User Details – Astria #
User details is the screen to manage the information and preferences relating to a user. From this screen operators are able to search for, view, add, edit or delete a user depending on their level of access
![User Details Astria - Example](https://ait.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/User-Details-Astria-Example-1024x638.png)
Top Banner / User barcode #
From this box operators may either enter in an users barcode or search for a user by typing the users name in the box and selecting them from drop down list.
Additionally the action buttons are within this banner the information in the tabs to be remove and the user to no longer be added
- Delete – selecting this button will produce a popup asking to confirm you wish to delete the user on the screen with a yes no action button.
- Add – this option clears the screen of the current user and allow for a new user to be added to the system (note if the user details screen is opened with no user present the screen is in ‘Add mode’)
- Save – saves either changes made to existing users or a new user when adding to the system.
- Cancel – only present when adding a new user and allow
Main | Right hand side of the screen #
The main tab is present at all times on the screen and displays a range of information
- Barcode – editable
- Alias – a user self-chosen memorable id – This optional field is provided to allow users to elect to have a name element that may be used in public areas of Aurora, such as Reviews in Webopac, allowing the Reviewer to be identified by their Alias, but not their real name. This Alias may also be used by the user to login instead of their barcode, and by staff to get to user details.
- User ID – NOT Editable – (the internal Aurora user key)
- Debar Period and reason – selecting a debar reason from the drop down list enables the display of the to and from dates to be entered in connection to the Debarral reason. To remove a Debar change the debar reason to ‘Not Debarred’ and save
On/OFF buttons
- Internet approved – Indicates that the user has been approved as an Internet user and may use the library’s internet facilities.
- Digital Club – [Vision Australia specific] indicates the user’s membership of the club
- Games approved – Indicates that the user has been approved as an Internet user and may use the library’s computer gaming facilities. This applies to under-18s only.
- Email Notices – Indicates that the current user is enabled for email notices. Note that the user must have an email address to allow the record to be saved if this checkbox is selected.
- Email Loan Docket – This setting applies if the workstation is set up as having a docket printer, e.g. for a Loans desk computer. The appearance of this option in the system is controlled by an Enterprise parameter, and in combination with a specific user enablement (provided by checking this box), this then allows details of loans to be emailed to the user’s address, rather than outputting to the docket printer itself.
- Accept SMS – Indicates that the user is enabled to receive SMS messages. Note that the user must have a mobile phone number to allow the record to be saved if this checkbox is selected.
Basic Tab #
The first of the tabs provides a set of basic information regarding the users
- User category – These are defines by the system Reader, Staff, Library, Supplier, Institution, Each User type must have one user category. Selecting one of the categories limits the user types available.
- Type – The user type, these are individual to each Library and set up in the System Parameter common examples are Adult, Young adult, Junior, Early Childhood. User types can be set to age ranges and if the allow age update is in the system parameters this user type can be updated by DOB.
- Users’ Title – a free form text field
- First Name –
- Middle/Initial –
- Last Name – Required field
- Gender – drop down field with male, female, other, or ‘institution’ where gender is not appropriate. A default option may be selected in user codes.
- Date of Birth – in DD/MM/YYYY format if a DOB in the future is entered on save a User _DateOfBirth Error is presented, preventing the save. DOB can be used to allow automated change of user type according to age – e.g. where a young adult reaches their 18th birthday, to automatically adjust their type to ‘Adult’. Date of birth is indexed and can be used in reports and statistics.
- Main Language – This option allows recording of the primary language for the user – this may be used for statistics, or for provision of language materials
- Status – All user statuses are defined at a system level in Aurora – and cannot be locally redefined.
A status may be applied by selection [and save]; a status may be cleared by returning status to normal.
Many status are applied as part of other processes e.g. if enterprise parameter UserToReviewOnChangeDOB is set then if the Users DOB is changed their Staus is changed to Review by the system- Normal
- Delete – This can be used by libraries that do not give user delete permission to all operators. A User can be marked as Delete and they do not appear in regular user list searches.
- Unsubscribe
- Debbarded by Fined threshold
- Archive
- Review
- Deceased – a user can be marched as Deceased in the system
- Private
- Extra Status – The extra status options are provided to allow the library to identify a specific user characteristic, as defined by the library, which can be used as a means to select and report on. It has no system significance. The codes are set in System parameters / User Codes / XST
- Registration period – The user’s registration period is detailed here. When the user’s registration is expired, then the user is inhibited from loans, and is indicated with the date having a peach colour. In addition,
button will show to the right of the Registration period.
Clicking this button willre-register the user according to parameters set in the User Type parameters. If these are not set, then no action will be able to be taken.
- Membership acceptance – Membership acceptance date
- Mobile Number – If the user is to be enabled to receive SMS messages, their mobile number must be stored here, and the checkbox ‘Accept SMS’ must also be ticked.
- Email address – If the user is to be enabled to receive email notices, their email address must be stored here, and the checkbox ‘Accept Email’ must also be ticked.
- Suspend Notices Until – Libraries can suspend notices until a certain date for individuals. There is a ‘suspend until’ date field, and a combo to select a reason code for the suspension. This reason codes is held in the User_UserCodes parameter table, please contact AIT if additional reasons are to be set.
Addresses Tab #
The Addresses tab holds information on all addresses recorded for a user, and allows Identification of the default address, using the Address focus check box
![user details - address tab - Astria](https://ait.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/user-details-address-tab-Astria-1024x793.png)
Address Types #
A user record may have multiple addresses, and these can be added and saved as required. However most users will only have a Main address.
Address focus #
The Address focus panel selections allow the library to determine the current address for the user, i.e. the address to display on the user details Basic tab, and to be used for printed notices, with the use of the address focus check box when the specific Address type is also selected. – this feature is currently in development
Address details #
For each address the following elements may be recorded:
- Additional element (e.g. Unit 1 in a numbered house)
- House number:
- Street
- Suburb/City
- State
- Country
- Postcode
- Phone no.
- Fax no.
Note that Mobile phone number and email address are not associated with a specific address and are entered on the Basic tab.
Settings Tab #
![user details - settings tab - Astria](https://ait.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/user-details-settings-tab-Astria-1024x616.png)
The Settings tab contains details of the user in regard to their institution, their home library, and personal circumstance details.
Settings – (Left hand Panel) #
- User Institution – The User Institution control will normally only have one choice.
- Home Library – Users always have a Home Library (Branch) with which they are associated. Any reservations will be default be collected at the home library. The choices are determined according to pre-set library parameters.
- Reading level – Each user may be associated with a reading level – broadly equivalent to the bibliographic reading levels defined in MARC21. Reading levels are used in profile matching to ensure that titles selected are of the appropriate level for the reader. Choices are pre-set in the library’s parameters; additional codes may be set – please contact AIT if this may be required.
- Authorisation level – This setting determines the user’s authorisation level – that is the privilege they have to be able to see documents, and parts of documents through the Aurora system. The levels are pre-set in parameters and may be absent.
- Disability – A special encoding allows for a user’s specific disability to be recorded (primarily for the use of Libraries for the Blind).
- Residence – The residence field is designed to hold an indication of the user’s residence characteristics, and is primarily used in Libraries for the Blind, e.g. to denote if the user is in care, hospice, etc. It may however also be used to record user residency/non-residency for statistical purposes and many user reports can be pulled using this setting.
- Employment status – An employment status indicator may optionally be set for a user. There are settings which allow indication of work area (e.g. to identify non-residents who work in library areas)
Profile – (Right hand panel) #
The Profile tab allows the setting of specific preferences related to the quality of materials – e.g. to determine acceptability or otherwise of material.
These settings may be reflected in bibliographic details for works , and then used in Libraries for the Blind and Homebound operations.
All elements to do with the user’s preferences with regard to generic book types are recorded here (but note that SIC requirements are handled under Profile allocations), allowing you to record here if the user has a distinct preference FOR or AGAINST any of the prescribed settings. If they have no preference, leave the setting as ‘Don’t care’ and no action will be taken to match this preference in the automatic allocations processes
- sexual content – Options = ‘Don’t care’ – ‘Must Not be……’ – ‘Must be……’
- coarse language – Options = ‘Don’t care’ – ‘Must Not be……’ – ‘Must be……’
- short books – Options = ‘Don’t care’ – ‘Must Not be……’ – ‘Must be……’
- long books – Options = ‘Don’t care’ – ‘Must Not be……’ – ‘Must be……’
- male narrator (for audio) – Options = ‘Don’t care’ – ‘Must Not be……’ – ‘Must be……’
- female narrator (for audio) – Options = ‘Don’t care’ – ‘Must Not be……’ – ‘Must be……’
- violent content – Options = ‘Don’t care’ – ‘Must Not be……’ – ‘Must be……’
- accented narrator (for audio) – Options = ‘Don’t care’ – ‘Must Not be……’ – ‘Must be……’
- Synthetic speech – Options = ‘Don’t care’ – ‘Must Not be……’ – ‘Must be……’
Security Tab #
The Security tab displays the user’s privacy settings,
Eight on/off buttons are provided for determining the privacy elements for a user:
- No Restrictions – this checkbox clears the following three and removes any restrictions applied. This must be saved to have effect
- No Marketing information – this setting means that the user does not want any promotional material from the library it-self
- No information to other organisations – this sets a flag to identify that the user details must not be made available externally.
- No email reminders – allows the user to set it so that they do not receive reminders that items are about to become overdue.
- Hide date of birth on OPAC – this option is provided to allow the user to set their birthdate as hidden in OPAC, and so cannot be seen over their shoulder in a public environment, when that user is examining their own details.
- No Telemessage calls – this allows the library to set (manually) a flag to suspend telemessage calls, e.g. if following feedback from the telemessage service. If this is set, this will immediately show the flag as a flash above the tabs.
- No previous loans – this setting inhibits the recording of this specific user’s previous loan history. It does not prevent recording of transaction details for all loans and renewals.
- No Promotions & Offers – This is Similar to No Marketing Information and can be used by libraries in creating user lists based on privacy settings
Password/PIN #
In order to encourage greater security, operators are no longer able to Set/Reset a user password/pin.
A user may Set/Reset their password via Montage with the forgot your login details feature?
Using the email address detailed in user details.
![montage login - forgot password](https://ait.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/montage-login-forgot-password.png)
Notices Tab #
The Notices tab provides options to review the notices (Overdues and Reservation notices) that have been sent to the user, and provides some verification of the process, allowing action to be taken if there are errors.
The screen initially shows the communication methods, and panels for the detail of any notices that have been produced:
This panel will display (where appropriate) the recorded for the user. Note that if the element does not match the expected format (e.g. correct number of digits for a phone number, or correct formulation of an email address) then the offending element will be highlighted in red.
![User Details - Notices Tab - Astria](https://ait.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/User-Details-Notices-Tab-Astria-1024x604.png)
Show notices #
- A single command button is provided: Notices
When this is clicked, any notices that have been sent to this user will be listed. Both types of notices will be shown.
The notice details are displayed in two panels:
- Notice documents – this shows the actual notice itself
- Notice lines – this shows the specific detail contained in the notice
When a notice is selected in Notice documents, it will be flagged with a Notice symbol , and this symbol will also be shown in the Notice lines panel, indicating the items referred to in the notice.
Viewing the actual notice #
The Notices tab gives the brief details of the notice – showing that it was sent and what it covers.
Your library has options to record the full notice that has been sent: there are three Enterprise parameters: UserCallNotices, UserCallNoticesEmail and UserCallNoticesPost, and if these are set, then the actual notice can be seen in the User Calls display.
History #
![User details - History tab - Astria](https://ait.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/User-details-History-tab-Astria-1024x633.png)
The history tab allows the viewing of specific changes related to the user details.
To View the History of the changes
- Select one of the three date ranges with the radio buttons e.g. all, Last Month, Last year
- Select or deselect the on/off switch to show only results that have comments.
- Click the show history button to run the search and show the history.
Relations #
The Relations tab allows the recording of any family or custodial relationship between users.
Recording a family relationship provides for a dynamic linking of the user records in the family, allowing loans of related users to be displayed in a single screen and thus renewed together.
![User Details Astria - Relationship](https://ait.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/User-Details-Astria-Relationship-1024x631.png)
Searching for a Relate user #
By either entering a users barcode or searching via name a user is able to be selected within this box to create relationship to the Current User Details
Relationship #
Selecting a Relationship determines the type of relationship the ‘Related User’ Has to the active user in User details.
- Parent
- Partner
- Sibling
- Child
- Carer
- Guarantor
Saving the relationship #
Selecting the Create Relationship button saves the relationship to the Table, if successful the relationship will be displayed and a successful message will appear on the top right of the screen.
Deleting a Relationship. #
- Select the name from the relationship tree you wish to delete (note this cannot be the user selected in user details)
- click the Delete Bin button next to the users name in the table
- Accept the Pop Up question confirming the deleting the relationship
Auxiliary #
This Tab is still in development