 | A new checkbox ‘Hide’ allows an operator to mark an item format as hidden from public view. Requires schema v195 | AIT | System Parameters | New checkbox | None |
10 E | 12.3.16 | An ‘All bookings’ filter has been added to the bookings screen. | QMU | Bookings | None | None |
9 E | 12.3.16 | A menu option has been added to create Courier Consignment pages for bookings marked with a courier flag | QMU | Bookings | New menu option | None |
8 E | 12.3.16 | Digital club checkbox now enabled if HomeServiceUse is set on in the Enterprise table. | RNZFB | User Details | None | None |
7 E | 12.3.16 | The ability to add, save and delete subscriptions has been added to the subscriptions tab in List of works. This screen defines the subscriptions for users with a valid user subscription to place bookings. | QMU | List of Works | New screen | None |
6 E | 12.3.16 | Measures have been taken in the Notices tab of User Details to prevent a timeout when the user has a large number of notices. The screen now displays only the 100 most recent notices of each type. | QMC | User Details | None | None |
5 E | 12.3.16 | Pagination has been added to the Manage Access tab of ERM for improvement of speed. | AIT | Electronic Resource Management | None | None |
4 E | 12.3.16 | The All Bookings tab now has a ‘collect at’ filter | QMU | Bookings | New control | None |
3 E | 12.3.16 | Change Holding now allows the SICI value for an item to be added and modified. | QMU | Cataloguing | None | None |
2 E | 12.3.16 | ERM now uses the ‘deliberate non match’ matching routine. | AIT | Electronic Resource Management | None | None |
1 E | 12.3.16 | Bookings are now able to be set as cancelled in the ‘Place Booking’ screen. There are only two statuses, normal and cancelled. A cancelled bookings are not counted when check is made to see if work is already booked | AIT | Bookings | None | None |