Aurora Desktop Release Notes – 2021 #
Details are displayed in reverse chronological order (latest first)
Type of Release code per feature: (E=Enhancement, B=Bug fix, M=Major release)
Ref… | Version | Change | Source of Change | Functions affected by Release | Display Effect | Parameter changes |
84 E | 11.9.29 | Picking list now has a combobox to filter by User-Self Profile allocations | AIT | Allocated loans | None | None |
83 E | 11.9.29 | Picking list display shows Entity users only (not items belonging to another council) & the User-Self Profile allocation caption where relevant. | AIT | Allocated loans | None | None |
82 E | 11.9.29 | Picking list delete option is extended to allow the deletion of specific allocation types. | AIT | Allocated loans | None | None |
81 E | 11.9.29 | Reserves list now includes the User Email address | NSHOR | Reserves reporting | None | None |
80 E | 11.9.29 | There is now the option to not list untrapped LTYD reserves. Has included paid option and shows LTYD icon if listed. | NLCOV | Reserves reporting | None | None |
79 E | 11.9.29 | Works Borrowed By Others – The function to display works that users who also borrowed this work has been modified to allow the specific item format to be used in a filter. The process now asks if the filter should be applied before returning results. | AIT | Search | None | None |
78 E | 11.9.29 | The work list has a new column to display linked works as well as a new linked work icon. | AIT | Search | New column and icon (rings) | None |
77 E | 11.9.29 | The ability to define a parent work and to link another work to the parent – linked works will show in a new tab in Montage. | AIT | Search | None | None |
76 E | 11.9.29 | Item formats have a new ‘Hide from public’ checkbox and new category options (schema v195) allowing the operator to prevent these formats being displayed in Montage or returned in refinements. | AIT | System Parameters | None | None |
75 E | 11.9.29 | Item format options now highlight in yellow if selected to make it easier for an operator to see chosen settings. | AIT | System parameters | None | None |
74 E | 11.9.29 | New Montage search work formats for Artefact, Set, and Specimen. | AIT | General | None | None |
73 E | 11.9.29 | Pre-order capability included based on Reservation ratio values (Requires Database schema v195). The new tab Automatic pre-orders displays works that are in need of ordering. These works have reserves that can’t be satisfied or high demand works that may require more copies. The process requires default item formats and purchase orders set up per fund that will be used in automatic pre-ordering. | AIT | Place an order | New tab and controls | None |
72 E | 11.9.29 | Change to get History info each time the tab is viewed, just in case of an update and the operator wants to check. | AIT | Cataloguing | None | None |
71 E | 11.9.29 | Allow for new list type ‘Bookclub’ to be displayed when adding to lists. | NSPL | Search | None | None |
70 E | 11.9.29 | When bulk saving, eg. to generate a list for emailing then if a consortium auto disable user entities, disable the entity and home library comboboxes and clear the save tag just to be sure another entities user details are not output. | NCOU | User Lists | None | None |
69 E | 11.9.29 | A new list type ‘Bookclub list’ has been added to reading lists. These will be separated on Montage as a new list type. | NSPL | Lists of works | New list type | None |
68 E | 11.9.29 | Reading lists can now be separated by entity. This is accomplished using the new field ‘Entity specific’. By entering the council entity code in the reading list this allows applications to separate the data. | NCOU | Lists of works | New column | None |
67 M | 11.9.29 | A new tab ‘Data changes’ has been added to allow libraries to bulk update Trapped reserve expiry dates, Item on loan due dates and, User registration expiry dates. These data changes have been made regulary during lockdowns and now libraries are able to manage these changes as needed. | AIT | Loan parameters | New tab Data changes | None |
66 E | 11.9.29 | A new control has been added to include or exclude the debar reason when searching for users. The new control is found in the ‘Date Ranges’ tab. | AIT | User Lists | New combobox | None |
65 E | 11.9.29 | If a consortium is detected, a new check is included to see if there is a bypass on the max number of loans by user type for this user when loaning an item. | NSHOR | Loans | None | UserTypeMaxOverduesBypass |
64 E | 11.9.29 | A two factor authentication failure code has been added to flag an existing email address or mobile number provided during the save of a new user. | AIT | General | None | None |
63 E | 11.9.29 | In the workstation view the rows and columns have been swapped to accommodate libraries with many workstations. | AIT | Circulation per Hour | None | None |
62 E | 11.9.29 | New links have been added to Go to Item details, Go to User details and, Go to Homebound | AIT | Allocated Loans | New contextual menu option | None |
61 E | 11.9.29 | The ability to upgrade a Trapped Reserve to a LTYD Reserve & Delivery has been added. | NLCOV | User Links | None | None |
60 E | 11.9.29 | Zero value counts are omitted to make the screen easier to read. | AIT | Electronic Resource Management | None | None |
59 E | 11.9.29 | The ability to shadow eMusic and eVideo has been added as menu options. | AIT | Electronic Resource Management | New contextual menu options | None |
58 E | 11.9.29 | If an 856 tag is selected the program will attempt to default to the $u URL field to prevent operators putting the URL in a $a field. | AIT | Cataloguing | None | None |
57 E | 11.9.29 | A new process has been developed to allow the allocation of loans via the user’s self-profile. This process is activated by setting the enterprise setting AllocationUserSelfProfile to 1. The user must have Automatic and Profile selected in their homebound user account. | NLCOV | Allocated Loans | None | AllocationUserSelfProfile |
56 E | 11.6.16 | In the Circulation per hour report, the workstation table has been altered to list the workstations vertically making the data much easier to read | AIT | Reports and Statistics | Axis change | None |
55 E | 11.6.16 | A new option in Manage Access allows the operator to list works linked to a supplier, or alternatively with a matching URL that have not been linked to the supplier. | AIT | Electronics Resource Management | New radio buttons | None |
54 E | 11.6.16 | The search for resources has been improved in Manage Access providing faster results returned. | AIT | Electronics Resource Management | None | None |
53 E | 11.6.16 | A new message has been added to alert the user if a bibliographic search has timed out. | AIT | Search | New message | None |
52 E | 11.6.16 | The output file option in item transfer is believed to be obsolete and has been removed. | AIT | Item Transfer | file output option removed | None |
51 E | 11.6.16 | If a work is reserved for the user by an operator and deleted then the user message reporting this is no longer shown to the user | AIT | Suggestions | None | None |
50 E | 11.6.16 | Digital Cataloguer has been updated to use https if the library’s eServer is set to this. | QMC | Digital Cataloguer | None | None |
49 B | 11.6.16 | The URL of the large image was previously being created as jthumb, this has been corrected. | QMC | Digital Cataloguer | None | None |
48 E | 11.6.16 | The program now allows HTML to be passed and saved as a field. This is in preparation for an update to the suggestions and ILL forms in Montage | AIT | Suggestion | None | None |
47 E | 11.6.16 | Homebound has been altered to be entity specific when performing a lookup search | NSIN | Homebound | None | None |
46 E | 11.6.16 | Loader now compensates for ASC(12) characters in a Marc file, it replaces these with an underscore. | AIT | Loader | None | None |
45 E | 11.6.16 | A new process has been introduced to take any email address out of Tag 205 and put to Tag 200 if not in there. This was introduced for users that only have a postal address and no residential address. | NRML | User Details | None | None |
44 E | 11.6.16 | The ‘related user loans’ checkbox is disabled if more items are found than the total set in the enterprise parameter ItemsOnLoanIncrementPerSet | AIT | User Links | None | None |
43 B | 11.6.16 | The funds screen had a display error that was caused by the bubble up process, small amounts were not displayed in the remaining budget from orders where the amount received was less than the original commitment. This was most evident in sites that do not authorise invoices | NINV | Funds | None | None |
42 E | 11.6.16 | A new tab called Activation has been added to the ERM screen. This screen will allow operators to set a date when a set of electronic resources are to move from freeze to normal status, or vice versa. The works are hidden from Montage while in freeze status. The activation tab requires a schema update before it will become fully active. | AIT | Electronics Resource Management | None | None |
41 E | 11.6.16 | eVideo and eMusic are now supported in ERM. Marc record analysis for these groups have been added to the ERM Upload resources function and searching is possible in the Manage access tab. Requires Watcher v11.5.14 and AWS v11.5.14 | AIT | Electronics Resource Management | New sections in Supplier Details tab. | None |
40 E | 11.6.16 | Pagination has been added to the Work to be done screen in cataloguing. | QPIL | Cataloguing | None | None |
39 E | 11.6.16 | The number of loans displayed in User Links is now paginated to cater for users with large amounts of loans. This is linked to a new enterprise parameter to set the page incrementation. The minimum set size is 10, the default is 100 | QPIL | User Links | None | ItemsOnLoanIncrementPerSet |
38 E | 11.6.16 | A new enterprise parameter has been added to allow an operator to add two users with the same name and date of birth, even if the DOB is empty. A prompt warns the operator if there is a match detected. | QPIL | User Details | None | UserNewDupeBypassOnNameDOB |
37 E | 11.6.16 | The matching routine can now be selected in the ERM module rather than relying only on the default matching routine selection in the suppliers details. | AIT | Electronics Resource Management | None | None |
36 E | 11.6.16 | In Quick work, if a holding is created with an Interlibrary Loan item format the work is now marked with an ILL status. Therefore hidden on Montage. | QPIL | Quick Work | None | None |
35 E | 11.6.16 | A new option in Items Details allows the operator to prevent an item being auto rotated at an item level. ‘Block from being auto-rotated’ | AIT | Item Details | New checkbox | None |
34 E | 11.6.16 | There is a new option to show the ‘Return Physical Location’ column in the untrapped/on shelf reserves report. | AIT | Reports and Statistics | New column in report | None |
33 E | 11.6.16 | If the location of an item has Float Bypass set to ON then the item will be ignored in Automatic Stock Rotation. | AIT | System Parameters | None | None |
32 E | 11.6.16 | A new cog button presents a table for the creation or management of Float max per location settings. The table shows the current amounts of items on shelf and on loan as well as a total to provide an estimate of what the float max can/should be set to. The float max is now used in auto stock rotation. | AIT | System Parameters / Item Formats | New table and cog button | None |
31 E | 11.6.16 | If the library has the Enterprise setting UserSigninUseSSO turned ON and the user has a stored token, a new button on the User Details Security tab allows the operator to unlink the selected user’s sign-on. A new caption also alerts the operator that the user has an SSO token stored. | NSPL | User Details | None | UserSigninUseSSO |
30 E | 11.6.16 | A new enterprise parameter FineOverdueAmnesty has been added that waives overdue fees when an item is returned. When the amnesty setting is turned off fines return to normal. The waived fine records a transaction and an amount which is able to be used in associated reports. Statistics – Amnesty Counts | NRML | Returns | None | FineOverdueAmnesty |
29 E | 11.6.16 | A period of hours may now be selected as the default loan period in the loan category screen. | AIT | Loan Parameters | New radio button ‘Hours’ | None |
28 E | 11.6.16 | Formerly set operator task levels can now be defined in the Enterprise table on request. This means that the default levels of 7 or 8 can now be lowered to allow other task levels to have access to previously restricted functions. | QPIL | System Administration | None |
27 E | 11.6.16 | Block loan item flag has been included as an option to be added and removed in bulk via the item transfer screen | AIT | Item Transfer / Set Flags | New radio button ‘ Block loan’ | None |
26 E | 11.6.16 | A new flag ‘Block from being loaned’ has been added to the Item Details flags tab, this prevents an item from being loaned at an item level. The item status shows as ‘Not for Loan’. An operator can override the block at the point of loan. | QFCL | Item Details | New checkbox | None |
25 E | 11.6.16 | ERM | QMC | A display limiter (default 500) was added to the Manage Access screen to aid in loading suppliers with large amounts of records. | None | None |
24 E | 11.6.16 | An ISBN search filter was added to the Manage Access screen of ERM | AIT | ERM | None | New combobox |
23 B | 11.6.16 | The returns function, in specific circumstances was incorrectly writing an intransit transaction to its current location when no transaction was required. This extra transaction caused confusion and was removed via an AWS change. | AIT | Return | None | None |
22 M | 11.6.16 | The new Item Automatic Stock Rotation allows an operator to define the amount of loans an item should have at a location before it is eligible to auto move to another location. The parameters are defined in the item format table with the new control ‘Stock rotation loan count’. The operator can also define the total number of items for that format to be held at specific locations using the float max per location filter. When these values are set and the enterprise parameter ItemStockRotationAuto is set on, returned items will check with the new policy and request transit if they satisfy the requirements. There is an associated report screen in Stock Rotation that allows the operator view items on shelf that are elligible for rotation based on the set parameters. This can be used as a pick list for a more pro-active approach. The process checks to see if the item has satisfied the number of loans at its current location and then looks at all locations and picks the location that has had the least loans of that specific work, if more than one location is eligible it selects randomly between them. This functionality requires schema version 193 or later. | AIT | Stock Analysis | New tab ‘Auto rotation to other locations’ | ItemStockRotationAuto. Consortium: ItemStockRotationAuto_<Entity> |
21 M | 11.1.20 | The new electronic resource management module has been added to Aurora Desktop. The new module allows operators to manipulate and analyse eResource records . More information can be found at the ERM help page. | AIT | Electronic Resource Management | A new module | None |
20 E | 11.1.20 | If a user is attempting to loan a serial issue that they have previously loaned the system will now provide an alert to identify this. The alert will be shown even if the item has a different barcode and is based on the material specification of the issue. | AIT | Loans | None | None |
19 E | 11.1.20 | A new feature is available to help identify works with invalid language codes. In the works to be done tab of Cataloguing can be found a new hyperlink called ‘Fix invalid Language codes in works’. After selecting this link, an operator with suitable permissions will be redirected to the Marc Parameters screen where a list is presented on the left of the invalid codes. Selecting a code provides a contextual menu with several functions. If the code is a no longer preferred code the system is able to update it automatically. If the code does not exist then a list of works with this code can be provided for manual editing. Incorrect codes in the 041 $a can also be found with this process. | AIT | Cataloguing | None | None |
18 E | 11.1.20 | The Austlang codes for Australian languages are now able to be catalogued in the 041 tag $a subfield. If the operator places AUSTLANG (case insensitive) into the 041 $2 then only Australian languages will be able to be selected in the $a dropdown. This requires an update of language codes before it will function. | QPIL | Cataloguing | None | None |
17B | 11.1.20 | The Loan parameters screen had a bug that prevented scrolling of the user type control. This only affected operators with small screens. This has now been fixed. | NSHOR | Loan Parameters | None | None |
16 E | 11.1.20 | For libraries that use the archive facility when deleting users, User Lists now has a new option in the ‘Status’ combo box. Any (except Deleted or Deceased) will allow the operator to see archived users among the normal search. This option can be set as the default utilising a new enterprise parameter. | NRML | User Lists | New combo box option | UserList_DefaultIncludesArchived |
15 B | 11.1.20 | A minor bug in the homebound screen prevented the save of a headings profile when a certain sequence of events occurred. Clearing xml files would temporarily fix the issue, but a permanent fix has now been implemented. | SALB | Homebound | None | None |
14 E | 11.1.20 | The max amount that the control ‘ignore items added in last months’ was previously set to 5 years, this has now been extended to 20 years. | NSIN | Low Activity Report | None | None |
13 E | 11.1.20 | The ability to create global closed days for all branches in a library system or libraries within a consortium has been added utilising the ALL controls within the location settings of the closed Days page. Once an ALL parameter has been created it will display for each individual branch selected. The parameter can only be deleted or edited when the ALL location setting is once again selected. | QPIL | Closed Days | New option in combo boxes ‘All’ | None |
12 E | 11.1.20 | If the number of street entries for a state is zero, the address check option in User details is now disabled. | QPIL | User Details | None | None |
11 E | 11.1.20 | When an operator in Desktop cancels a reserve the cancellation reason text now gets auto added as a user message by AWS. | NRML | System | None | None |
10 B | 11.1.20 | There was a minor bug in the Item status report in Desktop which was not handling floating items correctly. This has been fixed. The web report RK083 was already correct and now both are aligned. | NRML | Reports | None | None |
9 E | 11.1.20 | A new enterprise parameter has been introduced that will charge a user a given amount when an ILL suggestion is placed. The amount is defined in the parameter and will occur when an ILL suggestion is placed via Montage or Desktop. | NRML | Enterprise Parameters | None | Charge_ILL_Placement |
8 E | 11.1.20 | A new parameter has been added to the physical location options, ‘Do not reserve trap an item with this home location’. Selecting this option will prevent any item with this home location from being trapped for a reservation when returned. | QSRCL | System Parameters / Locations | New check box | None |
7 B | 11.1.20 | A bug was identified where an existing item format that had less than 3 characters in the ID could no longer be updated. This has been fixed. New Item formats are restricted to a three letter code. | QPIL | System Parameters / Item formats | None | None |
6 E | 11.1.20 | A new debarral reason ‘Item overdue by min days’ is shown if a user exceeds the limits set by UserDebarIfLoanItemMaxDays. This parameter is now able to be defined per entity within a consortium. | QPIL | System Parameters | None | UserDebarIfLoanItemMaxDays_<entity> |
5 E | 11.1.20 | The untrapped reserves report has been modified to prevent reserves placed by users that are in a User Type that has the check box ticked ‘Loans only on local items’ from being displayed at other councils as they can not satisfy the reserve. | NSHOR | Reports and Statistics / Reserves | None | None |
4 E | 11.1.20 | A new function to prevent specific user types from loaning items that do not belong to their council has been introduced. A new checkbox in the User Types screen sets this on in a consortium model. | NSHOR | System Parameters / User Types | new check box ‘Loans only on local items’ | None |
3 E | 11.1.20 | Desktop will now check if a user has borrowed an issue of a magazine by comparing the material specification (part) for that issue with those in the previous loans history. A simple alert lets the operator know at the point of loan. | AIT | NSHOR | None | None |
2 E | 11.1.20 | A new enterprise setting has been introduced to allow the User contact tracing function to be forced on, or optional. If UserContactTracing is on but UserContactTracingForceOn is off then the contact tracing check will be by default off unless it is switched on by an operator. A magenta colour alerts the operator that the check is currently off. | AIT | User Details | None | UserContactTracingForceOn |
1 E | 11.1.20 | The ability to add a second indicator of 2 to an 856 tag defines that the URL represented is not the main URL of this work but is a related resource. | NHKS | Cataloguing | None | None |