Desktop Status Indicators / Flash icons #
Search – Search for any – Item Results flashes (Search screen) #
A number of flash indicators may be associated with an item
Flash Icon | Description |
The item has no status – and is available. (Search for any work) | |
The Item is on loan but is not overdue. (Search for any work) | |
The item has a status other than normal, and is therefore unavailable (Search for any work) | |
The item is in transit, and may be trapped for a reserve. The item is unavailable. (Search for any work) | |
The Item is in transit, the item is unavailable. (Search for any work) | |
The Item is on a Picking list in allocated loans (Search for any work) | |
The item is on-loan and overdue – it is unavailable |
Search – Search for any – Work Results flashes #
A number of flash indicators may be associated with a work
Flash Icon | Description |
The work has a Work catalogue status of 'Review' | |
The work has a Work catalogue status of 'Shadowed' | |
The work is a Links with another work | |
The work has a Work catalogue status of 'InterLibrary Loan' | |
The work has a Work catalogue status of 'Freeze Inactive' | |
Work Format is an EResource | |
Work has a table of contents. | |
When the show alternate title check box is selected if present in the marc they will be displayed underneath with the alternate title flash. | |
When searching with ‘Starts with’, both main and alternative titles are displayed, and this may result is apparent duplicates being presented. | |
When 'Relevance' is selected when searching |
Search – Details of a work – Item #
Flash Icon | Description |
The item is on-loan and overdue – it is unavailable | |
(No Flash) | The item has no status – it may be on shelf or on-loan but not yet due for return. It is therefore available. |
The item is in transit, and may be trapped for a reserve. The item is unavailable. | |
The item has a status other than normal, and is therefore unavailable |
Search – Details of a work – Reserve #
Flash Icon | Description |
The reservation is a Current and active Title reserve | |
The reservation is a Current and active Item reserve | |
The reservation is Trapped (either on reservation shelf or in transit to collect at location) | |
The reservation is Cancelled | |
The reservation is Dormant | |
The reservation has expired |
User Links – Reserve Status indicators #
A number of status indicators are provided to allow ease of identification of current reservations and particularly reservations which are ready to be collected:
Flash Icon | Description |
The reservation is a Current and active Title reserve | |
The reservation is a Current and active Item reserve | |
The reservation is ready for collection | |
The reservation is Cancelled | |
The reservation is Dormant | |
The reservation has expired | |
The Reservation is Trapped and In transit | |
This reserve is links as a blanket reserve - The first item scanned into Returns fulfills the request and removes the other linked reservations for that borrowew |
User Links – Items on loan Flashes #
These flashes appear on Items on loan Tabe of user Links
Flash Icon | Description |
The item has an Abnormal status of Claimed return, or statutory declaration, Items with this status will not be counted in the items on loan total. | |
The item is overdue | |
(No Flash) | The item has no status |
The item has an untrapped reserve against it work and may not be renewed. | |
The item has a status other than normal, claimed return or statutory declaration | |
Item Due back tomorrow |
Return – Status Indicators #
These flashes appear on Items on loan Tabe of user Links
Flash Icon | Description |
Hourglass icon - Possible tired item and should be examined |
Serial Flash icons #
Flash Icon | Description |
Current subscription | |
Expired subscription | |
[None] | Cancelled subscription |
'Future' subscription - created by the Auto-renew Task, and with no associated predicted issues | |
No current subscription |
Order Status Flash icons #
with each row having a specific flash icon to reinforce its order status in (used in Funds screen and Orders):
Flash Icon | Description |
The order is completed | |
The item is still on order and has not been received | |
The order is closed (and order item details are transferred to Holdings) | |
The order has been cancelled | |
The order is 'not received' - indicating that it may be partially received |
Invoice state flashes #
Each invoice has a flash to indicate its state:
Flash Icon | Description |
Authorised | |
Unauthorised |
Order Receipts Indicators #
The order record’s current receipt status is given, for which valid values are [Colour coding is used in the Order details panel) :
Flash Indicator & Status | Description |
On Order | Indicates that an order has been placed for the current and/or continuing parts of a multipart or serial item, but that nothing has been received. This definition excludes parts received under retrospective acquisition efforts. |
Completed | Indicates that all parts of a multipart or serial item have been received. This code is also used with single-part items. |
Currently Received | Indicates that parts of the item are routinely received. This code is used for serial items, for multipart items for which updates are being received, and is also applied when an order for multiple copies of a single title is part received. |
Not currently Received | Indicates that the reporting organization has holdings of the multipart or serial item but neither currently receives nor intends to acquire the item. This code is used for serial titles that have ceased or have been superseded and for multipart items and items for which updates are no longer being received. |
Cancelled | Indicates that the order has been cancelled – this generally applies to monograph orders |
Unknown | Indicates that the receipt or acquisition status is unknown. |
Copyright Licence applied for | Is used when the application is for a copyright licence, rather that the supply of specific material. |
Copyright licence in operation | Is used to indicate that a current licence is in effect |
Copyright licence is refused or has expired | Indicates that a copyright licence has been explicitly refused, or is no longer in operation |
Transfered to Holdings | Reserved for AIT usage. The code is not presented for selection on screen, but is used by internal processes when a record is transferred from Orders to the Bibliographic or Holdings record during the Accessioning process |
Receive orders Flash icons #
Each row has a specific flash icon to reinforce its order status:
Flash Icon | Description |
The item is still on order and has not been received | |
The order is closed (and order item details are transferred to Holdings) | |
The order has been cancelled | |
The order is ‘not received’ – indicating that it may be partially received |
Receive Item flashes #
The items ordered panel in Receive orders has a flash for each item next to its checkbox which gives an indication of its specific state:
Flash Icon | Description |
On order. Indicates that the item is on order and has had no processing applied for acceptance | |
Received. The item has been accepted, but the item has not been given a barcode | |
Completed. The item is now barcoded and is therefore complete. | |
Cancelled. The item has been cancelled |
Funds #
Suggestions Flash indicators #
Each Suggestion may have a specific flash indicator, showing its status. Please note that where a Suggestion is added via WebOPAC, and the split Suggestion screen is in operation, then the flash displayed will reflect the user indication – either Order request or InterLibrary Loan Request, and this will not then show the additional flash e.g. an actual or potential match with a record already on file. Care should therefore be taken to check the Status column for this information.
Flash Icon | Description |
The Suggestion is new, has had no action, and is not recognised automatically as matching any details on the database. | |
The Suggestion is new, and has had no action, but the title is recorded as matching one or more other titles currently on the database. These may be checked. | |
The Suggestion is new, and has had no action, but the ISBN is recorded as matching a record on the database. This may be checked. | |
The Suggestion may be uncatalogued and unactioned, but has an associated MARC record, and so is ready for loading into the bibliographic database | |
The Suggestion detail has now been added to the catalogue, but no further action has yet been taken | |
The Suggestion detail has now been added to the catalogue, and the suggestion marked as Desiderata | |
The Suggestion has been marked as an InterLibrary Loan ‘request’ | |
The Suggestion has been marked as an approved ILL request | |
The Suggestion is an ‘order request’ | |
The Suggestion has been marked as an ‘approved order request’ | |
The Suggestion has been ordered | |
The Suggestion has been rejected | |
The user has entered a date by which the suggestion is required; this has passed and the Suggestion has therefore expired | |
The associated bibliographic record has been deleted |
Reserve Untrapped report Flashes #
Flash Icon | Description |
This indicates that although the item is appearing on the list, the specific item does not match with a permitted reservation parameter. In such a case, parameters should be checked, and another item for the title supplied if appropriate. | |
This flash indicates that the item has now appeared for the number of times set by the library before it is automatically set with status ‘Missing’ | |
This indicates that the item is an Intra Library Loan | |
Expired trapped Reserves |
User Flashes #
Flash Icon | Description |
Membership has been Accepted | |
Indicates that the user has defined relationships with other registered users. If this icon is clicked, details of the relations will be shown. | |
Is shown when the user is enabled for email messages. This is set on the Basic tab. | |
Is shown when the user is enabled for SMS messages. This is set on the Basic tab. | |
This user is Debarred This can be set or lifted on the Basic tab in User details | |
Indicates that the user is ‘Internet approved’. This is set on the Basic tab. of user details | |
Indicates that the user is ‘Games approved’. This is set on the Basic tab of user details | |
Indicates that the user is suspended from Telemessaging. This is set on the Security tab of user details | |
This shows that the user has a Notice suspension | |
Indicates that the user’s registration has expired. The registration period is set on the Basic tab. | |
Indicates that the user has a status other than normal. This can be seen and removed, if appropriate, on the Basic tab. | |
If the user is not yet accepted, then this icon shows, and the Membership Acceptance will show red. |
Loan Flashes #
Flash Icon | Description |
Is shown when the user is enabled for email messages. This is set on the Basic tab of user details. For further information see User Notices | |
Is shown when the user is enabled for email messages. This is set on the Basic tab.For further information see User Notices / SMS | |
This user is Debarred. This can be set or lifted on the Basic tab in User details. For further information see user exceptions. | |
Indicates that the user is ‘Internet approved’. This is set on the Basic tab. of user details | |
Indicates that the user is ‘Games approved’. This is set on the Basic tab of user details | |
Indicates that the user’s registration has expired. | |
Indicates that the user has a status other than normal. This can be seen and removed, if appropriate, on the Basic tab. For further information see the user exceptions. | |
User Calls associated with this user. | |
Indicates that the user’s date of birth has not been recorded |