Integrated Library
Management Solutions
Our Products
Contact us for the full range of products available.
Committed to creating the best Library Management System
Aurora Information Technology combines library experience and development passion to create a library system that meets the needs of our member Libraries.
Our small team enables us to build relationships with our libraries to ensure they are getting the most from their LMS.
Our Clients know that a call to Aurora for support is a call to a team that knows who you are and has built an understanding of their library’s needs.
Many of our libraries have close to a million items each, and we are committed to developing innovative software that supports all libraries big and small.
Services that make Librarians happy

Support for our products is included in our annual licencing fees and we encourage our members to contact us through our support services to ensure their Library is the achieving the best results from the LMS.
We also offer additional specialised training sessions separate from our implementation training, please contact us for a quote.

Smart Knowledge Hub
Our Knowledge Hub enables quick self-service for questions and issues.
Our moderated content and easily searchable our Knowledge Hub can assist our customers find the solution to their questions or learn about our products in detail.

Web Development
We are constantly improving our products to meet the needs our member Libraries and offer additional Web development services upon request.
Past projects include creation of a Bookings module for Queensland Museum, a single sign on solution for Mackay council and API Development for the Indy Reads project.
What its like to be one of our members
AIT provides a world class Library Management System for public, academic, specialist libraries and museums.
Our annual Aurora licence fee structure Includes:
- Workstation licences
- Client support
- Hosting services
- Cloud server maintenance
- All licenced product updates
Enhancement to our LMS are passed onto all our customers at no additional charge.
Additional development or requests outside the normal scope of your annual fee can be discussed with our team to see if we can undertake the project.
An Aurora licence covers a staff workstation or a SIP device and may be switched as required. Public access sessions do not require a licence and allow for unlimited access.

Why Choose Us

Australian Owned
AIT is a fully Australian owned and operated company based in Sydney.

Technical Support
We have highly skilled staff specialising in library software and web development. When you call AIT for support you speak directly to a developer.

Cloud Hosting
Aurora’s high speed cloud servers are located in Australia and are subject to Australian law.

Smart Solutions
Aurora suits all library models from single branch public libraries, to large consortia, to nationwide speciality libraries.
Authorised Vendor