Aurora Desktop Release Notes – 2011 #
Details are displayed in reverse chronological order (latest first)
Reference | Version | Change | Source of Change |
Functions affected by Release | Display Effect | Parameter changes | Database schema changes |
2011|105|E | | The User Messages display in User Links now additionally displays the message action description. | NILS | User Links – Messages | Message action description now added to the display | None | None |
2011|104|E | | A new checkbox control is added to the User Links Requests control panel; this allows the requests to be sorted with ‘Most recent requests first’ | NILS | User Links – Requests. New function to allow sort of date of request, with most recent first | New checkbox provided, as indicated | None | None |
2011|103|E | | A new checkbox control is added to the User Links Requests control panel; this allows the requests to be sorted with ‘Most recent requests first’ | NILS | User Links – Requests. New function to allow sort of date of request, with most recent first | New checkbox provided, as indicated | None | None |
2011|102|B | | An error was identified in handling displays of Previous Loans. This was found to be caused by item format parameters having been deleted, generating a mismatch when joining previous loans data to the current parameter table.Desktop is now amended to handle this and to show all previous loans even when the item format no longer exists. | NILS | Previous loans listing and display | All loans are now displayed | None | None |
2011|101|E | | The additional sort option to Sort a user list selection according to count of requests is now enabled. | AIT | User Lists – results sort where With Requests selected | None | None | None |
2011|100|E | | The pop-up menu in User Lists is modified: first adding a link to ‘Go to User Housebound’; and also from the User Links link, adding an option to ‘View Requests’ | AIT | User Lists – results pop-up menu | New link options as noted above | None | None |
2011|99|E | | A improvement is made to the placement if a reserve from a user’s previous loans list. Previously, the user name would be shown, but not selected, and a separate selection action was required; this is now bypassed, so the Accept button is now immediately enabled. | NILS | Previous Loans – placement of a reservation on a previously loaned title | Accept button is now immediately enabled | None | None |
2011|98|E | | The User Links Calls display is modified, to show the Operator responsible for the contact. This information is now shown in a column before the Contact Note detail. | AIT/NILS | Calls | Operator id now shown ahead of the note detail | None | None |
2011|97|E | | Search Local is now extended to allow links to SIC codes to be visible in Details of a Work, as well as standard controlled terms, such as names and subjects. Clicking on a SIC link will allow display of other works with that same Special Interest Code. | AIT/NILS | Links display | SIC descriptions are now also displayed and linkable | None | None |
2011|96|E | | Desktop now allows a Request (for Libraries for the Blind/Homebound Services) to be upgraded to a Reservation. Note that following the processing of the reservation, the operator is prompted to delete the original request. | AIT/NILS | New function | The Requests Control panel in User Links is now extended to accommodate the Reserve control, and using this, a new operator dialogue is initiated | None | None |
2011|95|E | | Changes are made to the payment processes to improve handling of waivers, including the ability to waive a partial amount. | VCML Service Desk ##234 |
Charge payment – full and partial waive actions | None | None | None |
2011|94|E | | A new toolbar tab – ‘Management’ – is added to the Desktop Ribbon bar. A new function: Bibliographic View and Load (identical to the Backroom function) is added; and the function ‘Delete XML files’ I moved here. | AIT | Ribbon bar – modified as indicated. New function Bibliographic View and Load has screens and operation as per Backroom version | New Management tab on Ribbon bar, with icons as indicated | None | None |
2011|93|E | | A new function – ‘Allocated Loans’ – is added to the Circulation functions toolbar; and this leads to a full application of the Allocated Loans feature updated for the Desktop environment.This function will only be seen in Libraries for the Blind and where the Enterprise parameter ‘AllocationsUsed’ is true. | AIT/VNILS | New function (to Desktop); operation broadly as per VB Circulation function. Help details yet to be provided. | New icon on toolbar and associated Allocated Loan form | None | None |
2011|92|E | | The Details of a Work Summary now links to Requests, showing Request details for the work | AIT/VNILS Operation and observation Customer databases |
Details of a Work – Requests listview | Requests listview is now populated | None | None |
2011|91|E | | The ‘Items on Loan’ listview displayed in User Links now includes a column to detail the part, where multipart items are on loan. | AIT/VNILS | Items on Loan listview | New column showing ‘Part’ on loan | None | None |
2011|90|E | | Further logic is applied to User List selection and filtering: If the ‘Save results’ checkbox is ticked in conjunction with ‘Accepts email’ selected on the Profile tab, then u_homeaddress_m > is applied in the filter.If the ‘Save results’ is not checked then all users designated as ‘Accepts email’ are listed, including any with empty email addresses – so that staff can see these and fix them. | AIT | User Lists – as detailed above | None | None | None |
2011|89|E | | It was noticed, when doing filtering of users for bulk email using Aurora Post, that all users were being selected, including deleted, deceased, etc. users. This was traced to the default status setting of ‘Any’ and therefore the default setting for this element is changed to ‘Normal’ status. If deceased or deleted user status is explicitly selected, then the Save results checkbox is hidden. | AIT | User List– status selection behaviour | is removed | None | None |
2011|88|E | | In pursuit of further refinement of target user selections using User Lists for the Aurora Post utility, additional filtering options are provided on the ‘with’ tab. The filtering interface requires a new approach because there are privacy settings such as ‘No marketing allowed’ and ‘No information to other organisations’. To apply the searching logically, the terminology is therefore reversed as shown below – for example to ‘Marketing’ and this is then qualified by an ‘Allowed’ checkbox, so that the selection may be applied positively, or in reverse (i.e. ‘Marketing not allowed’).Note that the Privacy Settings panel is only displayed when the Privacy settings checkbox is selected in the upper panel. | AIT/NLML | User Lists – With tab | New Checkbox ‘Privacy settings’ and new panel as described when this is selected | None | None |
2011|87|E | | A new checkbox is added to the User Lists function. When ticked this will now invoke a save of all selected users to an XML file in the defined ‘local’ Desktop folder (which can be controlled via the Environment_SpecialFolder setting in auWksAurora.ini). | AIT/NLML | User Lists – this provision is specifically provided to afford a user list for use in the Aurora Post utility | New checkbox ‘Save Results’ is available | None | None |
2011|86|E | | Reservations. This is now repaired, and a new Hits/Page control is provided, allowing the display per page to be set at up to 999 (the default is 20); this setting is persistent on the workstation. | NLML | Reservations | The display now pages correctly. And a new Hits/Page control is applied. | None | None |
2011|85|E | | Security tab. This allows the removal of transactions recorded by a user’s login errors – and which then may cause that user to be locked out of OPAC for the rest of the day; and so is a ‘release’ button for the individual user. | AIT/ VCML/ NSPL |
New function
Security tab | None | None |
2011|84|E | | Desktop now has the ability for an operator to be able to send an email to a user, e.g. from the front desk.This uses the AWS SendAnEmail method, and so the workstation does not itself need to have a standard email capability.
[Note: This form of email will not be used for QRRL customers: if the location has an entity (Council) value the Adhoc Email button will not appear.] The library must have the ‘from’ email address set in the Local Settings screen for the Send button to be enabled. The details of the email correspondence are recorded in the UserCalls table. |
AIT | New function | New toolbar icon, enabled if the selected user has an email address (selection of email Notices is not required) | None | None |
2011|83|E | | A modification is made to processing when an item is given Claimed Returned status (as long as the item is still on loan): this writes a User Message detailing the claim, giving title and item details, and the date of the change | VNILS | Item Status change – where Claimed Returned status is applied to an item currently on loan; and as a consequence the user’s list of messages | Messages is updated | None | None |
2011|82|E | | The Request Control panel is modified to add a new Search control. This allows the currently select request or requests (multiple row selections are possible) to be used as the basis of a search. Clicking the new Search button will display the titles in Search Results, allowing for examination of items and their status values | VNILS | Requests – new Search link and special search function on control panel | Requests Control Panel has new Search button | None | None |
2011|81|E | | The number of rows to be displayed in User Links is now modified to allow up to 999 to be displayed per screen page – applicable to Previous Loans, Calls, etc. | AIT | Display controls | Page limit modified as above | None | None |
2011|80|E | | The display of Requests in User Links is modified to remove requests for works now deleted from the Counts – ensuring that the count is the same as the number of requests displayed. | VNILS | User Links / Requests | Request display now tallies with count | None | None |
2011|79|E | | A new checkbox is added to the User Details screen for NILS, labelled ‘Digital Club’ | VNILS | User Details (was previously in Aurora Circulation) | User Details – new checkbox | None | None |
2011|78|E | | The User Security tab was limited to display of user tags in the range 300-410, and this excluded the NILS fields
which did not display as a result. This restriction is now relaxed to allow the fields and settings to show |
VNILS | User Security tab – display of additional fields | The tags and settings now display correctly | None | None |
2011|77|E | | It is now possible to record a Lost or Damaged item with zero charge applied. Previously a charge amount greater than zero was required. | VNILS | Lost and Damaged processing | None | None | None |
2011|76|B | | A fault meant that it was not possible to add a profile allocation to clients who had request allocations configured previously. This is now resolved. | VNILS | Homebound / Allocations Settings – adding profile allocation details. | None | None | None |
2011|75|B | | A trap prevented a return process completing, giving the message: ‘Loaned failed for reason: 256. Please advise AIT of this code’. The trap is now reworked, and the process now completes correctly. | VNILS | Return | None | None | None |
2011|74|E | | A modification is applied to loan parameter control, specifically for QRRL operation. With this change, the workstation location determines whether update action may be taken – so if displaying parameter details outside the workstation location’s own council, then the action groupbox is disabled – preventing changes (but still allowing parameter inspection). This will not be relevant to libraries other than QRRL. | AIT | Loan parameter administration – specifically enabling or otherwise, dependent on location | None, other than that the controls are disabled when outside of the specific location | None | None |
2011|73|E | | Loan parameter maintenance is now supported. The form is as provided in Backroom, and subject to Task Security | AIT | New function (to Desktop) – previously, and still (for now) in Administrator | A new Administration toolbar is provided, with a section ‘Parameters. The function is provided as a tab: ‘Set Loan Periods’ with the preview display set on the tab ‘Preview Loan Periods’ | None | None |
2011|72|E | | A modification is made to the Daily Report: Charges Paid. This provides a set of checkboxes:
to allow separated reporting according to workstation setting. Checkbox settings can of course be combined. |
VCML | Charges Paid | New set of checkboxes as indicated | None | None |
2011|71|B | | A minor bug was identified in Audit History and is resolved. It is not related to data, and there is no implication for any database | AIT | Audit History query by Aurora item number | None | None | None |
2011|70|E | | Date ranges, in the form of two new combos:
When you choose the option to select by loan location you are presented with a new sort option– by date of transaction. |
QMC | User Lists / Date ranges – new select and sort options | New combo menus on the Date ranges tab as illustrated, and new sort option | None | None |
2011|69|E | | Further developments for Request processing: If the operator selects a pre-existing profile setting the Lookup selection will reflect this.
The operator can use this predetermined SIC heading or define a new one OR type in a heading and press Enter and then lookup more titles based on this heading. You can also
The last 2 settings are persistent, so will stay on whatever is last chosen; so these may need to be selected only once. The last setting is initially selected by default. Once you have a list of titles, you can tick one and then via the right mouse button you will be given a pop-menu with a choice of:
If you select a title the listview on the right shows the items for this work. |
AIT | Request placement | Changes as indicated | None | None |
2011|68|E | | The User Request process is further developed to provide a check of user and bibliographic profile data prior to adding a request, to identify any mismatch.The user must be identified and show in the Homebound screen; then a search may be initiated for requests. Note that previously DAISY works would not enable a request to be placed if there were no items: the process now caters for this and also confirms the user is a request user.Here is an example showing mismatch (but allowing the request process to proceed at this stage):
and here an example showing confirmation if there are no mismatches so that the operator can be absolutely sure the request is being applied to the correct user: |
AIT | Request placement | Changes as indicated | None | None |
2011|67|E | | A user record can now be set to suppress the user’s birth date in OPAC displays. This is afforded by a new checkbox on the Privacy panel of the Security tab: | VCML | User Details – new checkbox setting as indicated. More specific effect in OPAC display | New checkbox on Security tab and Privacy panel, as details above | None | None |
2011|66|E | | AIT News is removed from screen when a workstation is put into Offline mode. It will not returned until next restart of the application. | AIT | Desktop view | Behaviour of the AIT news button, as indicated | None | None |
2011|65|E | | Recompilation – the Sounds folder had been omitted previously. | AIT/QMC | Install operation | None – but any sounds that may have been missed recently will now be restored. | None | None |
2011|64|E | | In preparation for the Queensland Rural and Remote Libraries (QRRL) implementation, new wide area search options are developed:New Entity (Council) and Region searching are provided in the Basic search. For QRRL, the Entity is set to the Entity of the workstation so that searches are council specific by default.Note: if you go to Advanced and then back to basic you will find that it will return a global search. This is because there is at present no Entity (Council) and Region searching in Advanced search.
These will not be seen outside of QRRL |
AIT/QRRL | Searching as indicated (Search for a Work tab only at this stage) | New Council and Region combo selections are provided | None | None |
2011|63|B | | A bug was discovered where, in operation, the Login icon on the toolbar was clicked, but the login was cancelled – this caused the original login to be lost, and then prevented further operation. This is now fixed, and restores the original operator. | NSPL | Login icon action | None | None | None |
2011|62|E | | Desktop recompiled for Active Directory updates in AWS | AIT/ABC | General operation – specifically logon actions | None | None | None |
2011|61|E | | Additional error traps are placed around communication between Desktop and AWS, with the aim of improving detection of failure of online connectivity, and to prompt for Offline operation. Now, the yellow connection screen will pop up if an AWS method fails. By default Offline mode is selected and the Poll is deliberately un-ticked. This is to prevent the poll from detecting that the internet is up and so re-enabling online operation prematurely. | AIT/NSPL | Online connectivity detection | Connectivity failure behaves as described | None | None |
2011|60|E | | The gold key ‘cash drawer’ open button is now visible and enabled if the operator type parameter OP_OType value (i.e. the operator task level) is 8 or 9. This will allow an authorised operator to open the cash drawer at end of day to get the cash out. | NLML | Payment screen – cash drawer opening options | Button for the cash drawer opening available as indicated on Payment screen | None | None |
2011|59|B | | A problem was discovered preventing save when a reader was paying partial charges, and having partial charges waived. This is now fixed. | QMC | Payment | None | None | None |
2011|58|B | | A bug was fixed that reported Cataloguing validation errors as tripled. This is now fixed | AIT | Cataloguing validation | Validation errors now only appear once in the screen | None | None |
2011|57|B | | A bug was fixed that allowed an operator access to Cataloguing functions via Local Search pop-up, even where the operator had no privilege to have this access. The pop-up now disables the Catalogue Maintenance link if the operator is not enabled. | AIT | Results | Pop-up menu | ‘Catalogue maintenance’ disabled in the operator has no access to cataloguing | None | None |
2011|56|E | | The Mobile phone icon is now showing for mobile phone users, e.g. in the Loan screen, if checked for SMS, consistent with other such mobile phone icon displays. | AIT | User displays | Flash icon now showing in screens, e.g. Loan | None | None |
2011|55|E | | A new option is added to User Lists: a new checkbox is available to search for uses marked as Australian South Sea Islander. | QMC/AIT | User Lists | New checkbox as indicated | None | None |
2011|54|E | | A new checkbox is available on the User Details screen. A new ethnicity option allows identification of the user as an ‘Australian South Sea Islander’.This option will not be seen outside of Australia | QMC | User Details | New checkbox as indicated | None | None |
2011|53|E | | A new option is applied to the pop-up menu for titles in search results. This links to Catalogue Maintenance in Desktop | AIT | Results | Pop-up menu | New option ‘Catalogue maintenance’ added to pop-up menu | None | None |
2011|52|E | | Desktop now supports Active Directory control. This requires cross-checks to ensure that:
Active Directory requirements (see below) If Active Directory validation is applied and the user’s Windows log in name does not match an entry in the operator table the application will not proceed. In offline mode, the application will not proceed (to prevent someone taking out the LAN cable, using a remembered login and then reactivating the connection). The Login button allowing the quick change to another operator login is now hidden when Active Directory validation is applied. If applied, this means the operator just needs to start the application, and the login is automatically done without further manual intervention. |
ABC | Login | None | The Workstation table. WS_ActiveDir is applied in Schema 167operator ID (and associated instances) is increased to 20 characters in Schema 169 | None |
2011|51|E | | Utilities is now renamed ‘Backroom functions’ and 2 new functions are added:
These have the same functional operations as in their Backroom equivalents, and are provided to allow for operation over the Net, which is not currently possible via Backroom. Note that by default, Cataloguing will not be generally available until Task settings are modified. |
AIT | New functions applied as indicated | New Toolbar icons as indicated, leading to functions as per Backroom | None | None |
2011|50|E | | This version of Desktop is associated with a release of Backroom on this same date (or later). Please run Backroom first, as this version adds new Task parameter entries for the Desktop forms, and so standard operator and task security can be applied to:
By default all of the above are given Task level zero (freely available) apart from those indicated with an asterisk, which are at Level 9 |
AIT | Operator security | None in Desktop – new tasks visible and controllable in Main Parameters. (no Administrator update is required) | None | None |
2011|49|E | | An extension is applied to Loans logic, when an item is identified by SICI – if the SICI is linked to multiple items, then each will automatically be loaned to that same user. | VNILS | Loans – with particular reference to items loaned by SICI | None | None | None |
2011|48|E | | Loan and Return options now allow Item SICI (for a serial numbered item) to be used as the item identifier. | VNILS | Loan and Return | Item SICI added to the drop down item identifier menu | None | None |
2011|47|E | | A modification is applied to indexing where words are indexed which contain apostrophes. It was found that, while inflectional searching (the default in OPAC) allowed tolerance of the apostrophe in linguistic search strings, if the search string was formed of a personal name, e.g. Mao and this was then associated with an apostrophe (Mao’s), then the inflectional was not providing the additional support. The modification therefore identifies any string containing apostrophe and copies it as a string without apostrophe – so both Mao’s and Maos are then indexed terms and will allow a hit to be provided whether the searcher includes the apostrophe or not. | AIT/NSPL | Search retrieval | None | None | None |
2011|46|E | | A change is made to the Quick Work function so that once an item barcode value is entered, the ability to save just the work is disabled. This should prevent someone accidentally saving the work, but not the work and the holding. | AIT | Quick Work | Work Save button disabled when item barcode entered | None | None |
2011|45|E | | A logic modification is made to the handling of temporary debarral lifting: if the minimum amount is paid to allow the temporarily lifting of a debarral, it is now no longer necessary to refresh the user link details to get the warning message that the debarral is temporarily lifted, and to have the item renewal button enabled. | NSPL | Payment for temporary debarral lifting | Screen behaviour as noted above | None | None |
2011|44|E | | The logic used in the Login change function is modified: if the Login is changed to another operator id and this operator is not performing a cash drawer payment, then the Login stays with the newly logged-on operator until the application closes, or another Login is done.If, however, the new operator identity performs a Login in order to perform a cash drawer payment, then the changed Login is only used to justify the payment and the initial operator setting remains. | AIT/VCML | Login change | None | None | None |
2011|43|E | | General tab as shown below.
The options control adhoc SMS settings, allowing the operator to choose to set one, two or all three pieces of information to go into the SMS message. By default all are selected to start with. Workstation description is the local workstation’s description. |
VCML | SMS Adhoc messages | New checkbox options on Local Settings / General | None | None |
2011|42|E | | The Charges Paid report now allows a summary report to be printed to the default printer, in the form, e.g.:Charges Paid (Printed : 9/06/2011 12:45:46 PM) Location : City 1/02/2011 – 3/02/2011 Cash Paid : $1,059.68 Cheque Paid : $0.00 Eftpos Paid : $0.00
Total Paid : $1,059.68 |
VCML | Charges Paid report | None | None | None |
2011|41|E | | Updates are applied to the Charges Paid report to bypass data from workstations marked as ‘self-service’ in the Workstations table. | VCML | Charges Paid report | None | None | None |
2011|40|E | | A number of changes are applied to the Search screen and functions: New resizing options to provide a better ‘fit’ for each possible screen resolution Filter checkboxes are repositioned A control checkbox allows filter checkboxes to show or be hidden A new checkbox option to suppress keyword match highlight is introduced |
AIT | Search Local | Changes as indicated above | None | None |