User Subscriptions #
This facility is provided to allow libraries to charge subscriptions for membership of the library, or for specific services within the library, such as membership of the Video club, or Software service.
Deposit #
When a user is defined as a deposit user, the Subscription facility only allows a defined Deposit Charge to be added. Note that while a single Deposit Charge may be defined, the charges may be set in the Aurora Administrator Subscription Management facility to reflect differences according to user type. The charge that is then presented will reflect the user’s type; the subscription period will be set also in the Administrator facility.
[Note that details reflecting concurrent loans are applicable to Audio Magazines subscriptions, and not to deposit users]
It is possible to charge a deposit for a full year, or to charge a proportionately reduced sum for part of a year – see Charges below.
Audio Magazine Subscription #
An extension of this for Libraries for the Blind allows the creation of Subscriptions to specific Audio Magazines, as illustrated here.
The subscriptions tab is set as a List view, giving details of any subscriptions that the user subscribes to
Controls are provided below a Listview display of the Subscriptions, allowing for addition of Subscriptions. Note that the Subscriptions, that are defined and may be selected from the combo provided, are entered in the Aurora Administrator Subscription Maintenance form. This defines the standard subscription period to be used and this is reproduced in the From/To dates here, but the operator may truncate or extend the subscription period for the user. The Recalculate Charges option is not enabled for Audio Magazines subscriptions.
Follow this link for more information on the Audio Magazines facility.
Charges #
A charge may also be defined under Subscription Maintenance, and this will be shown in the Charge box here. The operator may vary the charge at run-time. When the Subscription is committed, the system will ask the operator to verify the charge
Deposit charge – Recalculation #
Where the charge relates to a Deposit, the operator may restrict the period covered by the subscription. It is then possible to recalculate the amount to be paid in proportion to the full charge, by clicking the Recalculate Charge button – this will replace the default charge with the calculated charge, and if this is accepted, the Save Subscription button is pressed, to record the charge in the user’s account. Note that subscription charges are held in the system, and not deleted after payment – see details on the User Account page.
Deleting a subscription #
A Subscription may be deleted by highlighting the required line in the Subscription list view and pressing the Delete key.