User calls #
Aurora provides Contact Management facilities through the Calls link in User Links. This presents a history of contacts in a summary listing, with options for addition and deletion of contact details. This feature is of value for maintaining a history of contact with individual borrowers, but also for noting contacts with suppliers, or other libraries. Libraries may opt to record all details of overdue notices in the Call summary.
Printing contact details #
To print details of calls,
- Select the view to be printed, and click the Information tab on the Control Panel. The data may then be exported to Excel using the Excel button, for manipulation and for printing.
Contact history #
The Contact history is shown in the results grid display, which is presented by default in chronological order – that is the most recent contact is presented at the bottom of the list. The following columns are available:
- Checkbox (for selection)
- Sequence number of the contact
- Date of the contact
- Type of contact
- Operator id
- Notes
- follow up date
- follow up by date
Notices #
If notices are written to Calls (as set in Enterprise parameters, then the detail is written as required. Note that in the results grid display, the notice appears as Web page (click to see content)
If the notice Call row is then clicked, it will invoke the Web Browser and display the notice as it was originally delivered.
Control panel #
The control panel provides means to add and delete messages and view existing notes in full:
- The date is not entered manually but is set by Aurora either when an existing contact record is selected from the List view, or to the current date and time when the New Call button is pressed.
- The current operator details are derived from the logon identity.
- Aurora provides various types of contact to be defined. The combo selection allows these to be displayed (only types that may be manually added are shown; not the types that are added by automated processes):
Additional contact types may be defined as required. Please contact AIT for full details. Note that Follow-up is simply shown here as the follow-up contact and has no system meaning.
- If a follow-up action is required, the operator can check the follow-up required box, and this enables the operator to set a date for the follow-up contact and an operator id to be responsible. This responsibility must be defined for an existing operator as defined within the Aurora system and is selected from the existing operator definitions on the combo provided.
- The Notes box allows a considerable amount of detail to be recorded about the contact – or follow up action required. Remember that the display of notes in the List view is limited to one line, however long, and detailed notes will be read more easily by selection into the Control Panel.
Command buttons #
- – Add, This button allows a new Call to be recorded and clears any currently displayed details.
- – Delete, If a contact message becomes redundant, or is misleading, it may be deleted. Simply select the contact record from the List view, and it will be highlighted in the Control Panel, allowing review of the full details. To delete, click the checkbox left of the call to be deleted, and this will enable the Delete button. On clicking this, a confirmation request will be issued by Aurora. Note that only one Call can be deleted at a time.
WARNING! A Call record is selected for deletion by ticking the checkbox – a call may be highlighted and displayed in the control panel, but if another call record is ticked, and the delete button clicked, then it is the checked record that will be deleted, not the displayed record.
- – Save the new call created
- – View call in notepad