User Cart #
The User’s cart provides a means to save titles of interest for a user. The title is initially found by Search functions, and then may be added to the cart. In WebOPAC, the user can then view the cart and use it as a means to reserve the items, print the list, or simply keep for reference. Each user may only use one instance of the cart.
Search – adding to list of works / user cart #
When a suitable title is located, the pop-up menu may be invoked, with a link to List of Works functions
The menu option then has four further sub-options:
- Add work to a list
- Add work to selected list -> [title of the selected list] (this is the last list viewed in List of works screen)
- Add work to a user’s cart
- Go to ‘Lists of works’
Cart form #
The menu option invokes a form. If the user has already been identified, then their details will automatically be used; if no user is identified, the user may be located either by their barcode, or by entering the first part of their last name to provide a browse list which can be seen in the drop-down menu and selecting the required user.
Command buttons #
The cart form has two buttons:
- Adds the title to the cart
- Cancels the function and quits the form
Save to the cart #
View User Cart #
When looking at the user links, the number of ‘works in the cart’ is shown and hyperlinked.
Displaying the cart contents #
Clicking the user’s cart hyperlink will bring up the Cart form – this time with the fourth tab showing and listing the titles that have been added.
Pop-up menu #
The Cart titles display has a small pop-up menu. This has the following options:
- Select all titles – ticks the checkbox for all titles in the cart. This can be used if creating a bibliography from all of the titles.
- Unselect all titles – the reverse of the first option, allowing all title checkboxes to be cleared, e.g. if changing a specific selection
- Create a bibliography from the selected titles
- Delete selected titles from the cart (This is only valid when one or more titles have been selected by ticking their individual checkboxes)
- Delete all titles from the cart
- Add select titles to an existing list
Warning: In development |
- Add select titles to a new list
Creating a bibliography from the cart #
One of the most useful features afforded by the cart is to be able to create a ‘bibliography’ – i.e. a formatted reading list – from the contents of the cart.
This menu option extends, to allow various sort orders:
Available sort ordering options are:
- Subject
- Special Interest Code (SIC)
- Title
- Name
- Series
With this selection, the listing document (using Microsoft Word) can be created. Please note that you may be prompted to select an encoding format:
Windows (Default) should be fine as long as your selection does not include non-Roman characters; if your system is enabled for Unicode (UTF-8), then this should normally be used, and this will correctly handle accents and non-Roman characters.
The details of the cart titles are then organized and output in a ‘vanilla’ document, e.g.:
There is no formatting applied in this version, and the file is then available to local reformatting software. This can be applied to make the display look more polished and professional, e.g.:
Changing the formatted display #
The formatting for the display is controlled by a set of parameter tables:
- Marc_Bibliography – defines the elements used in output formatting.
These parameters are essentially by default copies of the ISBD formatting using for Summary displays, but may be changed as required, e.g. to remove Tracings.
Sequels and reading lists #
Warning: In development |
Limited display is provided at present, with a radio button selection:
- Prequel/Sequel lists – these have particular value for libraries for the blind and allow for the linking and sequencing of works in a linear series, providing for logical ordering, and allocation in the correct reading order.
- Reading lists – these are displayed in OPAC, and allow users to review, and select to reserve.
The tab has two command buttons:
- – Refresh: this populates the screen with the details of currently defined lists in the selected type
- – View: this displays the titles linked to the list in the fourth tab ‘Works in Lists’
Works in lists #
Warning: In development |
This display shows the works linked to the list.