How To – Process an ILL Request in Inter Library Loans Screen #
The Inter Library Loans Module allows interlibrary loans to be added and tracked from the initial request until after it is returned to its home library.
A Inter Library Loan can be initiated from the Inter Library Loans Screen or from the Suggestions screen, either option is valid it just depends on individual libraries processes for Interlibrary loans.
Creating an Inter Library Loan from a Suggestion #
Montage Suggestion – ILL #
Depending on each Libraries setting and procedures Inter Library Loan Requests can be made by customer via Montage.
Note – Users must be signed into montage to make suggestions/ILL requests
Quick Suggestion – ILL #
The quick suggestions module has a tick box int he methods of acquisition box to determine if the suggestion is a standard order request or a Inter Library loan request.
This allows front counter staff to put in inter-library loan requests but the decision to action and the process of actioning the request can be made technical
Loading into catalogue and Creating an ILL request #
- Open the Suggestions screen
- Select the Boolean option Inter Library Loans Request to view suggestions marked as a Inter Library loan request. (Note suggestions that have been made as normal order request can be changed from a standard order request to an Inter Library loan request via a right click action)
- Select the ILL suggestion that has been approved to conduct a Inter Library loans
- Right click and select load into catalogue
- Then right click and select Create an ILL Request the screen will navigate to the Inter library loans screen
- The inter Library loan screen will appear with the right hand panel with the details of the request and NEW Request – Save Details at the top. The operator may save at this stage or add more details.
Creating an ILL Request from a Quick ILL #
- From the Inter Library Loans Screen open the Quick ILL form using the plus button.
- Input as much information about the total as possible including Title, Author etc
- Input the User who as requested the ILL un the user name.
Note that in the ‘Method of acquisition’ panel, the radio button ‘Inter-Library Loan Request’ is automatically selected – this cannot be varied. Similarly, there is a checkbox ‘Reserve automatically’ – ticked. - Click the save button
- The inter Library loan screen will appear with the right hand panel with the details of the request and NEW Request – Save Details at the top. The operator may save at this stage or add more details.
Steps to processing a Inter Library Loan #
The inter library loan module allows operators to track and mark an inter library loan with different statuses throughout its journey from Request Transmitted to owner library, to Request Item lent to user, to Item returned to owner Library. For specifics on the see the Interlibrary loans Screen
Example Process
- Day 1
- Suggestion for Inter Library loan request received from User
- Create the Inter Library Loan request via a Suggestion Screen or via a Quick ILL. (the initial status will be Request in progress – Not transmitted
- Make the request for the Inter Library loan from the outside library by The libraries procedures e.g. LADD, Hard2Find, Email etc (optionally operators can now mark the ILL Request as Request in-Progress Transmitted to track workloads)
- Day 2
- Receive the Item from the requested outside Library
- Add the Requested library
- Add the Item Barcode
- Add a cost (optional)
- Tick Received and list date
- Tick Due date for user (optional) and add date
- Tick Due Back to owner (optional) and add date
- Save – as a barcode was added a pop up will appear asking to add a holding. Click yes.
- If a cost was added an additional message asking to add the cost will appear. Click yes
- A pop up will appear asking to change the status to request satisfied. Click yes
- A pop up will appear as save successful
- Return the item (do not remove abnormal status if a popup appears)
- The Reservation will trap and place on the reservations shelf or place in-transit to collect at library if needed.
- Day 3
- Loan Item to user.
- Day 14
- User Returns Item – (Note if returned to different library item will be put in-transit to home Library)
- When returned at home library message stating “Inter-Library Loan Return’ Pops up
- Item is given to Inter Library Loans officer
- In the Inter Library Loans Screen Search for Item (by barcode)
- Tick date back to owner and put in date
- Package up ILL and mail to Requested Library
- Change status of ILL request to ‘Returned to owner Library
- In pop up click yes to change item status to withdrawn.