How to – Add an images and files to the catalogue. #
Adding a book cover. #
Cover images can be added to works not displaying an image with syndetics
for specific instructions see How to add cover image – Aurora – Image Service Maintenance
How to add an image or files through AMC – Aurora Multimedia Cloud #
AMC allows libraries to store files they wish to make available to the public through the catalogue (Montage) on the cloud server creating a direct URL to that specific file. This link can then be added to the 856 Tag of a work to make that file available and display attractively on Montage
To get access to this service please contact for your user name and password.
Examples of Files added to the catalogue. #
- Adding a image to a record of to a photograph held in the collection
- Adding a sound recording to an oral history – That is playable on Montage
- Adding a PDF to a E Document record
- Adding an image to a Map held in the collection
- Adding an image to Plan held in the collection
- Adding an image to Toys held in the collection
Montage only allows specific files to be displayed based on the catalogue records for more details on this see Cataloguing for Montage.
Procedure to add files to AMC and Montage #
- Navigate to the AMC – Aurora Multimedia Cloud website – if you don’t have this please contact AIT directly
- Login using you Libraries Username and password
- Navigate to the specific folder the file it to be stored e.g for a PDF of a edocument the file must be saved in the Documents folder. Open the jpeg folder – Note AMC will automatically create a reduced file size version of the files you upload in the Jthumb folder.
- Select the upload button or right click upload navigate to the file on your pc and open.
- The URL created will begin with the URL value in enterprise parameter eLibraryServer / then the folder structure of AMC / then name of the file you uploaded
E.g. https://elibraryServer-Value/Consortia/entity/documents/jpeg/nameofthefile.pdf or - In Aurora Desktop Navigate to the catalogue maintenance screen of the work you have uploaded a file for
- Insert a 856 tag and paste the url in the catalogue work.
- Check montage to ensure the image, link or sound file is now displaying correctly
Note there are specific cataloguing requirements to display content on specific pages. Example
Images – 000/06 = k (2-D non projectable graphic) – 007/00 =k – 007/01 = h – 856 Must be present for an EResource
See Cataloguing for Montage for more information
Adding Images through drag and drop #
It is now possible to drag and drop an image onto a work in the search screen. This will automatically uploaded the image to the cloud server and linked to the work. The process creates the appropriate 856 MARC tags, inserts a 007 tag if required and creates and uploads a thumbnail image. This function can also be used for toys, sound files and documents.
The process requires the local workstation to have the same disk folder structure as the Aurora Cloud and a unique top level folder created on the server.
To create the folder structure you can manually create the folder structure manually or you can use the Create Multimedia Assistant on Home page of Aurora Desktop – a pop up question will ask the operator to list location of the folder structure
Click ok and a success message will state if the folder structure has been created correctly.
Navigate to the folder structure and place your .jpeg images in the correct folder in the JPEG folder ready to drag and drop into the search screen.
Example adding an image to a Toy #
- Navigate to the Multimedia folder structure for Toys and place the .jpeg image in the JPEG folder
Note – The recommended file size is less than 200KB
E.g. C:\ENTITY\TOYS\JPEG - At the same Time navigate to the search screen within desktop and find the toy you wish to add an image to.
- Click and hold onto the image saved in the multimedia and drag in across the screen and drop it into the catalogue decryption for the work on the search screen (highlighted in pink)
- a pop up will appear asking – to proceed click yes – The process creates the appropriate 856 MARC tags, inserts a 007 tag if required and creates and uploads a thumbnail image.
- Check in montage to confirm the image has uploaded correctly.
Note there are specific cataloguing requirements to display content on specific pages. Example
Images – 000/06 = k (2-D non projectable graphic) – 007/00 =k – 007/01 = h – 856 Must be present for an EResource
See Cataloguing for Montage for more information