Inst Enterprise #
The Inst_Enterprise table is designed to hold system wide defaults and global system parameters. The parameters may be maintained using the System Parameters function, selecting the Enterprise tab. This process is described here. This section provides further detail and explanation of the individual parameters.
Parameter values #
Note on key:
Field | Meaning |
NR | Parameter is not repeatable. |
Y/N | The parameter values are True or False: in the interface this is presented as a checkbox being ticked ON(True) or OFF(False). Therefore Y = True = ON = Checked box = 1 N = False = OFF = Unchecked box = 0 |
– | Details of appropriate values are given in the next column |
No. | A numeric value is expected, i.e. an integer |
Char. | A character value is expected |
Amt. | A numeric value is expected in the form N.NN, i.e. a currency amount |
Parameter values and their meaning #
A #
Parameter | Repeatable | Control | Description |
A— | |||
AccessioningRequired | NR | Y/N | determines whether the Receipt process requires formal accessioning and passing forward to other processes. If set, items will have a temporary status of Awaiting Accessioning, otherwise, the status is set to ‘Normal’ on receipt. Note that if this is set to 1, then items added during a Cataloguing process will be shown as ‘Awaiting Accessioning’. |
Account_Charge_Admin | NR | Amt. | defines the Overdue Account Notice Administrative Charge to be applied per notice, e.g. 2.00 Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. Account_Charge_Admin_BOULIA] |
Account_Charge_Item | NR | Amt. | defines the Overdue Account Notice charge to be applied per item, e.g. 5.00 Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. Account_Charge_Item_MANLY] |
Account_DebarReason | NR | No. | Debarral reason code if Account Notice is sent (where sending the Account Notice automatically triggers debarral). This is the debarral code as defined in the User_UserCodes table. |
Account_Notice | NR | No. | defines which level Overdue Notice represents the Account Notice (for purposes of associating an Account Notice Administrative Charge |
AccountingMethod | NR | – | This parameter allows the library to determine how accounting is to be performed. A setting of 1 requires the invoice to be passed before the accounting is updated; if set to 2 then simple receipt of the items will update the balances. This parameter may be set in the application in the Fund Management function. |
AccountRetainDebar | NR | Y/N | Allows a user to remain debarred, where the reason for debarral is by Account sending, if set ON; the default setting of OFF will allow the debarral to be lifted automatically, once the borrower has returned all overdue items and settled outstanding charges. |
AddClosedDays | NR | Y/N | determines whether defined closed days (see Loan_ClosedDays parameter) are added to the Loan Period: i.e. if the loan parameters are for 14 days, then if this parameter is set to yes (1) then the due date will be 14 library working days from the date of loan; if set to no (0), then the due date will be 14 calendar days from the date of loan. |
AdvanceNoOfDays | NR | No. | sets the number of days before due date for the production of Advance Reminder Notices |
AdvanceRegoExpiryDays | NR | No. | where the advance reminder of user registration expiry is used, this parameter defines the number of days before the expiry for the notice to be sent. The default is 7 days – indicating the advance notice will go out (by email) 7 days before the user’s registration expires. |
AdvRegoExpiry_Subject | NR | – | sets the subject line for Advance Reminder Notices emails. By default Aurora FileWatcher will add this parameter with a value ‘Advance Reminder Notice – <IN_Desc>’ (where Inst_Institutions. IN_Desc holds the name of the institution)- it can be modified via Enterprise parameter management. [Note that if the Schema is not up to date, this description may be truncated] |
AdvReminder_Subject | NR | – | sets the subject line for Advance ‘User Registration Expiry’ Notices emails. By default Aurora FileWatcher will add this parameter with a value ‘Advance Reminder Notice – <IN_Desc>’ (where Inst_Institutions. IN_Desc holds the name of the institution)- it can be modified via Enterprise parameter management. [Note that if the Schema is not up to date, this description may be truncated] |
AllocationMultiTitle | NR | Y/N | Determines whether the local system will allocate Multi-title ‘Burn on Demand’ Daisy books |
AllocationsUsed | NR | Y/N | provides an overall indication that Allocations and Pickling List options are in use, using the full facilities appropriate for the use of Libraries for the Blind. If not set on, then the Allocated loan and Picking List icons do not appear. Warning: Please note that if this parameter is set ON, the download of Offline files for Debarred users and Reserved Items and Works will be inhibited. |
AllocationStyle | NR | Y/N | this parameter defines the style of allocation processing to be used: 0=NILS style (mix of holdings embedded and separated) 1=RNZFB style (all holdings separated). In effect, NILS have now moved to style 1. |
AllowLoan_DebarredUser | NR | Y/N | Allow option to loan items to a debarred user |
AltGraphicStart | $1 | NR | determines the escape sequence for CJK data (may be invoked directly from Function key F7) |
AltGraphicEnd | $B | NR | determines the closing sequence for the Alternate Graphical Character Set, e.g. CJK, and allows return to standard input (may be invoked directly by using Function key F8) |
AudioAutoFormats- | NR | – | this parameter enumerates the item formats that are controlled by the automatic subscription loan and deletion processes – the formats are listed as required using the standard library item format codes, and are separated by the ^ symbol, e.g. MAG^MA2^ |
AudioMax_MAG | NR | No. | Sets the maximum number of magazine subscriptions that may be held concurrently by a user, where the format is determined by a suffix to the parameter containing the item format code, e.g. AudioMax_MAG = 5 |
AuroraInstCurrency | NR | – | Determines the default (i.e. local) currency to be used for all financial transactions and calculations. This should not be amended while financial data is active. The code is the standard ISO code for currency, e.g. AUD = Australian Dollar EUR = Euro JOD = Jordanian Dinar MRR = Malaysian Ringgit USD = US Dollar |
AutoHoldItemStatus | NR | Y/N | This parameter is provided to control the application of a Hold status in the reservation process and is added with a default setting of 1 indicating that the Hold status is applied. If the Hold status is not to be used, this value must be turned off. |
Auto_OffDebarReason | NR | No. | defines a default debarral reason code to be set when auto-allocation is turned off. This is the debarral code as defined in the User_UserCodes table. |
B #
Parameter | Repeatable | Control | Description |
B— | |||
BackroomAcquisitions | NR | Y/N | Use Aurora Backroom Acquisitions |
BibQueryPlusItems | NR | – | This is set to True by default and indicates the way WebOPAC works – getting the items back with the title results to help speed the display (and not have to go off each title to get the item summary information or items per title). |
BibsMarkForReviewIfQuick | NR | Y/N | This parameter is set OFF by default and is designed to allow a library to have a new work added by Quick Work to be set to Mark for Review |
BypassInTransitRsv | NR | Y/N | bypasses in-transit reserves |
CallNumbersInUpperCase | NR | Y/N | This parameter define whether or not to automatically set call numbers to upper case in all cataloguing operations adding a Holding. True/1 = Yes. |
CashDrawerNoSale | NR | Y/N | Allow a cash drawer to be opened when there is no sale, e.g. simply to provide change |
Charge_Admin_ LostItem | NR | Amt. | Defines the amount of the Administration Charge for a lost item, to be used in Circulation Lost Item Processing Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. Charge_Admin_ LostItem_WINTON] |
Charge_ToSend_SMS | NR | Amt. | Defines the amount that may be charged for sending an SMS message; a checkbox determines whether GST is to be charged. Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. Charge_ToSend_SMS_LANECOVE] |
ChargeDebarAuto | NR | Y/N | This determines (1 = yes) whether users are automatically debarred if they exceed the Maximum Charges threshold, set according to a user type specific value, determined by the User_UserType parameter. |
ChargesApplied | NR | Y/N | must be set to 1 if fines are used |
ChargesForHolds | NR | Y/N | If this parameter is set to zero (not applied) then when a Hold is placed for a user, the reservation charge is not applied; if set to 1, then the standard reservation charge for the current combination is applied. |
CheckedFilingCodes | NR | Y/N | The absence of this parameter allows a function to repopulate the Marc_GroupDefs table. Following the process. the flag is set to 1 (Y) and so will not do repeat the function. If it is necessary to add more entries later then this flag will be deleted, the codes will load and the flag will be set again. It is therefore an active flag but customers will never need to modify it. |
CurrencyFormat | NR | $#,##0.00 | Determines the presentation format for currency displays |
D #
Parameter | Repeatable | Control | Description |
D— | |||
DateFormat | NR | – | Prescribes the predominant date format for display , e.g. dd-mm-yy |
DateDisplay_yyyymmdd | NR | Y/N | If this is not present or is set to zero then the setting for DateFormat is used in date displays. Otherwise, dates are shown in yyyy-mm-dd format |
DDR_Parts | NR | Y/N | provides enhanced capability for handling parts of a work (setting=1) |
DDS_Special_n | NR | – | There are 5 separate fields – DDS_Special_1 through DDS_Special_5 which provide special indexing capabilities. These are provided to allow a library to define up to 5 local subfields for indexing in the BDDS table as DDS_Special_1 through to DDS_Special_5, which may then be used in reports. The tag and subfield to be indexed must be given separated by underscore, e.g. 260_c |
DebtRecoveryMinAmount | NR | Amt. | Defines the minimum amount of accrued debts to be considered as included in a Debt Recovery collection process. The Default value if Enterprise parameters not set: Min amount = 50 (dollars) Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. DebtRecoveryMinAmount_WILLOUGHBY] |
DebtRecoveryStartDate | NR | – | Sets the Recovery collection start date for charges, i.e. if before this date, then the charge is ignored. The Default value if Enterprise parameters not set: Earliest date for debts = 1/1/2000 Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. DebtRecoveryStartDate_MOSMAN] |
DebtRecoveryGracePeriod | NR | No. | Sets the Recovery collection grace period (no. days back from todays date), i.e. the charge must be this old or older before being considered for the process. This enables very recent charges to be bypassed. The Default value if Enterprise parameters not set: Latest date for debts = 90 days prior to Today’s date. Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. DebtRecoveryGracePeriod_LANECOVE] |
DefaultItemFormat | NR | – | Default new item ‘Item format’ (previously used in aurorbrl.ini) – this value must be set according to the required value from Loan_ItemFormat, and gives each new item this format by default, e.g. TXT |
DefaultItemFormatILL | NR | – | Default new item ‘Item format’ (previously used in auILL.ini) – this value must be set according to the required value from Loan_ItemFormat, and gives each new requested item this format by default, e.g. ILL (recommended and auto set as default} |
DefaultLoanCategory | NR | – | Default new item ‘Loan category’ (previously used in aurorbrl.ini)- this value must be set according to the required value from Loan_LoanCategory, and gives each new item this category by default, e.g. 1 |
defMinRequests | NR | No. | Defines the default Minimum number of Requests for a Request User |
DefPaymentMethod | NR | – | This parameter sets the default payment method in Desktop charge payments. Valid values are: C Cash [Default] Q Cheque E EFTPOS _ Not yet selected (if this is the chosen value, then the operator is forced to make an explicit selection of the values C, Q or E) |
DefRoutingRetention | NR | No. | Determines the number of days a user on a routing list can hold the journal issue en route. |
DefSelection | NR | No. | defines the default Selection/Allocation number of titles |
DeletedWorkHasTag | NR | Tag | This parameter is used to identify a MARC bibliographic tag – if this tag is present in a work which is deleted via Aurora Transfer, e.g. as part of the deletion of an item, where that is the last item for the bibliographic record, then the contents of the tag, e.g. the national bibliographic identifier, are written to the CirculationHistory table (CC_Override), where the details can be accessed for reporting. |
DropTags_Cataloguing_a | NR | Tags | Tags to drop when saving Authority records in Cataloguing. Tags must be separated by, and the string must end with, ^. [Default 999^] |
DropTags_Cataloguing_b | NR | Tags | Tags to drop when saving Bibliographic records in Cataloguing. Tags must be separated by, and the string must end with, ^. [Default 850^] |
DropTags_Loading_a | NR | Tags | Tags to drop when Loading Authority records. Tags must be separated by, and the string must end with, ^. [Default 999^] |
DropTags_Loading_b | NR | Tags | Tags to drop when Loading Bibliographic records. Tags must be separated by, and the string must end with, ^. [Default 850^] |
E #
Parameter | Repeatable | Control | Description |
E— | |||
eLibraryServer | NR | – | eLibrary server, e.g. http://localhost |
eLibraryVirtualDirectory | NR | – | eLibrary Virtual Directory name for use in Digital Cataloguing to hold local history images, etc. |
EmailAccountName | NR | – | Email Authentication – Account Name |
EmailAccountPassword | NR | – | Email Authentication – Account Password |
EmailExport | NR | – | Email address for Item Transfer Export to this library |
EmailLoanDocket | NR | Y/N | If this is set (1 = yes) then, where a user is enabled for email, then they can be set to have lists of works on loan sent via email, rather than output to a docket printer; this may be particularly useful where the library/workstation is not set up for Docket printing. Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. EmailLoanDocket_STANTON] |
EmailPort | NR | – | Email Port to be used (0=use default) |
EmailReplyToGeneral | NR | – | Email ‘Reply To’ address for ‘general’ emails |
EmailReplyToILL | NR | – | Email ‘Reply To’ address for Inter-Library Loans Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. EmailReplyToILL_MANLY] |
EmailReplyToOrders | NR | – | Email ‘Reply To’ address for Orders Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. EmailReplyToOrders_MOSMAN] |
EmailReplyToOverdues | NR | – | Email ‘Reply To’ address for Overdues Notices Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. EmailReplyToOverdues_WILLOUGHBY] |
EmailReplyToReminders | NR | – | Email ‘Reply To’ address for Advance Reminders |
EmailReplyToReserves | NR | – | Email ‘Reply To’ address for Reserve Notices Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. EmailReplyToReserves_LANECOVE] |
EmailSentFromILL | NR | – | Email ‘From’ address for Inter-Library Loans |
EmailSentFromOrders | NR | – | Email ‘From’ address for Orders |
EmailSentFromOverdues | NR | – | Email ‘From’ address for Overdue Notices |
EmailSentFromReminders | NR | – | Email ‘From’ address for Advance Reminders |
EmailSentFromReserves | NR | – | Email ‘From’ address for Reserve Notices |
EmailSentFromZ3950 | NR | – | Email ‘From’ address for Z39.50 |
EmailSSL | NR | Y/N | Email SSL use (1=True, 0=False) |
EmailUseAuthentication | NR | Y/N | Email Authentication use (1=True, 0=False) |
EmbeddedOrders | NR | Y/N | This setting determines whether order workforms with embedded holdings can be selected -this is important where an institution maintains all holdings in separated Holdings records, as it then automatically prevents the accidental selection of an incorrect Workform style. |
EmptyDateIsNULL | NR | Y/N | Save empty dates as Null – this setting may be required in Series IV applications is specific environments, where normal usage of the SQLServer default null equivalent (1/1/1900) cannot be used. Unless specifically advised, libraries should not set this value. |
EntityBypassUserTypeChargesReserves_COUNCIL | NR | – | where there can be one parameter per Council in a Consortium implementation. This parameter allows for exemption from charge of the specific user type defined in the named Council, so if Council A applies charges to say Child users from within the Consortium, but not registered at A, but does not apply these charges to locally registered Child users, then this can be achieved. The values list the user types to be exempt (if multiple, separated by ^, e.g. 7^8^) from these specific charges; if not applicable, the entry value is an underscore. These parameters are automatically applied with Aurora Systems Manager 3.10.1 or later – with the default ‘Not applicable’ Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. EntityBypassUserTypeChargesReserves_MOSMAN] |
EntityBypassUserTypeFinesOverdues_COUNCIL | NR | – | where there can be one parameter per Council in a Consortium implementation. This parameter allows for exemption from charge of the specific user type defined in the named Council, so if Council A applies charges to say Child users from within the Consortium, but not registered at A, but does not apply these charges to locally registered Child users, then this can be achieved. The values list the user types to be exempt (if multiple, separated by ^, e.g. 7^8^) from these specific charges; if not applicable, the entry value is an underscore. These parameters are automatically applied with Aurora Systems Manager 3.10.1 or later – with the default ‘Not applicable’ Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. EntityBypassUserTypeFinesOverdues_MOSMAN] |
ExplorerExitPassword | NR | Char. | stores the local password to allow clean Exit from the public version of Aurora Explorer |
ExportUnitPriceInclTax | NR | Y/N | This switch allows the library to define the default setting for Finance export – to include or exclude tax amounts; by default the Export process sets the checkbox to True [Y] to advise that the Unit price includes tax. |
FilingSpace | NR | Y/N | This parameter applies a hard space for any occurrences of a natural space in the headings filing string. This is necessary, as Microsoft products otherwise assign a different filing value to the space, leading to apparent filing errors. |
FilingStyle | NR | – | Sets the filing preference for the system – A = ALA filing; L = Library of Congress filing. Do not change without discussion with AIT! |
FinesDebarAuto | NR | Y/N | this determines (1 = yes) whether users are automatically debarred if they exceed the Maximum fines threshold, set according to a user type specific value, determined by the User_UserType parameter. |
FinesForOverdues | NR | Y/N | determines whether overdue charges are invoked. A simple yes or no decides whether the additional charges calculations will be used |
FormatInBiblio | NR | Y/N | This setting controls the way that Formats are indexed, for retrieval where a format integration approach is followed and all holdings data holds the format information rather than being held in the bibliographic record [Setting is then 0]. The standard setting for this will be 1 |
GeneralChargeILLCost | NR | – | Determines the General Charge subfield type when an ILL service cost charge is applied to the requester. The default value is zero, and should be set locally as required. |
H #
Parameter | Repeatable | Control | Description |
H— | |||
HoldingsGeneralTag1 | NR | – | provides the default setting for autocreation of the Holdings field 853 (Caption and Pattern) Indicator 1 (Compressability and expandability). The suggested default is 1. Valid values are: 0 Cannot compress or expand 1 Can compress but not expand 2 Can compress or expand 3 Unknown |
HoldingsGeneralTag2 | NR | – | provides the default setting for autocreation of the Holdings field 853 (Caption and Pattern) Indicator 2 (caption evaluation). The suggested default is 2. Valid values are: 0 Captions verified; all levels present 1 Captions verified; all levels may not be present 2 Captions unverified; all levels present 3 Captions unverified; all levels may not be present |
HomeServiceUse | NR | Y/N | provides an overall indication that Allocations and Pickling List options are in use, specifically for Home Service features. For detailed steps on setting this up please see the Homebound Assistant |
I #
Parameter | Repeatable | Control | Description |
I— | |||
IgnoreNoiseWords | NR | Y/N | This setting indicates if the Windows stopword file noise.eng file is to be bypassed in indexing processes to create Text Retrieval indexes. Default setting is False |
ILLDueDateUsedInLoan | NR | Y/N | This setting (1=Yes) allows the ILL due date to be used automatically in Circulation as the applied due date – i.e. the system would not apply a due date based on parameters. If set to No, then the standard library parameters are used. |
ImageControlNo | NR | – | Defines the control number type to use for linking an image to a bibliographic record in the digital archive. |
ImageNumberStart | NR | No. | Defines the running number to be assigned to images in the digital archive. This will allow a library to renumber a group of images to a value that can be used with the control number link in the bibliographic record. |
ItemBarcodePad | NR | – | This feature allows entry of the running number portion of an item barcode, e.g. for a standard barcode of 14 digits, where the format is 3474nnnnnnnnnn, and nnnnnnnnnn represents the running number, following the constant 3474, then entry of the constant followed by the minimum running number [i.e. 34740000000000] will allow only the running number to be entered, e.g. for item enquiry, loan transactions, or Quick Item. If not applicable the parameter should contain an underscore character _ |
ItemFormatsInMulti | NR | Y/N | allows item format codes to be displayed in Explorer in the Multimedia column when set to 1 (staff mode only) |
ItemSICIPad | NR | – | Burn-on-demand multi-title (Item SICI) numbers to be padded out with this format (see ItemBarcodePad above) |
ItemSICIStart | NR | – | Burn-on-demand multi-title (Item SICI) number auto assignment start range |
ItemStatus_1 | NR | No. | This parameter is used in overdue notices production to flag an item as Missing (DynamicItem. ID_Status=1) if this many days or more overdue |
ItemStatus_2 | NR | No. | This parameter is used in overdue notices production to flag an item as Lost (DynamicItem. ID_Status=2) if this many days or more overdue |
ItemStatus_4 | NR | No. | This setting allows the library to mark an item as Withdrawn (DynamicItem. ID_Status=4), if item has been recorded as Missing (but not on loan) for the defined number of days or more |
KeepPreviousLoans | NR | Y/N | determines whether full details of user’s previous borrowing is retained |
KeepPreviousTitles | NR | Y/N | Setting to indicate need to keep Title/Name/PDate (=1) or not (=0) in Previous_Loan. PL_Notes |
LastItemBibDeletion | NR | Y/N | If this is set then on deletion of the last item attached to a record, it will in turn be marked for deletion. |
LiftThresholdAmount | NR | Amt. | Lift threshold debarral – Minimum amount for user to pay off their fines/charges. When this is set at a given value and the user has paid at least this defined minimum, then the user may continue to borrow, etc. as if unrestricted for the remainder of the day; the following day, the borrower is then again debarred by threshold, until and unless they pay at least the minimum. |
LoanCheckIfItemLoanedBefore | NR | Y/N | Loan – Check If Loaned Before option auto ticked 1=True, 0=False This tick box is present in the loans screen and the Reserve utility |
M #
Parameter | Repeatable | Control | Description |
M— | |||
MaxCodedQueryCount | NR | No. | determines the maximum number of rows to return for Bibliographic codes links in a query. Zero indicates no upper limit. |
MaxItemsOnloan | NR | No. | defines the system maximum number of items that may be loaned to a borrower at any one time |
MaxMinRequests | NR | No. | defines the Maximum limit of the Minimum Request number |
MaxRequestsCheck | NR | Y/N | defines the maximum number of requests to check in Instant Turnaround |
MaxReservesTrap | NR | Y/N | This setting determines whether the trap feature to enforce the maximum reserves parameter is applied or not |
MoneyFormat | NR | #,##0.00 | defines the way in which currency factors, e.g. amounts of fines or other charges, will be displayed |
MonographsInProgress | NR | Y/N | Determines if the item status for a newly received item is set to ‘In Progress’ on receipt in Acquisitions |
MonographsInProgress2 | NR | Y/N | When true, ensures that any new non-serial item is given an in-progress status when added: e.g. when items are created during the Loader process |
MonoStatCat1 | NR | – | This option is specifically provided for Consortium operation, allowing the Consortium to enumerate a list of statistical categories (Level 1) applicable to monographic items across the Consortium, but here specifying only those valid for the specific Council within the Consortium. A unitary library needs take no action; for a consortium, the Council names are automatically appended – with a default setting _; codes may be added separated (and concluded) by caret marks, e.g. 100^120^140^ Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. MonoStatCat1_MOSMAN] |
MonoStatCat2 | NR | – | This option is specifically provided for Consortium operation, allowing the Consortium to enumerate a list of statistical categories (Level 2) applicable to monographic items across the Consortium, but here specifying only those valid for the specific Council within the Consortium. A unitary library needs take no action; for a consortium, the Council names are automatically appended – with a default setting _; codes may be added separated (and concluded) by caret marks, e.g. 100^120^140^ Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. MonoStatCat2_MOSMAN] |
NoHoldingsPassword | NR | Char. | This stores the password required to add items to a record in the Links feature without a formal holdings structure, e.g. equipment |
OperatorLogonCols | NR | No. | determines the number of columns displayed of registered operators on the initial logon |
OrdersPrintSupplier | NR | Y/N | if set to 1, allows orders for a single supplier to be concatenated into one printed order. |
OutlookCharges | NR | Y/N | This parameter is set if the Aurora Outlook program is applied for booking purposes, and allows charges to be carried across from the Outlook program into the User Charges area. |
PrematureReturns | NR | No. | This setting is for a number of days since the loan took place and can be used to identify returns made within a defined time of loan. This is of value to postal services, as a check that the material has reached a destination, and not simply been turned around in the post without delivery |
Prefix_035_a | NR | – | This is an optional entry to determine a Book number prefix, where this may vary from location to location. At NILS, this is used to distinguish Sydney Book numbers (Prefix_035_a / N) from Melbourne (Prefix_091_a / V). If not applicable the parameter should simply contain underscore (_). |
Prefix_091_a | NR | – | This is an optional entry to determine a Book number prefix, where this may vary from location to location. At NILS, this is used to distinguish Sydney Book numbers (Prefix_035_a / N) from Melbourne (Prefix_091_a / V) . If not applicable the parameter should simply contain underscore (_). |
PrintViaWord | NR | Y/N | allows general parameter for Aurora print applications to use Microsoft Word for output |
PublicMessages | NR | Y/N | this setting allows the library to hide Explorer messages from public view – in the Public Mode of Explorer only, when set to 0. |
R #
Parameter | Repeatable | Control | Description |
R— | |||
RandomShelving | NR | Y/N | if Random Shelving is used, then this element is set , and will clear the existing call number element when the item is loaned, and will be updated with a new location on return. |
RenewCheckIfOverdue | NR | Y/N | This setting determines whether checks should be made during a renewal; if the setting is on, then a renewal is disallowed, and to continue the loan, the operator must return and reissue the item |
RenewDateConfirm | NR | Y/N | Provides a mechanism to alert the operator to the renewal date, requesting acknowledgment of the date suggested according to parameters, but also allowing a new date to be entered as override |
ReplaceCost_Bib_B | NR | [where B is the local database identifier]- This parameter defines a MARC subfield to be used as the source for Replacement Cost when this is to be quoted in a library account, or other letter to a user asking for compensation for the replacement of a lost or non-returned item. The parameter is in the form of tag and subfield, e.g. 541$h | |
ReplaceCost_Bib_R | NR | [where R is the local database identifier]- This parameter defines a MARC subfield to be used as the source for Replacement Cost when this is to be quoted in a library account, or other letter to a user asking for compensation for the replacement of a lost or non-returned item. The parameter is in the form of tag and subfield, e.g. 020$c | |
Request2Reserve | NR | Y/N | this setting if 1, sets a message to the operator to indicate that all copies of the requested work indicate that a Reservation should be placed in preference to a Request |
RequestDelNoticeReqd | NR | Y/N | determines whether a notice is to be sent to the user when a request is deleted |
RequestMonthsCheck | NR | Y/N | determines the number of months in existence before a request is considered ‘overdue’ and will be allocated priority in Allocations processing |
ReserveBypassItemLoanParam | NR | Y/N | Sets a bypass for the Loan Parameter check to see if at least one item is reservable for a work. By default, this setting is turned OFF and no bypass is applied. If turned ON then, as the description suggests, the code, to check each item to try and see if at least one is reservable, is bypassed and then the reserve will succeed or fail later according to the reservation parameters (Loan_Reservations table). This is to try and help address problems on sites where the reserves are setup correctly but the reserve is being blocked. |
ReserveCancelReason | NR | No. | This parameter is used to determine a number of potential reasons for Cancelling a reservation |
ReserveCanNoticeReqd | NR | Y/N | determines whether a notice is to be sent to the user when a reservation is cancelled |
ReserveDeleteOneStep | NR | Y/N | this parameter determines whether Reservations can be deleted by operators in one step (Value=1); otherwise (Value=0) the reservation must expire or be cancelled before it may be deleted. |
ReserveDelNoticeReqd | NR | Y/N | determines whether a notice is to be sent to the user when a reservation is deleted |
ReserveIfCopiesHere | NR | Y/N | Allow Reserve by public inhouse in OPAC if copies are available at the location. If 0 (False), then items on-shelf may not be reserved in OPAC Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. ReserveIfCopiesHere_MANLY] |
ReserveInTransitPrint | NR | Y/N | Print a docket for a trapped in-transit reservation? |
ReserveMonthsToExpire | NR | No. | Sets the number of months until a new reservation automatically expires |
ReserveMustItemEntity | NR | No. | When this setting is true, then in a consortium implementation, a copy must be present in the Council’s stock before a reservation (other than an IntraLibrary Loan reserve) can be accepted. |
ReserveMustItemStatus | NR | No. | Item status prerequisites before reserve allowed – this allows granularity on a reserve (title or item level) to ensure that at least one item for i.e. the ReserveMustItemStatus value is missing or set to 0 then the status check is not applied |
ReserveNoChargeOnShelf | NR | Y/N | If this is set, then the Reservation is evaluated when the item is trapped. No charge is applied if the item was not trapped as a result of a return from loan. So if an item is available on shelf, then there is no charge for the reserve. |
ReservePriorityPwd | NR | This parameter allows definition of a password in ‘value to give greater control in management of a reservation priority change; if the parameter is set, then a password is required to be given before the priority change may be saved | |
ReserveShowIfTrapped | NR | Y/N | If this is set, then if the user has reservations waiting collection, the operator will be alerted with a message. |
ReserveTrapByCaption | NR | Y/N | This setting allows the trap by reservation issue caption to be turned off. To give some further background, when the trap is set on (1) then a reservation can be applied to a serial (magazine) issue [as a copy specific reservation]; any copy of the specific issue will then satisfy the reservation. In distributed library systems, however, this may cause unwanted transit, as a branch copy will then be used for satisfaction; setting this parameter to 0 will then ensure that only the specific instance (that specific barcode) is then trapped. |
ReserveTrapDebarred | NR | Y/N | this setting can be 1 to allow a reservation to be trapped for a user, even when debarred. The default setting of 0 (or total absence of the parameter) will mean that the reservation is not acted upon. |
ReserveTrapUserExpired | NR | Y/N | this setting can be 1 to allow a reservation to be trapped for a user, after their registration period is expired. The default setting is 1 meaning that the trap will take effect.ReserveUntrapToMissing No. Sets the number of times that a reserve item can appear on the ‘Untrapped reserves’ report before ‘Missing’ status is applied. If zero – the default – then it is not applied |
ReturnInLostProcess | NR | Y/N | Return performed after ‘Lost’ item status applied. This is used when Lost status is applied in Item Details and is interpreted as Auto return during ‘Lost’ processing. By default this is set to OFF. When set ON, then a Return will be performed automatically. If OFF then the Return is not done and would need to be done manually. |
RoutingAutoCycle | NR | Y/N | This parameter allows a library to determine that cycling of a routing list is possible. This means that in the group of users on the routing list, all users who are on the same priority level will be cycled so that users rise to the top of the list, and so are first in line for the issue, then having been at the top, will automatically be recycled to the bottom. Although the setting is provided at Enterprise level, specific controls may be varied at the journal copy level. |
RoutingAutoEnroute | NR | Y/N | When this setting is on, and a routing list exists, then on check-in, the journal issue is marked as ‘Received and en route’, and this status is maintained until the issue is returned from routing. If no such return is required, then this setting is switched off, and the system has no record of the issue being en route. |
RoutingTreatReserves | NR | Y/N | is set when members of a Routing List are to be viewed as reserving the incoming issue, and not simply receiving a routed issue |
S #
Parameter | Repeatable | Control | Description |
S— | |||
SD | NR | – | defines the MARC subfield mark. By default this is set to be , but may be reset to another value such as $ or # if required. It should be noted that the subfield mark is simply a screen and print representation of a character that in fact cannot normally be printed, and therefore has no actual meaning, other than as a control code. Note that this setting may be overridden in specific databases using the DB_SDOverride setting in the Databases table, and this should be done for CJK databases to allow for use of * as the subfield mark. |
SerialCallNo | NR | – | defines the MARC tag and subfield to be used for a serial record when predicting issues, to copy the contents of the target tag/subfield, e.g. 082$a, to be the call number for each serial issue predicted. Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. SerialCallNo_MOSMAN] |
SerialDefaultFormat | NR | – | Sets the default item format to be applied to a serial issue as part of the prediction process, e.g. MAG |
SerialsDisplayOnly | NR | Y/N | Determines if the item status for a newly received serial item is set to ‘Display only’ on check-in |
SerialStatCat1 | NR | – | This option is specifically provided for Consortium operation, allowing the Consortium to enumerate a list of statistical categories (Level 1) applicable to Serial items across the Consortium, but here specifying only those valid for the specific Council within the Consortium. A unitary library needs take no action; for a consortium, the Council names are automatically appended – with a default setting _; codes may be added separated (and concluded) by caret marks, e.g. 100^120^140^ Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. SerialStatCat1_MANLY] |
SerialStatCat2 | NR | – | This option is specifically provided for Consortium operation, allowing the Consortium to enumerate a list of statistical categories (Level 2) applicable to Serial items across the Consortium, but here specifying only those valid for the specific Council within the Consortium. A unitary library needs take no action; for a consortium, the Council names are automatically appended – with a default setting _; codes may be added separated (and concluded) by caret marks, e.g. 100^120^140^ Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. SerialStatCat2_MANLY] |
ShowNextAllocation | NR | Y/N | provides the ability to show Allocations in Circulation for a User |
SkeletonItemCheck | NR | Y/N | If set to True (Y), then a new item will be set with a Skeleton flag when added in Quick Work by default, or in Cataloguing/Load where the record has no 007 tag, call number value, or subject heading |
SMS_Account | NR | – | Holds the user id for the MessageNet SMS account for your library Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. SMS_Account_PLS] |
SMS_Pwd | NR | – | Holds the password for the MessageNet SMS account for your library Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. SMS_Pwd_GOONDIWINDI] |
SMS_Pwd_NAME | NR | – | As above, but for QPIL, the parameter holds an extension to allow the password to be restricted to the local council’s account |
SMS_Reply | NR | – | Defines the SMS Email Reply Address Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. SMS_Reply_MOSMAN] |
SMSOverdueNotices | NR | Y/N | Defines whether to record SMS Overdue Notices in ‘User Calls’ information |
SMSReserveNotices | NR | Y/N | Defines whether to record SMS Reserve Notices in ‘User Calls’ information |
SMTPServer | NR | – | Declares an Email Server to be used in the email services. Enter * for localhost declaration, or specify either the IP address (e.g. or the name of the appropriate server |
SuggestAutoDelOnILL | NR | Y/N | If set True (Y), then the Suggestion record is deleted once an Interlibrary Loan request is created from the Suggestion (note that this does not apply where the request is created from Quick ILL) |
SuggestAutoDelOnOrder | NR | Y/N | If set True (Y), then the Suggestion record is deleted once an Order is created from the Suggestion |
SuggestBibFormats | NR | Y/N | If set True (Y), then Suggestions will use Bibliographic Formats as the options presented in the drop-down format combo for format selection; the default False (N) will use Item Formats |
T #
Parameter | Repeatable | Control | Description |
T— | |||
TaxRate | NR | No. | this parameter sets the rate – as percentage – to be levied as additional tax, e.g. GST or VAT, for library charges, such as book replacement, services, etc. |
TBMCheck | NR | Y/N | this parameter applies to NILS only, at present; it determines whether a check is to be made that a user has a Talking Book Machine, if an attempt is made to loan an item with an item format requiring the use of a TBM. |
TelemessageOverdues | NR | Y/N | Allows Telemessaging to be run for Overdues Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. TelemessageOverdues_MOSMAN] |
TelemessageReserves | NR | Y/N | Allows Telemessaging to be run for Reservation notices Subdivision by Council is supported [e.g. TelemessageReserves_WILLOUGHBY] |
TeleOverdueNotices | NR | Y/N | Defines whether Telemessaging Overdue Notices are to be created |
TeleReserveNotices | NR | Y/N | Defines whether to allow Telemessaging Reserve Notices |
U #
Parameter | Repeatable | Control | Description |
U— | |||
UserAcceptanceB4Loan | NR | Y/N | allows the library to have the option of blocking a Desktop Loan if the user has not yet accepted Membership policy. This block works exactly as does debarred, expired and abnormal status blocking currently. |
UserActivityOnReturn | NR | Y/N | allows the user’s date of last activity to be updated by a return transaction (default is no if 0 or parameter absent; 1 to enable) |
UserBarcodePad | NR | – | This feature allows entry of the running number portion of an user barcode, e.g. for a standard barcode of 14 digits, where the format is 2474nnnnnnnnnn, and nnnnnnnnnn represents the running number, following the constant 2474, then entry of the constant followed by the minimum running number [i.e. 24740000000000] will allow only the running number to be entered.If not applicable the parameter should contain an underscore character _ |
UserBarcodeStart | NR | – | This option may be used in conjunction with UserBarcodePad, and allows for auto-allocation of barcodes from this number incrementally. If a non-numeric is added here, then the function is bypassed. |
UserCallNotices | NR | Y/N | This parameter determines whether a record of notices – overdues and reserve notices – is to be maintained in the User Calls feature. |
UserCallNoticesEmail | NR | Y/N | This and the following additional individual settings further determine whether User Calls are to be written for each of the available delivery methods. [For SMS Notice equivalents, please see above: SMSOverdueNotices and SMSReserveNotices] |
UserCallNoticesPost | NR | Y/N | This and the above additional individual settings further determine whether User Calls are to be written for each of the available delivery methods. [For SMS Notice equivalents, please see above: SMSOverdueNotices and SMSReserveNotices] |
UsersChargePurgeYrs | NR | No. | This value determines the number of years before which to purge charges – and subsequently inactive or expired users in the Task Old charges and purge associated users if inactive since the purge date |
UsersPreviouLoansPurgeYrs | NR | No. | This parameter is used in conjunction with the Task Purge User previous loans – except homebound and is used to set the number of years to pass before the loan may be subject to the purge action. If this parameter is missing or remains set at the default of zero, then the purge will not run – the purge requires a minimum value of 2 to operate. |
UserRelSeverChildAge | NR | — | Purge | User Relationship links so that when a related child attains this age, that relationship is automatically broken. By default this is set to zero, which means that it will not apply. |
UsersPurgeToArchive | NR | Y/N | With this set as ‘True’, then purge actions to update inactive or expired user records will set the user record status to ‘Archive; (allowing the record to be recovered) rather than straight record deletion. |
UserSubscriptions | NR | Y/N | determines whether the User Subscriptions facility is enabled, and if so links to the Subscriptions information as held in the data. |
WandClear | NR | – | Provides a value which can be output as a barcode, allowing clearance of the current user from the screen. The value may be a string such as CLEAR, or simply a numeric string. |
Transactions #
The enterprise table also defines Transaction values which are used in the Circulation History file. Reports analysing transaction activity must use these codes:
- 1 Loan
- 2 Return
- 3 Renewal
- 4 Item (i.e. adding a new item)
- 5 User (i.e. adding a new user)
- 6 Reservation
- 7 Audit trail
- 8 Allocated loan
- 12 Bypass auto-allocation of a work to a user
- 14 Fine for any overdues
- 16 Reservation – Deletion
- 17 Reservation – Placement charge
- 18 Reservation – Cancellation charge
- 19 Reservation – Satisfied
- 20 Request – Deletion
- 21 Manual Picking List Deletion
- 22 Item Change
- 23 Label Printing
- 24 Overdue – Renewal
- 25 Overdue – Return
- 26 Item transfer – temporary
- 27 Item transfer – clearance
- 28 Item transfer – permanent
- 29 Charge payment
- 30 Renewal – placement charge
- 31 Manual allocation
- 32 Debt conversion
- 33 Account per Item
- 34 Account per Notice
- 35 Transaction required to run the Bookmobile
upload of User detail changes
- 36 Subscription charges
- 37 Reservation – Trapped
- 39 Item Replacement Charge
- 38 Request placement
- 40 General Charge
- 41 Item Deletion
- 42 Overdue Notice Items
- 43 Overdue Notice documents
- 44 Facilities Booking Charge
- 45 Document Delivery Deletion
- 46 Document Delivery Addition
- 47 Document Delivery Status Change
- 48 Carousel Pick Submitted
- 49 Reservation Untrapped
- 50 Request Acquisition
- 51 Item Format Transfer
- 52 Reserve Notice Items
- 53 Reserve Notice Documents
- 54 Authorised exceptions
- 55 Email sent
- 56 SMS Message sent
- 57 Repair fee for damaged item
- 58 Administrative charge for lost/damaged item
- 59 InterLibrary loan cost charge
- 60 Enquiry – bibliographic
- 61 Burn-On-Demand Request Created
- 62 Off-line Transaction Uploaded
- 63 Advance reminder notice
- 64 Advance reminder items
- 65 Picking list addition
- 66 Burn-on-demand reservation created
- 67 Burn-on-demand profile created
- 68 Suggestion addition
- 69 Suggestion deletion
- 70 User deletion
- 71 User Subscription – Addition
- 72 User Subscription – Deletion
- 73 User Self Profile Recommendation
- 74 Burn-On-Demand Magazine Created
- 75 Item barcode not on file
- 76 User barcode not on file
- 77 User login failure
- 78 Enquiry – Web Link
- 79 Item Notice Delivery Failure (Telemessage)
- 80 Advance User Registration Expiry notice sent
- 81 Notice – new user charges
- 82 Claim Notice documents
- 83 Claim Notice items
- 84 Invoice Notice documents
- 85 Invoice Notice items
- 86 Debt recovery
- 87 User self profile notice of new work that matches user profile
- 88 Current due notice document sent to user
- 89 Current due notice item sent to user
- 90 Refund
- 91 Library to Your Door delivery flag set
- Recall notice item information sent to user
- 93 Recall notice document sent to user
- 94 Library to Your Door Pickup flag set
- 95 User self profile notification of new work that matches user profile
- 99 Automatic Renewal Notice Document
- 100 Automatic Renewal Notice Item
- 101 Reservation Pickup Reminder Notice Document
- 102 Reservation Pickup Reminder Notice Item
- 103 User join notice document sent to user
- 104 User we miss you notice sent to user
- 105 Delivery charge (Library to your Door)
- 106 Pickup charge (Library to your Door)
- 107 Pickup request (Library to your Door)
- 108 In-transit item from one location to another
- 109 Booking request added to a work for a user
- 110 Booking request deleted from a work
Words #
Includes: Chronology designation elements according to bibliographic format. Elements are provided for day, week, month and year, e.g. for a day in USMARC the parameter is u_day, and the accompanying setting (day)
Parameter | Key | Description |
Lang_Yes; Lang_No | NR | gives affirmative/ negative text strings for interface languages. |
Lang_today | NR | gives the language equivalent for ‘today’ |
u_day | NR | (day) |
u_month | NR | (month) |
u_season | NR | (season) |
u_week | NR | (week) |
u_year | NR | (year) |