Aurora Montage
Public Catalogue Solution
Aurora Montage
Aurora Montage’s is our modern and seamless public catalogue discovery solution, that enables searching and interaction with the entire library collection.
Montage produces a natural and intuitive user experience. With each search the user becomes aware of the books, maps, toys, and more in the library collection. and it’s easy to use design encourages further discovery of your collection.

Montage Key Features
- Individual branding options
- Format result grouping
- Gallery displays for photographs and other images that allows the library to create online exhibitions.
- Integrated digital collections including eBook, databases etc,
- Stream music, video, and oral histories directly from Montage via our inbuilt media player
- Non-traditional collections e.g. toys, tools, plans
- Member login with self-profile management, reserve, renew and payment options.
- New membership processing.
- Responsive web design for all device types
- Social media and sharing devices.
- Moderated item review systems for authenticated users
- Fine payments online via secure pay, provided in conjunction with Australia Post
- Collection Suggestion
- Optional static web pages for services and programs
- Attractive default page with hero search feature, carousels, image links, list links, and a footer
Easy Customer UX
Aurora Montage provides the ability to search across the entire library collection with a single search and return the results in groups in their respective formats. The advanced search provides an alternate search option, with greater refinements for more complex or specific search requests.
With one search the users will become aware if there are books, eBooks, maps, etc. in the library collection that relate to the search term/s used, and all results are ranked by relevancy. Users can then navigate to pages of results on specific formats e.g Ebooks.
Montages Integrating eBooks, external databases, Image collections, oral histories, and other non-traditional collections with the main collection, yet keeping them separated for easy browsing, is how montage produces a natural and intuitive user experience.
A “Google style” single search interface with predictive text makes it very easy to start searching.
On searching, a powerful selection of faceted refinements becomes available to the user. E.g location, Language, Publication date, Category or Item format.
Montage uses a Responsive Web Design to dynamically adjust to the screen used, whether it is a desktop, tablet or mobile.
Implementing HTML 5, CSS 3 and utilising the full screen width gives Montage a fresh look with adequate white space for reading and compatibility with all major browsers.
Multiple views such as thumbnail and list provide easy browsing options, and these may be set as default for different focus formats by the library or selected ad hoc by the user.

Colours, captions, messages and refinements may be adjusted by the library through the montage web administrator interface.
Persistent external URIs are provided to accommodate future linked data models and to allow a user to link to a work, a group of works or to a specific search.
Montage is able to display photographs and other images in a gallery style view and allows the library to create online exhibitions linked to exhibition information.
Users can stream music, video, and voice directly from Montage via our inbuilt media player.
Modern HTML carousels can be linked to any format or subject are utilised for lists of newly added works and/or bespoke collections.
All captions have an optional ability to be translated into one or more other languages allowing the library to have, for example, a Spanish or Chinese instance of their catalogue.
The addition of the collections refinement to eBooks and Images allows the library to assign their own controlled vocabulary to their MARC records via SIC codes making it easier for customers to browse the collection.

Inbuilt social media and sharing devices link directly to Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter.
A very simple moderated reviewing process allows authenticated users to add reviews, which can then be viewed as a list of recent reviews or via the work itself.
Comments may be placed on images in the same fashion for the library to encourage the public to contribute valuable social information to historic photographs, which will enhance the content of the library’s collection.
The members section allows a user to update their details in real time and pay fines from home using SecurePay affiliated with Australia Post.
The clean interface begins with an account summary that alerts a user to the status of their account. Various tabs allow the user to manage their account as well as view a complete previous loans history and read messages sent to users from the library.
Aurora Cloud provides HTTPS site management and Montage resides on these secure servers. When a user has forgotten their password our member detail recovery option utilises encrypted email to contact the user for the reset.
A web service manages the login process and provides an extra layer of security for sensitive data. A user may log in with their library barcode or alternatively an alias may be chosen that is easier to remember.
Aurora ILMS has a very high level of integration with eBook suppliers, Finance management, Database suppliers and local services.
API integrations with authentication allow the user to access the resource with only a single login.
If the user is new to the product, an account with the third-party can be created on the fly using their library authentication data if API permission is provided by the third party.
Aurora has integrated with the following eBook suppliers:
- Alexander street
- Axis 360
- Bolinda
- Hoopla
- IndyReads – by Odilo
- Overdrive
- Overdrive Magazines
- Parent TV
- PeterPal – Direct download available
- Warner
- Wheelers
Full integration with Ebsco Discovery Service allows logged in users to browse and download Ebsco and non-Ebsco resources from within their catalogue without having to authenticate again or leave the session.
Database sites can often be confusing for new users with the large amount of predefined search parameters that can be set. The Aurora Montage databases tab provides access to these resources with a simplified interface that utilises post search refinements, prompting the user to start exploring by simply presenting a search box.
Aurora Montage records a loan when an eResource is downloaded. This provides statistics for the library and updates the borrowers previous loan history information which in turn is used to recommend similar works to the user through user profiling.
The download statistics are recorded within the ILMS statistics as with any other format.
Additional statistics are recorded when viewing (e.g. Local history photographs, plans maps & eDocuments) and playing (e.g., streamed sound such as oral histories or music). These provide valuable managerial feedback on the use of these materials.
Where the library sells high resolution copies of the images for private or commercial use, Aurora montage becomes a promotional source to increased revenue by linking the user’s image selection to the library for purchase of one or more images.