Hints Screens #
Hint presents a range of keyboard shortcuts for use in the current screen [only]. Clicking Hint in the specific tab for the toolbar brings up a small help screen showing the available shortcuts. Each of these is described below:
Shortcuts are given according to the sections and order of the toolbar icons and noted below. Individual Hint functions are provided on specific screens, e.g. Place an Order
Circulation Hints #
Workspace #
- Alt+5 Clear
- Alt+6 Login
- Alt+7 Quick Find
- Alt+8 Workflow
- Alt+9 Box of items
Users #
- F9 User Lists
- F7 User Details
- Alt+K User Links
- Alt+O Profile
- Alt+M Homebound
- Alt+D Disc access
- Alt+E User Merge
- Alt+B Bookings
Bibliographic #
- F11 Search
- Alt+W Quick Work
- Alt+S Quick Suggestion
Items #
- F6 Item Details
- Alt+I Item Transfer
- Alt+T Transfer item to a Location
- Alt+C Delete or clear Item Temporary Location
- Alt+F Transfer Item to an Item Format
- Alt+X Export transferred items
- Alt+I Add or remove item statuses
- Alt+G Set Flags e.g. toa float item
Circulation functions #
Internet #
- Alt+B Browser – Now defunct
Technical Services Hints #
Collection management #
- Alt+B Bibliographic Cataloguing
- Alt+H Headings
- Alt+A Authority Cataloguing
- Alt+T Z39.50 Site Manager
- Alt+M Bibliographic Merge
- Alt+D Digital catalogue
- Alt+L Labels
Ordering #
- Alt+G Suggestion management
- Alt+I Inter-Library Loans
- Alt+O Order list
- Alt+P Place an Order
- Alt+N Send Orders
- Alt+R Receive Orders
- Alt+V Invoices
- Alt+U Suppliers
- Alt+F Funds
- Alt+S Serials Control
- Alt+E Serial display
Administration Hints #
Notices #
- Alt+N Notices
- Alt+A Authorisation of Reviews
- Alt+P Post
- Alt+B Update password
Parameters #
- Alt+L Loan parameters
- Alt+Y System parameters
Other #
- Alt+X Delete XML files
- Alt+W Delete work files
Management #
Import & Export #
- Alt+L Loader
- Alt+E Bibliographic Export – Now import
- Alt+F Upload MARC
- Alt+T Submit Task
- Alt+R Electronic Resources
Local #
- Alt+O Offline transactions
- Alt+V Check connectivity
- Alt+G Local settings
Options #
- Alt+U Suppress user pad
- Alt+I Suppress item pad
- Alt+M Windows messages
Reports & Statistics Hints #
Collection analysis #
- Alt+C Statistics
- Alt+K Stock Analysis
Circulation analysis #
- Alt+R Key Reports
- Alt+E Reserves Report
- Alt+I Circulation per hour
Works & Items #
- Alt+W Lists of Works
Finance #
- Alt+E Reporting Service (SSRS)
- Alt+I Google Analytics
- Alt+M Google Maps
Order Screen Hints #
- Insert –> New order
- Home –> Price per copy
- Ctrl+S –> Save order
- Ctrl+J –> Bibliographic Cataloguing – New addition
- Ctrl+R –> Bibliographic Cataloguing – Remote catalogues
- Ordering
- Alt+G Suggestion management
- Alt+I Inter-Library Loans
- Alt+L Order list
- Alt+P Place an Order
- Alt+N Send Orders
- Alt+R Receive Orders
- Alt+V Receive Orders
- Alt+U Suppliers
- Alt+F Funds
- Alt+S Serials Control
- Alt+E Serial display
Function keys #
Please note that there is also a set of universal function key definitions.
The following keyboard shortcuts are available through use of Function keys, and apply throughout Desktop operations:
- F1 – Help
- F2 – Loan
- F3 – Return
- F4 – Renew
- F5 – Reserve
- F6 – Item details
- F7 – User details
- F8 – Audit history
- F9 – User lists
- F10 – not assigned
- F11 – Search
- F12 – Item transfer
Delete XML Files #
- This function is provided for administrative purposes. Aurora Desktop gathers parameter information from the live database and writes the required common parameters to internal files (held in dr:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\AuroraDesktop\<InstID>\AuroraDesktop, where <UserName> is the local Windows user id and <InstID> is the Aurora local institution identifier), and these are all XML files. When upgrades occur, it may be necessary to manually delete these files to allow them to be recreated; if a parameter is changed and immediate change to reflect that parameter is required, then the XML files must be deleted abd Desktop restarted (if the change is not urgent, then the parameters will be cleared and reloaded on the next days startup). AIT will advise if and when this is known to be necessary. A manual deletion will require the closure of Desktop, and the files are recreated from the database when the program is restarted.
- Note that it is possible to set a parameter which will automatically refresh the XML files every so many days, subject to the setting of DateOfLastXMLRefresh
Delete Work Files #
This option allows clearance of local work files. It deletes .HTM, .XLS, .TXT, and .MRC files which previously accumulated in the Aurora work folder.
Help button #
Links you to the aurora help knowledgebase for full details on the specific screen you have enables help for.
Close Button #
Closes the current screen open in desktop.