Upload Marc – Astria #
The Upload Marc page allows operators to easily store and load marc records.
All records on the upload marc page must be loaded against a supplier – to create new suppliers see the suppliers page.
For a quick step through guide on how to upload marc records on this screen see the How to Upload a marc file section.
Suppliers tab #
The screen opens on the suppliers for the operator to select and then move to another tab.
Buttons on screen #
- 3 Dots more information | displays more supplier information that is not able to fit on the grid
- export list button
Colour identification #
- Yellow – The Matching routine on the supplier has not been saved – navigate to the suppliers screen select a matching routine and save
- Light Grey & White – Suppliers NOT marked as eresources
- Dark Grey – Suppliers is marked as eresources
Suppliers tab | Right click context menu #
- View supplier uploaded files | navigates to the Uploaded Resources tab
- Reload supplier list | reloads the suppliers list if a new supplier has been added etc
- Go to this supplier screen | navigates tot he supplier screen in order to edit the supplier information
Upload Resources Tab #
Upload Resources Tab | Set Section #
A range of conditions must be set before uploading a marc record
- Loader action | Information for Store and load
- Record Status | Choose between Normal and Shadowed (Shadowed will mean the works will not display on Montage
- Marc encoding | Choose between UTF8(Unicode) and Marc8(Ansi)
- Matching Routine | Drop down select from the list of options matching routine determine the condition on which a record is determined as having a duplicate in the database already
- To Database Subset | Drop down select from available options – used to separate out collections and can be used on montage.
Upload Resources Tab | Supplier section #
information section that displays the supplier selected in the suppliers tab for the works to be uploaded against
Upload Resources Tab | Select Records to upload section #
- – Select a File Button | Click to locate and select a marc file to upload
- – Check Marc | Click after a marc file has been selected to check if the file can be uploaded
- – Upload \ Button will only become available after the file has been checked with the check marc button clicking on this loads the files to the database.
- – Refresh Button | Click after the file has been uploaded to check if all files have been loaded completely
- Total Count | After a file is “checked” this will list the number of works in the file.
- Eresources | After a file is “checked” this will list the number of works that are eresources.
- Holdings | After a file is “checked” this will list the number of holdings in the marc file.
- Check Marc error message due to marc containing e resources
- Check marc success message
Upload Resources Tab | Results Table #
Lists the files that have been uploaded in the past for the specific supplier
- Date | The date the fiel was loaded
- File Name | The name of the file that was loaded – not the file name must be unique
- Status | The current status of the file Loaded e.g. loaded Completely or Uploaded Successfully
- Records Count | Count of the number of records in the file
- Records Unloaded | Count of the number of records stored but not loaded (The collum is changed to 0 after all the records are loaded)
- Records Loaded | Count of the number of records successfully loaded in the file
- Records Rejected | Count of the number of records rejected in the file during load.
Right click
There is only one option int the results right click context menu
- View Uploaded works in file | The screen will navigate to the works uploaded tab. The works will display in a grid with information including the Bib ID – Operators can use right click menu to navigate to the record
Works Uploaded Tab #
This tab must be navigated to from the Upload resources tab where a file can be selected
Operators are able to view the details of each work that are added to the database from each individual file
Right click Menu
- Go to Cataloguer | Open the catalogue screen for the specific work
- Go to Catalogue Search by Bibliographic ID | Opens the search screen for this work
- View Marc record | Displays the marc record in the log tab
How to Upload a marc file #
- Open the upload marc screen – The screen opens on the supplier tab
- Click on the supplier the works are associated with.
- Right click and select View supplier Uploaded files – The screen will change to uploaded resources tab with the supplier inputted
- Choose Record status on load – Normal or Shadowed
- Choose Marc encoding – UTF8 (Unicode)
- Choose Matching routine for the load e.g. Deliberate non-match when operator does not want the records to merge
- Choose if the records should be loaded to database subset
- In the Select Records to upload box click the Select a file button and locate the marc record on the pc
- Click Check Marc to confirm the file is ok to load a count of the resources and holdings will appear (Note if eresources are found the file should be uploaded via Eletronic resources)
- If the file is ok to upload the Upload button will become available – click the upload button – a success message will appear message will appear and a temporary row will appear in the grid for the file uploaded with a status of successfully uploaded.
- Click the Refresh button and the row will update to have a status of Loaded completely and list the number of Records Loaded
(Note this task is run on the server so if the marc file contains many records it may take some time to load completely operators are able to click upload marc multiple times) - To View the list of records uploaded right click on the record row and select View Uploaded works in file – the screen will navigate to the works uploaded tab. The works will display in a grid with information including the Bib ID – Operators can use right click menu to navigate to the record