Quick Work – Astria #
The Quick Work is a form for the creation of a brief catalogue records,
An example use would be to add a work to the system at the library counter to allow for immediate loan of material if a item had been deleted incorrectly and is found on-shelf by a borrower.
Note that Quick Works do not apply any structured workform, and so do not maintain cataloguing standards – the Enterprise parameter BibsMarkForReviewIfQuick to force all such records to be given review status. These can then be listed for cataloguer review in Work to be done.
Catalogue/Work Format – Left Hand Panel #
The Catalogue Format combo allows selection of the specific cataloguing format required – this should be determined by the library itself and reflects the MARC Leader information that will be created.
Checkboxes- Middle panel #
There are two options
- Add a holding – This enables the holding information panel at the bottom of the screen if unticked the operator can still add a new work.
- Place an Order after Save – the ‘add a holding’ checkbox must be unticked for this checkbox to activate. After you save a record and click the exit button the add a new order screen appears with the work information already inputted. This feature is currently in development the current action is just to add a work.
Work Information – Middle panel #
Title is the only required, but other information may be added as appropriate.
Note that if you have an ISBN, it is worth entering this first, and running a check against the catalogue.
Catalogue format – Display information only based on selection in left hand panel
Title – required field
Author – enter if known
Publisher – enter if known
Series – enter if known
Edition – enter if know n
ISBN and Check ISBN Button – On entry of an ISBN, the Check ISBN button will become active. Clicking the button will invoke a search of the local database and return associated bibliographic details if a match is found. and displayed in a popup on the top right
Save Work – this option allows the bibliographic details of the work to be saved – separately from any item, and therefore is only required where no item is currently associated – if you do have an item, proceed to Item/Holding.
Item/Holding – Middle panel #
Where the process is adding both work and item, then the item details must be added using the controls in the lower panel:
Item barcode – If the item has a barcode this may be scanned in here.
Call number – If the call number is known, enter it here.
Item format – Item Format is selectable from the pull-down options and should be addressed to ensure that the correct parameters are employed for the subsequent loan.
Physical location – The Physical Location is selectable from defined Locations according to the pull-down selection options – the default will always be to the defined location of the workstation performing the task.
Loan category – The loan category can also be assigned as part of the process and will default to ‘Normal loan’ (as expressed locally).
Save work and item – saves both work and item details. If either checkbox ‘Go to Loans after Save’ then the screen will change to the appropriate function.
Enterprise parameters of note
- Skeleton record – by default any item created by this process may be given a ‘skeleton’ status and trapped on return to allow the cataloguers to cross-check the details, and ensure that all headings, etc. are entered for the work. This is controlled by the parameter: SkeletonItemCheck – if this is true then the box is ticked automatically. Note you cannot set this for individual instances.